What's next in US foreign policy?


Oops, sorry about that. A simple typo.
Commissar Lauren said:
Well the county wide breakdown certainly is a nice contrast to CCRs world wide Onion one.
I'd like to see that mapped onto one of those population maps. The ones where each county/state is enlarged/reduced in size relative to their population.

Not because it would show that everyone loves Kerry, because they don't, but because it would show a more accurate picure of how many people voted either way, not the size of their counties.
Significance In History

Significance In History


It would be tediously autobiographical if I documented the decades.

One clear day, I was 'visited' by the significance of this moment in world history.

Unfettered by Cold War blanket condemnation

and free from the intoxicating mythologies

I -- got -- the realities of the sacrifices necessary.

4too...what the hell are you smoking?

Can't remember who said it, but if the US ever invaded Antarctica, would anyone really care? I mean, c'mon, the big army of democracy kills a few penguins and declares antarctica liberated from the buttler menace and the world gives a damn? I don't think the world even cares that Puerto Rico is still under US control, much less the soverign right of a few penguins and seals. Sorry, I just found it humorous to point out the insanely ridiculous situation.

Canada...does the US really want it? There are more towels there than people. I mean, living in North Dakota, I already could relate to my Canadian cousins. Plus, they're the nicest people you'll ever know. Who would ever want to kick the ass of your jolly ole' neighbor? And we have to have someone around to blame whenever we fuck up. *sings "Blame Canada"*
Paladin Solo said:
Can't remember who said it, but if the US ever invaded Antarctica, would anyone really care? I mean, c'mon, the big army of democracy kills a few penguins and declares antarctica liberated from the buttler menace and the world gives a damn?
You may be surprised Solo. After all, why would everyone have wasted their time signing those expensive treaties, just to let the US take control?
Canada...does the US really want it? There are more towels there than people.
Er... I'm sure that's true of most countries.
There's also more oil there (in the form of Tar/Oil sands) than in any other country in the world (I think, though I could be mistaken). You may not need to invade though, if it gets to a point where oil is that scarce (and still in use as it is today) then the Canucks may want your protection.
Big_T_UK said:
Commissar Lauren said:
Well the county wide breakdown certainly is a nice contrast to CCRs world wide Onion one.
I'd like to see that mapped onto one of those population maps. The ones where each county/state is enlarged/reduced in size relative to their population.

Not because it would show that everyone loves Kerry, because they don't, but because it would show a more accurate picure of how many people voted either way, not the size of their counties.

Thanks Tone, I'd had a look for one before (or even just one of the States that I could colour in myself) but I couldn't find one. To be fair though, I didn't look for that long.

Makes it slightly more obvious what the political makeup is.

EDIT- The county version is just a mess:
Can't remember who said it, but if the US ever invaded Antarctica, would anyone really care?

Well sure. There might be stuff in Antartica. Can't let the Americans have all the stuff.
Gosh I hope the Canadians have more towels than people.

Just to check, I counted that towels outnumber people in my house by a factor of about 6 to one. But that doesn't count hand towels or kitchen towels.

Ok, a couple of things-
(1) the US already has Canada. We just didn't advertise it in the usual ways and we didn't tell the Canadians yet. One day they may actually come out and say they are independent, but talk is cheap.

(2) Antarctica- you are aware that it's a big ice cube that is currently melting, right? Actually Antarctic is basically a "no exploit" zone, although all countries have claims of sovereignty with a treaty system that basically says that (1) no one will act on those claims, and (2) they will abide by the dictates of the international system.

But besides extra-terrestial aliens under tons of ice, who wants it? Emperor penquins are kind of cute, but you don't want one of those things pissed off at you. People have nightmares about pissed off penquins waddling after them.

What is the point of this discussion? It's being dominated by conservative republican types, who really don't need logic, just faith. Is it any wonder it's confusing.

Hey Tone, here's a policy statement. "Jesus!"

But does that mean, "We'll do what Jesus would have wanted."

