What's your Occupation?


Well what do you all do when your not posting here at N.M.A.

At the moment I am working for a I.T company as a Business Development Manager selling all sorts of different PC products. I also have a business on the side where I import and sell construction machinery I just signed a deal last month with a large construction company to supply them with their machinery which is worth a shit load of cash so I am really happy about it.
Also I am looking into getting storm grates but at the moment I am just checking out the products and prices first before I go ahead.

Anyway enough about me what do you all do for a living or what are you planing for the future?
Currently a Graphic Pre Press/Graphic Desinger/Mac Operator. It's similar to graphic design, where I have to fix documents and the like before they go to print at a printer. I then design a layout for documents to be laid on plates for a sheetfed Heidelberg Printing Press.
i've already graduated but doing an extra master's degree in IT Management. (aka slacking off while living off my parents)

@ Silencer: SAP = pure evil. did you have to sign your contract in blood?
I study Computer Science at the Eindhoven University of Technology and have a part-time job at a marketing company (more or less) which works for 'high-tech' companies.
Currently studying Sociology profiled for organizations and personel at Uppsala University, Sweden, and will probably continue on the whole HR program.

Working in HR seems like the optimal occupation for me. Little work required for good chances on the green stuff. Plus I may get to fire people, or motivate the peons of an organization with a ping pong table in the cafeteria if they behave.
SuAside: Yes. Also kiss the 6.66 Ghz server in the power outlet and dance naked around campfires made solely out of chipsets.

Serifan: Did you know questions usually end with question marks? :>
I'm studying History & Archaeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. And, as always, I'm in search of a part-time job, hopefully at a Greek gaming magazine I've been in contact with for quite some time now.
I'm an IT guy for a mid sized law firm in Toronto. Usual IT shit - user support and training, network maintenance, worker harassment etc. currently, I'm finishing my BA in History at York, while planing to obtain an MBA degree later on.
At the moment, still an undergrad student. I'm going to be graduating from Northwestern in June with a BS in Communication Studies and a BS in History (just to spite Jebus!). For the past 2 years, during summer and winter breaks, I've worked full time for an Options trading firm in Chicago and Tokyo. There I've been mostly doing repetitive MS Excel stuff, but I also had the chance to be an assistant trader (working order and risk management stuff).

What am I going to be doing after I graduate? Right now, it's very unclear. While it might be a great opportunity to continue working at the Options trading place, it's hard for me to imagine it as a constant place to work. It seems it would really take a toll on my nerves, plus I would have to adjust to working mostly at night.

Right now I'm researching several Advertising/Media/Marketing companies around the Chicago-land area for their entry level positions. Seems like the type thing that would interest me but it doesn't look too glamorous on the pay-check side of things.

Alternately, I can just work for my dad's construction company. Boy would that be a kick in the nuts for him: "Thanks for paying for my education dad, but I think I'm just going to do something I could have done even before finishing high school."

EDIT: Similar thread from 2005 for those interested.
I've been working the past 3 years for local stores. I'm currently working at a grocery store where I've been over 2 years.

I've been going to college the past 4 years. I got my Associates Degree in the Biological Sciences last year and this year I'm going to a University for my Bachelors.

Basically I'll be going to school and working for the next two years at least until I get done with my education. Having over 50 hours of work between school and a job doesnt leave much room for error, but I'm used to it since I've been doing both for over 3 years.

Also I think even that's easier than getting a major even if you dont work at all and are just going to school.

I'm amazed by all of you.

The Vault Dweller
Alright, I'll play this silly little game.

I Crew Chinook Helicopters for the US Army.. have for 4 years now and am currently gearing up for my second tour in iraq.

As for any plans when i get out, I'm still not sure what i want to be when i grow up.
Serifan: Did you know questions usually end with question marks? :>

And it should read "What's your occupation?" Rather than "Whats", because it is short for "what is"...
I'm a professional craps player but I'm also an student athelete on the side and I make beer money being a security gurad at ritsy golf club.
Im a student. Im studying political science (and some communications )
Its very interesting and fun but i think it will be hard to acctually get a job when im done. But its never bad to have some education.

If that plan totaly fails im trying to be a pro poker player :wink: I have won a few thousands so far :lalala:
Full-time sales representive for a local computer company with a half-drop diploma in graphic design while trying to buy a new comp, make some good art and use them as my ticket to join Lucasfilm in Singapore. Oh the joy... :lol:
I'm just finishing up with college (thats between secondary school (12-16) and uni, for all you muricans). On the side, i build PC's for people and charge extortionate rates, and sometimes work for the local chippy.

Also, I'm err, not dead, cool eh?
zioburosky13 said:
...make some good art and use them as my ticket to join Lucasfilm in Singapore.

Danger! Sure there's money there but those Singapore Nazis are gonna cut your hair, censor your music, bug your car, and take away all your pr0n!! Teh Horror!!1

Josh said:
I'm just finishing up with college (thats between secondary school (12-16) and uni, for all you muricans).

Uh, that's also the definition for college in the U.S. I think the main difference is that most U.S. colleges are incorporated within a university.

So what are you going to be finishing up with?

Josh said:
Also, I'm err, not dead, cool eh?

Too late. You've been "Forgotten". :wink: