What's next in US foreign policy?

Re: Purposely Vague

4too said:
Purposely Vague

... Bush should be president. ....

Kerry was the "bad" liar.

Bush was the "good" liar.


So there you have it folks! Like in any mass-produced entertainment its who looks best that wins and not who means best! They both lie, but one "looked" good.

I wish you were wrong 4too. By the way thanks for being so involved in all these political thread's and doing such a good job of it.

The Vault Dweller
I would say:
Sad but true, 4too.

I would have voted for Kerry 'cause I'm a friend of his policy and Bush make me sick.

But Kerry isn't a very sympahtic guy, I've seen a lot of democrats making a way better first impression to me :o

I always thought that election was more about moral values and the persons of the candidates and less about their political programms... :(
Maybe democrats should have nominated another candidate

btw.: does the word "sympahtic " exist in English?
Bush looks dumber tho.

Kerry shouldn't have tried to look sympathic. That was so NOT him and everybody noticed.
kerry should have worn a paper bag over his head when in public :wink: just kidding really.............i think i said this already in another page but here it is again, the demoncrats made a mistake in electing a hardcore liberal to run for president. to most of middle America liberalism is distasteful, and even though alot of middle America might not agree with bush it wasn't enough to vote for a hanky stoping liberal. morals are becoming popular again , kerry lost the demoncrats the election because he wont stand by his. bush while mabe doing a little "flip flopping" on international policy, stood fast in belief that he was doing the right things. kerry wouldn't give a straight answer on just about anything, he is known to have used "its all on our website" as a reply to questions on policy regarding things like health care.

o yea as for whats next in US world policy?
we can only speculate.
Relative to European politics he is more of a conservative. In American politics however, he does have a fairly liberal voting record.

Or course, anyone who says he is the most liberal senator has fallen prey to the Republican Mudslinging Machine. If you were to apply the same criteria to the rest of the senate that Kerry was taken to task on they would all be liberal.

This is coming from a guy who voted for Paul Wellstone.
Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time

There was a moment in time when "liberalism" had - a - moral high ground. Democrats were the champions of the Bill Of Rights, well maybe not all the Dixie-crats , but all were champions of the government programs that were spawned during the Great Depression of the 1930's.

These days it's the ISM attached to "liberal" that is out of fashion, and worse it's tainted by the bureaucratization, and eventual stagnation of the social programs that were necessary at one time to rebuild the nation after the failure of, the reputed laissez-faire, conservatism.

In it's historical context, The Bill Of Rights and the United States Constitution were "liberal" documents. The protection of individual liberties will always be a "liberal" cause, because those in control, those in power will always strive to "conserve" the status quo.

Consider that "liberals" could regain the legitimacy of their label if they could be "seen' as the champions of the individual against an indifferent or malicious government, an exploitive or malicious corporation, or a tyrannical and malicious majority.

I always thought "liberal" became a dirty word because something needed to fill the void the word "communist" left. There's two types of liberals: the type that are a basic catch-all term for anybody someone percieves as a problem to the country, and the type that don't want to see the country become an Orwellian police state and try to preserve personal freedom.
He was a pretty hardcroe liberal.
He was against legalising gay marriage, for Christ's sake. Kerry was no hardcore liberal, he tried to appeal to the masses as much as he could, and adjusted his programme as such. Filthy bullshit American politics.
Sander said:
He was a pretty hardcroe liberal.
He was against legalising gay marriage, for Christ's sake. Kerry was no hardcore liberal, he tried to appeal to the masses as much as he could, and adjusted his programme as such. Filthy bullshit American politics.

He was against gay marrige, but against the constitutional amendment, which is the basic equivilent to a abstaining vote.

He was for abortion (but against it personally- I have no idea how he thought this would work either).

He was for raising the minimum wage.

He was for raising taxes (and not across the board, on the top 2%, and that would fix everything)

I agree with several of these, but Sander, you're the one spouting the party line. I don't think Kerry was the most liberal guy in the Senate, but damn, he was pretty close. Terrible candidate.
That's your definition of "hardcore liberal"? That's one fucked up definitoin, CCR. I mean, raising taxes for the top 2% isn't hardcore liberal, raising taxes across the board, and scaled at that, is hardcore liberal. Pft.
We need a President of the people, from the people, for the people. Damnit where is a King Arthur when you need one?!

I'm going to go curl up in a corner and pretend I live in another realm now...ta ta.
After the current presidency ANY president will be hailed as a hero. Thats the one good thing.

Bad news...I was talking to an acquaintance at work today who had just driven his friend home from an airport. The friend had just come back from Iraq after recieving a medal...apparently he was chasing a man somewhere in the slums who was armed and hid in a house. When he kicked open the door he couldnt help, but close his eyes in fear as he sprayed lead...when he opened them he not only killed the man (who was armed heavily), but also a woman and two children.

I suppose they sent him home to alleviate any psychological problems he might experience. I must say my heart goes out to him. I hope he gets over it, though I admit thats just wishful thinking. I would have done the same in his situation.

The Vault Dweller