Or "Jesus did we fuck that up!"
welsh said:
What is the point of this discussion? It's being dominated by conservative republican types, who really don't need logic, just faith.

Yes, we all know every single idealogical conservative is a religious fundimental incapable of reason or thought out response. Its amazing they havn't already been wiped off the face of the Earth by the vastly superior liberal ideology. Probably because they breed so quickly and tend to dominate the more powerful nations of the world.

Ah well, one can dream.
welsh said:
What is the point of this discussion? It's being dominated by conservative republican types, who really don't need logic, just faith. Is it any wonder it's confusing.
I thought you were trying to be less jaded Welsh. That's not a good start.
Commissar Lauren said:
welsh said:
What is the point of this discussion? It's being dominated by conservative republican types, who really don't need logic, just faith.

Yes, we all know every single idealogical conservative is a religious fundimental incapable of reason or thought out response. Its amazing they havn't already been wiped off the face of the Earth by the vastly superior liberal ideology. Probably because they breed so quickly and tend to dominate the more powerful nations of the world.

Well, let's look at the IQ's again Lauren. How much faith do you need? In God, in Bush, in the Presidency? How often do you need to be lied to or manipulated or just plain screwed?

A million ideological conservatives decide to jump off a brige and vote George Bush, don't expect me to follow.

The difference in this administration seems to be one that is wearing to wear it's religion on it's sleeves and leave it to faith. Another that is willing to look at problems and respond to them intelligently.

Oh and besides, I have heard that it's the conservatives that breed more and have produce more offspring.

Ah well, one can dream.

Why dream when rage is so much more fun.

Big_T_UK said:
welsh said:
What is the point of this discussion? It's being dominated by conservative republican types, who really don't need logic, just faith. Is it any wonder it's confusing.
I thought you were trying to be less jaded Welsh. That's not a good start.

Fuck jaded. I cynical and distrusting. W said he's going to try to earn my trust. Well, he ain't doing it. Or is that just him Flip Flopping with the truth again.

Look, it's quite simple. Since the election the republicans have been able to gloat. We know who's who and some posters are better than others.

I am waiting to hear one person give me a good reason why I should have voted for George Bush. So far I haven't heard it. The lesson then is that to win an election you need to -
(1) Smear a person's record
(2) launch personal attacks
(3) lie
(4) Scare people
(5) buy out the christians
(6) set up a culture war.

That doesn't jell for me. Maybe because I like the idea of living in a country were intelligent people can have a constructive debate about issues and maybe someone can prove me why their candidate was the better sale.

I didn't hire the fucker, you guys did. ANd based on the past four years I expect him to continue fucking up the country. So what the hell did you hire him for? Is it his fault for being a dumbass or yours for hiring him.

And so far I am still wondering if you have been snorting as much coke as W did? If not, then at least he has an excuse for being a dumb ass.

Jaded? Am I jaded? Fuck that. I'm pissed off.
Well Im quite surprised to see the intelligent, reserved Welsh resort to cussing...however I feel its been bottled up so long he's gotta get it out before he explodes.

Way to go Welsh, I just hope you feel better when your done. It had to happen sometime...I succumbed earlier and got angry when I asked about "religion and the pro-Bush voter" so Im done. Let it all out...in fact here's a life-size plastic blow up of a rural white religious male American to do what you want with. I'll leave the room now.

(leaves quickly),
The Vault Dweller
welsh said:
the US already has Canada. We just didn't advertise it in the usual ways and we didn't tell the Canadians yet.

Economically, yes. Politically, no.

As for your last post Welsh, I totally agree with you. The reason Bush won was because of electoral practices that were even shadier than a typical American federal election, and the democrats weren't on the offensive enough.
Indeed Clarence Darrow used to say that the English language just didn't have enough good words. Also the reason why curse words are often protected under the first amendment- good emotion counts too.

Yes, I feel better, thank you.

But I am still waiting to hear a good argument why Bush should be president. Bradylama, I can understand you don't like Kerry, but really- you need more to your argument than that.