What's next in US foreign policy?

If America interfered with Antarctica, which is mostly protected by Australia, then the Greens would go for them and there would be an international outcry. It is very unlikely anyway, because they already have Alaska to screw up. Canada is closer as well (although they might not take too kindly to being annexed).

Jebus said:
The European economie won't grow because of the cheaper labour available in the Eastern states.

I must not have been clear enough. I think that the economy will be slowed by taking in the Eastern nations, but at least cheaper wages my stimulate foreign investment and bring them up to par.

Why would we need Turkey for that? 750 million people live here already. Or are the Turks more militaristic somehow, perhaps?

They have a massive population which could provide more professional soldiers for a standing army. A Turkish friend of mine was telling me how difficult it was to get into university and higher education. I know it is intensely competitive in Europe as well, but I would assume your average Belgian citizen would have a higher chance of gaining higher-paying employment than a Turkish one. The higher population and economic status would thus lead to a larger army.

We don't need massive armies anymore. America doesn't need such a large one. But they have one. The need for a sense of security will always motivate people to defend themselves, even if it is in a preventative way. It may be irrational, but its there. Economic power is what is really important now, but even that is linked to defense, with arms manufacturers forming a vital part of many economies.

I think that the structure of the caste system will not be that much of a barrier for economic growth and that the dollar will win. Tradition will not be abandoned, but the elite who controls things will be more interested in gaining profit and keeping people happy. Social class is becoming much less important all the time.

First of all, present day China is about as communistic as my left shoe.
Secondly, China already is an economical superpower, and will most likely become as powerfull as the USA in the near future. They might even reach the level of the EU within ten to fifteen years...

What is communism then? It is what they call themselves. I think that they still suffer from too much government corruption and interference currently, to overtake the US, but they can set up the apparatus for democracy and free market capitalism, and slow and steadily become the most powerful economic bloc.

From then on, your post becomes quite irrational indeed.

Only mostly. The US will have to get closer to South America if it is to compete with the rest of the world. Russia will still have the problems with government, the fact that it is so huge and that many of the Islamic groups will either want to secede from the federation, or else just stay and continue fighting.

This is a super-optimistic theory based on the the premise that greed and understanding will win out over stupidity and selfishness. Maybe a contradiction in terms, but you have to have hope. Less optimistic theories could be much shorter.

It is also clear that I know next to nothing about economics and am assuming allot of things.
quietfanatic said:
Jebus said:
The European economie won't grow because of the cheaper labour available in the Eastern states.
I must not have been clear enough. I think that the economy will be slowed by taking in the Eastern nations, but at least cheaper wages my stimulate foreign investment and bring them up to par.

Yes, but where will those foreign investmensts come from? Indeed, from the Western nations. Which means that jobs will be lost in those nations, and economic growth there will falter, in favor of the Eastern nations. Therefore, in the first decade (? - could be more, could be less) the economy of the EU as a whole will not grow. Only the economy of the Eastern nations will, but that gain will be nulled by the economical 'decline' in the Western states. And, only when the wealth has in the end finally been completely divided, then the EU as a whole can move forward again.

Why would we need Turkey for that? 750 million people live here already. Or are the Turks more militaristic somehow, perhaps?

They have a massive population which could provide more professional soldiers for a standing army. A Turkish friend of mine was telling me how difficult it was to get into university and higher education. I know it is intensely competitive in Europe as well, but I would assume your average Belgian citizen would have a higher chance of gaining higher-paying employment than a Turkish one. The higher population and economic status would thus lead to a larger army.

We don't need massive armies anymore. America doesn't need such a large one. But they have one. The need for a sense of security will always motivate people to defend themselves, even if it is in a preventative way. It may be irrational, but its there. Economic power is what is really important now, but even that is linked to defense, with arms manufacturers forming a vital part of many economies.

I... still don't get it. Are you saying that the Turkish will become cannon fodder? That the Turkish population is somehow greater than that of the Western states combined? That Turks aspire military careers more than Westeners? That the EU will keep a standing army to stimulate economic growth or lull themselves into a sense of security? That arms manufacturers will one day take over the world and gain a Nocte Prima right on all European virgins? That my hair looks bad?

I just don't get it.

