When people say Bethesda ruined the Fallout series.

Maybe this didn't happen to you but it was what happened to me at least.
Well, sums it up, apparently. I know the feeling you're talking about well, but still, I didn't get it playing F3. For me, it was more like doing something tedious and not finding anything pleasant in it just for the sake of doing it and hoping I will finally start to enjoy it, but it never happens. This game is just... tiring. Frankly, I don't even see how is it a turn-off-your-brain game. This would be e.g. Duke Nukem, single player Quake or something - a game that's actually stimulating but simple, easy, straight-forward and not tricky. F3 is more like a 50 Shades of Gray - a poor novel that's cheap to well-read people, but makes less demanding ones feel better, because they're just reading a book. The same way people play F3 because it's an RPG, has text, dialogues and choices - it's all meaningless and cheap, but it feels rewarding to less demanding players. And that's why the game is successful, I believe. But I understand how you and other people get that strange fun from it, everyone has their "guilty pleasures" and enjoy a bad song or a bad movie once in a while. I do too, just not this one.
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It's just better, because no matter bad how it is, it IS fun; mindless, immature, cathartic fun, but fun nonetheless.
Please, tell me what's fun in F3. Please, tell me. And if you say "combat" I'll laugh at you. I'm not blindly hating, but I seriously can't think of one thing that was remotely fun in this game. Even so praised "exploration" is bland and meaningless because the world is stupid and makes no sense. ot: As was said before, not only Bethesda wanted rights to Fallout. If Beth didn't have bought it, someone else would, Fallout wouldn't die. Heck, it probably would be better off.
You seem to be forgetting yourself. Like what side you're on or who you're addressing. I'm one of the game's biggest critics. But that means if it's good at ANYTHING, regardless of how bad it is overall, you ACKNOWLEDGE what it succeeds at. I don't need to tell you what's fun, because I ALREADY said what's fun. It's mindless catharsis. That's all there is to it. You play the game, it gives you some basic level of instinctual joy. Very, VERY basic. That's what catharsis is. It's some cajoling reaction. It's not deep. It's not resounding. It's not special. It's just THERE. It offers you this empty playground to just fuck around with, and there's something primitively delightful about that.

But that's where it ends. It is PRIMITIVELY delightful. Not significantly or majorly. The point of my statement that there IS fun to be had was to draw a direct and sour comparison with FOBOS. Namely, that if you are such a bad game that FO3 can be called "fun" when compared to you, that should tell you that you are a TERRIBLE, ATROCIOUS game. FOBOS is absolutely bereft of any semblance of fun. The setup just doesn't allow for it. It railroads you, so no matter how piss-simplistic the "exploration" of FO3 may be, there is NONE to be had in FOBOS. You can't enjoy the visuals, so no matter how "unimportant" the graphics may be of FO3, at least you CAN look at them and soak up some tiny degree of "oh look, a scenic view" (conveniently with Bethesda PLACING "scenic view" signs everywhere they're located... almost like they childishly NEEDED to draw attention to their little sand castles in the kiddie sandbox to announce to the world "Mommy, lookie what we made!"). The gameplay... oh God, the gameplay. There's just NOTHING you can enjoy in FOBOS. It's THAT bad. By contrast, there are tiny semblances of glee to be had in FO3.

But the key word is "tiny". You're blowing my comment out of proportion if you think ANYTHING I said was complimenting FO3.
If you put it this way, I agree. But you said "it IS fun; mindless, immature, cathartic fun, but fun nonetheless" and by that, I understand something different, I explained what exactly. As for your comparison to FOBOS, you're kinda right, F3 is more "fun" than FOBOS, but does it mean that it's "fun"? I'd rather call it "preoccupating" and I think that's what we meant.
Yes, it makes it "fun", if only by technicality, and if only sitting at the very bottom of the scale. Like Mr Fish explained in great detail, it's that exceedingly transparent level of distraction, but it amounts to SOMETHING. In my review for the game, I made direct reference to some of the silliness the game had on offer, like cosplaying as Freddy Kruger, which was just plain funny. NOT conducive to a better game, or a higher quality game. But amusing, nonetheless.
Everyone here knows Van-Buren would've been undoubtedly God's gift to mankind, and never, ever, EVER suspect it might not've been good. To do so is heresy. And Heresy is punished via banning.

