What would Fallout mean for your home town ?

...Would anyone ever bother attacking Australia? I mean, shit, aside from a token effort in Iraq, and humiliating visiting Cricket sides, we're a notoriously Inoffensive Country :D
Actually, Australians proved their worth to the British Commonwealth in WWI and II, in both Europe and North Africa, and if you didn't know they also contributed to the American war effort in Japan, meaning they have a reputation for being good fighters...not to mention statistically the States have enough bombs to destroy the WORLD times over...meaning that they could fire a couple extra at you if they wanted and barely see their stockpile decrease, but hell they might not fire nukes and just let people there starve in a mad Maxish world, as for my great citadel, Lindsgrad, id say kaputsky...Canada sucks for defense or fallout protection...
well, if there is gonna be a fallout, the second place it'll reach is estonia, because it surely starts from russia..:P, and it's probably my duty to save estonia and kill the posessed president and stuff, since there aren't many people in estonia that really play fallout(the game)...so i am one of the few trained for that kind of disaster :P:P
ComradeDTA, if you want to start anti-American rants, may I suggest General Discussion? Such topics are far from taboo, more than one person here enjoys debating such things. Rather, this isn't the forum for it.
ah, sorry friend didn't mean to offend you, I have been persecuted for simular BS i posted so again, all the power to you, I changed it, no anti-american agitprop ok?
Fallout for Chicago would destroy all my acces to the internet, meaning that I don't have to hear from Comrade and his ilk, and more likely then not that Comrade is a bunch of floating half-atoms within seconds.
To each his own, I have a fallout shelter (small room with bucket of lead paint) so whos floating atoms now? :D


considering that im in between the four strikes around Port Hueneme and the clusterfuck known as Los Angeles, Id say that Id be spending the rest of my existance as a shadow blasted onto a brick wall.

god doesnt los angeles get FUCKED in this projected scenario? I mean really, if there are that many strikes, I dont think other countries HAVE that many WMDs, meaning that the US Govt would be bombing LA.

I think i'm going to top every single one of you... unless you live near me

I live near Hanford, and not so far away there is a Chemical plant, and now they are building a VIT plant for disarming nuclear/chemical warfare devices....

If a bomb went off even remotely to where i live i'd be smoke before the sh|t fell out of my a$$.
Well I know my home state of Rhode Island would be vaporized and I would be an atomized shadow on some wall... But if this occurs anytime soon, I will still be in Dominica, far and safe from the Nuclear holocaust that will eat the First World Alive, thus making us third world nations the NEw POWER!!!!

So much for Vault suits.

But in the meantime you call can shop for survival gear, I hear tell on a site, www.cheaperthandirt.com You can get all sorts of military surplus, even a modern day RAD-X Tablet...

Its called PRO-KI

Hell, even as we speak I am gathering ammo, food stuff and defensive weaponary to keep my ass safe during the big one. :P

But take a look at the site, it has a lot of cool moderately priced goods.
I'd be pretty safe. I live in the middle of the App. mountains, so maybe the closest target would be Asheville, and I doubt anyone would care about nuking them.
Or perhaps a secret base to the northwest?

I knew Klamath was a real city. I used to live near there.
You assholes annexed Canada so I'm stuck getting my hometown nuked. In the 70's, Calgary expirienced a Oil boom due to the 1973 Oil embargo by Opec. The city grew from 410,000 in 1972 to 620,000 in 1982. Assumming this is the Fallout universe, I guess I can expect that oil boom to be even bigger with more gas-gusling 50's cars in the USA, So I guess by 2077 there would be about 9 or 10 million people living here. So yeah, I think it would be worth it sending a few nukes my way.
Morpoggel said:
I live in Holland... I wonder what happened with my little ol' country in the FO Universe...

hmm, well, if the nukes caused the poles to melt...experts say that if the poles melt the sealevel will increase by 100 meters...
Well, I think I'd be relatively safe. I live in Beaverton, Oregon. Don't really know what anyone would gain by bombing this place. Unless some foreign power, really, REALLY, felt like offing Rowdy Roddy Piper.