I think that the structure of the caste system will not be that much of a barrier for economic growth and that the dollar will win. Tradition will not be abandoned, but the elite who controls things will be more interested in gaining profit and keeping people happy. Social class is becoming much less important all the time.

It is indeed not as much of a barrier as medieval social class-systems were, but still. In a society where not all citizens are equal for the law there will always be a glass ceiling created by lack of incentive of social ascendancy.
Do not believe the Indians will abondon their Kast system anytime soon, by the way. Pariah revolutions have happed as recent as twenty years ago, but still a vast majority of the Indian people wholeheartedly support the current system. And since the Kast beliefs are immobaly imbedded in their culture, religion and traditions, I personally believe the Kast system will most likely never wholly dissapear in Indian culture.

First of all, present day China is about as communistic as my left shoe.
Secondly, China already is an economical superpower, and will most likely become as powerfull as the USA in the near future. They might even reach the level of the EU within ten to fifteen years...

What is communism then? It is what they call themselves.

As I said, it's more fascist than communist. The state holds all the power and still controls much of the economy, albeit indirectly, and purposely steers the economy in the direction it wants it to go (ex.: olympic games). Yet, private ownership and enterprise are allowed, so China is clearly capitalistic.
Why would we need Turkey for that? 750 million people live here already. Or are the Turks more militaristic somehow, perhaps?
What are you, high? If Turkey continues on it's current economic upward path, combined with it's upward mobility of population growth.

And yes, it's a militant country. It's been a 'military democracy' for 80 years. The entire old ruling class' power is based on the massive military.

If it joins by 2015 it would probably be as much the military heartland of the EU as the south is for the USA.

EDIT: Wow, Jebus is da double post king!
I do believe that the abolishment of this military democracy is one of the many things EU wants Turkey to change in order to get an induction date (if ever).
Lord Powerslave said:
I do believe that the abolishment of this military democracy is one of the many things EU wants Turkey to change in order to get an induction date (if ever).
Yepidie. And Erdorgan and the moderate Islamists of the AKP are ushering in a new post-militiary age of Turkish democracy. Really quite something.

Tell me, oh mr. Greek Nationalist, are Turkish-Hellanic relations still good after the help-Izmir -after-earthquake-first-the-Greeks thingy?
No, it's true, the Greeks where the first to land to help an earthquake in Smyna/Izmir, the Turks the first to respond to one in Athens.
quietfanatic said:
Canada is closer as well (although they might not take too kindly to being annexed).

Your god damn right we wouldn't take kindly! :)

For us, we keep seeing the USA let it conservatism get the better of it and we're up here sitting pretty with our free health care and more caring society. We get bullied enough politically and economically as it is without you guys coming up here and telling us that we can't have all the government funded things that we used to and have to live in a society where the gap between the rich and poor is now suddenly huge.

If the USA ever did try to annex Canada though, out only hope to rescued would be the UN. Unfortunately, I live in the part of the country that has the oil, which would be the first area that the USA would go for. :(
Puh-leazze. Alberta is as American as apple pie. All of Alberta would welcome they're American Liberators. All save you, traitor.
calculon00 said:
we're up here sitting pretty with our free health care and more caring society...

Your wishy washy weak socialist country brings a tear to this grizzled political officers eye. Well done my Canadian comrade.

EDIT:Fixed an alarming continuity issue caused by an apparent rift in space and time between Virginia and Alberta.
Commissar Lauren said:
calculon00 said:
we're up here sitting pretty with our free health care and more caring society...

Your wishy washy weak socialist country brings a tear to this grizzled political officers eye. Well done my Canadian comrade.

I'm going to assume that that was a compliment and say "yay!"

ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Puh-leazze. Alberta is as American as apple pie. All of Alberta would welcome they're American Liberators. All save you, traitor.

Please, the Canadian right is to the left of American left. Democrats would never want to endorse a welfare state with socialized health care and 45% income tax. Sure Kerry tried something similar, but he's the first democrat I've seen openly advocating socialized health care. To be fair, the premier of Alberta is trying to privatize health care, but there is a lot of resistance to the idea (Myself included). You are right about one thing though, Alberta would be a lot less resistant to annexation than the rest of Canada because be keep getting the shaft from the Canadain Government.

So in your sig, either Alberta should be blue or the states that voted Democrat should be.