We're a very open minded and friendly community here though, make no mistake. Bethesda is evil, honest!
Van Buren might not necessarily have been a shining cherry on the gateau of Fallout-dom (not to be confused with a BDSM relationship centred around arguing) but you're throwing strawman and tipped-scale arguments around with gusto. It's like pitting 3 against POS - the poor qualities of one, no matter how subjective, do not erase the presence of the poor qualities of the other.

Condemnation as a conclusion of criticism is not equivalent to irrational hatred based on conjecture.
You can pick between having breast cancer or AIDS. Breast cancer still allows you to have unprotected sex with someone you care about, so breast cancer must be great.
That's OP's logic.
Are you trying to say it would be better for Fallout to be dead than have ot owned by Bethesda?

Yes, dude. While Beth Fallout did give birth to New Vegas (an excellent game, though obviously not the same vein as the originals) it is still the Monkey's Paw; the ressurection may have seemed a great idea at first, but once the fruits had come to bear the real people concerned realized that it was better off dead. The scant details surrounding Fall of Duty 4: Farmville are more than enough proof of that.
Eh, close enough. It WAS a swindle, in the end.

On the part of Zenimax. I don't think BGS personally ever cared to make a Fallout game, or prepared to do so. Emil Pagliurlo should've stuck to TES, and they should've just hired an old Interplay designer to write for it. Lord knows if it was Sawyer on board instead of Emil, 3 would've likely had an immense rise in quality. Only reason they didn't I think, is either some personal dispute or some foolishness from Zenimax about staying away from the old team.
I mean of course you are saying that FO3 ruined it, but at least they didn't make a Fallout game more focused on shooter action and a completely linear plot revolving around the BOS vs Super Mutants rehashing the plot of Fallout 1 and 2 with shitty writting..... wait.
Oh oh oh and the Vault 101 rebellion throw-back to FO1!
Who else noticed that, eh? EH? eh!? :O

Those are one of those moments that are... hard to explain... It's like those delusional Idol auditions, where someone sings a song, a classic, a nice pick, something they think will really touch those heart-strings, except they can't sing for shit, and are botching up the song, and you feel much more like to keep changing the channels.

Just... yes, Beth, yes, "you must leave the vault now... forever" yes, and that's like... the second time in a single game Amata sends me off and away for ever and ever, very subtle! Obviously I rub it in by TCL-ing my way right back into the vault again "SUP GUYS :O"
Perhaps someday, when Bethesda has made all the money it wants, they'll contract someone actually good at writing to make a Fallout worth talking about, or the IP will go to public domain so we can make our own.
Perhaps someday, when Bethesda has made all the money it wants, they'll contract someone actually good at writing to make a Fallout worth talking about, or the IP will go to public domain so we can make our own.

The closest we may get is inXile possibly making a Van Buren related title.

A side note: I don't like the fact that inXile has a lower case "i".
Eh, close enough. It WAS a swindle, in the end.

On the part of Zenimax. I don't think BGS personally ever cared to make a Fallout game, or prepared to do so. Emil Pagliurlo should've stuck to TES, and they should've just hired an old Interplay designer to write for it. Lord knows if it was Sawyer on board instead of Emil, 3 would've likely had an immense rise in quality. Only reason they didn't I think, is either some personal dispute or some foolishness from Zenimax about staying away from the old team.

Odds are they weren't. If you remember the 'Making of Fallout 3' video, Todd was talking about getting the IP as though it was an inert property that few were still caring for. Only one other staff member, can't remember his name, made it a point to state that it was the themes they were taking from the past games into F3, not the details beyond that.

Oh oh oh and the Vault 101 rebellion throw-back to FO1!
Who else noticed that, eh? EH? eh!? :O

Those are one of those moments that are... hard to explain... It's like those delusional Idol auditions, where someone sings a song, a classic, a nice pick, something they think will really touch those heart-strings, except they can't sing for shit, and are botching up the song, and you feel much more like to keep changing the channels.

Just... yes, Beth, yes, "you must leave the vault now... forever" yes, and that's like... the second time in a single game Amata sends me off and away for ever and ever, very subtle! Obviously I rub it in by TCL-ing my way right back into the vault again "SUP GUYS :O"

It took me one playthrough of that mission in F3, before a sneak peek at the ending of Fallout 1, to recognize that. And then you recognize more throwbacks to other games, like John Eden as another Master, searching for a GECK, etc.