80 grand? Depends.
Did I find it lying on the side of the road or some odd place? I wouldn't touch the shit. Could be a ransom drop, a payoff to a hitman, drug money dropoff... you get the idea.
Did I find it in the mailbox? First off who the fuck would give me 80 grand out of nowhere? Could be another illegitimate drop, with a mistaken address. Could also be someone trying to temporarily hide illicit funds (would have to be a total moron to do that tho, wouldn't they) could also be someone "doing me a favor, thus I am expected to do some kind of damn favor for them". Could be counterfeit dough and someone just dumped it.
Did it magically appear under my damn pillow? Now THAT one is stupid. Even so, the money had to come from somewhere. Serial numbers on cash, which the government seems to keep track of, don't just magically appear from nowhere. Which means no matter what, I can't do shit with it without getting busted for the weirdest robbery of the century.
Did I earn it? Yeah right, me earn 80,000 bucks. I fucking wish.