Some things should simply not be privately owned and operated, Health care and Education are big examples.
Please, the Canadian right is to the left of American left. Democrats would never want to endorse a welfare state with socialized health care and 45% income tax.
Again, the fundmental misunderstanding of American poitics at the core of so many online debates.

The Democratic Party is a massive party. So massive, in fact, that it inludes Democratic Socialists, Massive lying Michigan asswipes, Centrists, Conservatives and....well......a lot.
calculon00 said:
quietfanatic said:
Canada is closer as well (although they might not take too kindly to being annexed).

Your god damn right we wouldn't take kindly! :)

For us, we keep seeing the USA let it conservatism get the better of it and we're up here sitting pretty with our free health care and more caring society. We get bullied enough politically and economically as it is without you guys coming up here and telling us that we can't have all the government funded things that we used to and have to live in a society where the gap between the rich and poor is now suddenly huge.

If the USA ever did try to annex Canada though, out only hope to rescued would be the UN. Unfortunately, I live in the part of the country that has the oil, which would be the first area that the USA would go for. :(

You know, there were several girls from Canada in some of my business classes and they said that the free health care up there sucked. One of them got food poisoning while on a volleyball trip and had to go to a hospital and she thought it was way better here.

Additionally, being in the military with free health care for me and then my wife who goes to regular hospitals in the community (which in the end it is free because Tricare pays for it), I'd much rather go to regular hospitals even if I had to pay a little. It takes me weeks to get a routine appointment, my wife can get it in one day.

Free health care means people go in for every little knick and scratch. There's nothing like the numerous times I've had to sit 3 hours at William Beaumont Army Hospital with sick kids because they get triaged the same as the guy who has a hang nail and the woman who wants to get free medicine for her slight menstrual cramps rather than paying $3 for some Midol at the store-what does she have to lose, she brought a book.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
...Massive lying Michigan asswipes...

I knew one of those once. Now he works at a Bob Evans and steals donuts from the homeless.

I wish he was dead.

Also, nice sig Capone. That the Sean Hannity one?
«ºTone Caponeº» said:
You know, there were several girls from Canada in some of my business classes and they said that the free health care up there sucked. One of them got food poisoning while on a volleyball trip and had to go to a hospital and she thought it was way better here.

Additionally, being in the military with free health care for me and then my wife who goes to regular hospitals in the community (which in the end it is free because Tricare pays for it), I'd much rather go to regular hospitals even if I had to pay a little. It takes me weeks to get a routine appointment, my wife can get it in one day.

Free health care means people go in for every little knick and scratch. There's nothing like the numerous times I've had to sit 3 hours at William Beaumont Army Hospital with sick kids because they get triaged the same as the guy who has a hang nail and the woman who wants to get free medicine for her slight menstrual cramps rather than paying $3 for some Midol at the store-what does she have to lose, she brought a book.

Well, I'm not saying that the current state of Canadian health care doesn't need some improvement, but that's only because the federal government, who originally promised to fund it 50/50 with the provinces, has skimped out so now the province pays 75% of the bill. All it needs is proper funding. My point is that the insurance industry in the USA, because it is privately owned, has made Health Care unaffordable to the poorest people because it is profitable to do so. All nationalizing an industry like health care does is reduce the gap between the rich and poor, but maybe that isn't a big of a goal in the USA than it is in Canada. (And certainly not with a certain president I could mention)

And abuse of the system isn't common up here because we do have to pay for drugs and sometimes abulance rides.

I guess it depends on the values of the people in that country.

Commissar Lauren said:
Also, nice sig Capone. That the Sean Hannity one?

I too like that picture.

ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Again, the fundmental misunderstanding of American poitics at the core of so many online debates.

The Democratic Party is a massive party. So massive, in fact, that it inludes Democratic Socialists, Massive lying Michigan asswipes, Centrists, Conservatives and....well......a lot.
My point is that even though Alberta has the most conservative government in Canada, it's still left by American standards.
Well the county wide breakdown certainly is a nice contrast to CCRs world wide Onion one.

You could always change it to the Hammer and Sickle going up over the Reichstagg. That always makes me feel better.
Commissar Lauren said:
Well the county wide breakdown certainly is a nice contrast to CCRs world wide Onion one.

You could always change it to the Hammer and Sickle going up over the Reichstagg. That always makes me feel better.

That was one G too many there.