Which games were a disaster? To what franchise?

crysis 3, a huge letdown compared to last three installment. they (crytek) butchered their own lore and the gameplay is fucking small in term of amount of level and hours. i was very excited to see more unconventional alien invasion plot from the games, even more so after reading the novel. but no, they killed the franchise with crysis 3 and no promise to continue that
The second game wasn't that great either.
The biggest disaster in gaming history for me is Fallout 4. This wasn't just some isolated game like Colonial Marines. This is an RPG franchise that is over 20 years old, and we waited 5-7 years with no end to the hype train. then it turns out they made this RPG franchise a childish, immature, boring FPS with the worst characters and laziest writing and quests I have ever seen in Fallout.

It is the Dragon Age 2 of the franchise, which is a close second for major disappointment/disaster.
Twisted Metal 3. Weird controls and wonky physics. It lost the comic book charm 2 had, and focused too much on Sweet Tooth as an antagonist.

C&C Red Alert 2. For me, this was a bad tipping point in the series. The game was so unbalanced at launch; multiple patches had to reel it in until it wasn't so broken that a single conscript soldier could blow up a construction yard in seconds. The campy cutscenes made me cringe; C&C cutscenes were always hampered by a low budget, but they tried to keep things for the most part serious. I will say once the game was patched and the added content from the add-on were released, it was a goofy fun RTS game, with plenty of wonderful player made maps, and official map packs released on a regular basis.
It's interesting. Sometimes a game can be a disaster for a series by being too good.

Personally, I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy VII, but I've met and spoken with plenty of people frustrated by the direction VII took the Final Fantasy series in. It was no longer about the JRPG experience, now it was about "the characters", the "story" and "the big spiky hair". I'm pretty sure every Final Fantasy game since Cloud Strife has had an emo-y pretty boy.

Whereas I love FF7, a similar thing can be said for Fallout 3 or Skyrim (both of which I hate). With Fallout 3 and Skyrim came the final death knells of both Fallout and Elder Scrolls as RPGs. Not because they were bad RPGs, but because both were tremendously successful on release.
Halo 5: Garbage. Some might say Halo 4 as well. I think 343 at least put a lot of effort into Halo 4, but Halo 5 was a disgraceful insult to Bungie Halo.
I feel like the only person in the World who enjoyed FFXIII.
Saying that, I do feel FFXV is a massive improvement on the series and look forward to picking it up (I'll probably get the special edition with the Film).
Interesting, what was it about FFXIII that you liked? Just curious.

I'm hoping, with FFXV, that Square learns from the mistakes of FFXIII (or the mistakes of the trilogy, especially Lightning Returns). Probably gonna wait for reviews before I pick it up.

Halo 5: Garbage. Some might say Halo 4 as well. I think 343 at least put a lot of effort into Halo 4, but Halo 5 was a disgraceful insult to Bungie Halo.
Halo 5: Garbage. Some might say Halo 4 as well. I think 343 at least put a lot of effort into Halo 4, but Halo 5 was a disgraceful insult to Bungie Halo.
Hm, I only ever played Halo: Combat Evolved. Too bad they didn't release the games on PC after Halo 2, I kinda liked the world.
Interesting, what was it about FFXIII that you liked? Just curious.

I'm hoping, with FFXV, that Square learns from the mistakes of FFXIII (or the mistakes of the trilogy, especially Lightning Returns). Probably gonna wait for reviews before I pick it up.

As weird as it is to say, I liked the story and fighting system and even characters.
I admit it's hard to justify and as Final Fantasy game, it pretty much sucks.
I didn't feel insulted while playing it, but I do admit it is the worst Final Fantasy game out there.
As weird as it is to say, I liked the story and fighting system and even characters.
I admit it's hard to justify and as Final Fantasy game, it pretty much sucks.
I didn't feel insulted while playing it, but I do admit it is the worst Final Fantasy game out there.
Fair enough. I will admit that I did not hate XIII completely though I can say that I did not have fun with it.
I would like to bring up Lightning Returns as a contender for worst Final Fantasy game though. I feel that Square Enix should not have allowed Motomu Toriyama to extend XIII's story into a trilogy and while XIII-2 was not too awful, the story should have ended with XIII-2 instead of having a blander game where Lightning gets to be an emotionless waifu who must save the world while looking 'kewl'.
The biggest disaster in gaming history for me is Fallout 4. This wasn't just some isolated game like Colonial Marines. This is an RPG franchise that is over 20 years old, and we waited 5-7 years with no end to the hype train. then it turns out they made this RPG franchise a childish, immature, boring FPS with the worst characters and laziest writing and quests I have ever seen in Fallout.

I think FO4 is OK and all, but they should've implemented things better. Fuck the voiced player, that takes too much time and resources out of everything. Even reddit complains about it, to the point where it's circlejerk. It's like :falloutonline: beating a dead horse now.
Fallout 4 isn't a completely bad game, it's just a bad Fallout.

Turok Evolution was the bane of my early teens. You couldn't even finish the game without cheating.

MGSV: Phantom Pain was also a pretty big disaster. People think FO4 is unfinished? Try a game that has it's entire third act missing.
The biggest disaster in gaming history for me is Fallout 4. This wasn't just some isolated game like Colonial Marines. This is an RPG franchise that is over 20 years old, and we waited 5-7 years with no end to the hype train. then it turns out they made this RPG franchise a childish, immature, boring FPS with the worst characters and laziest writing and quests I have ever seen in Fallout.

It is the Dragon Age 2 of the franchise, which is a close second for major disappointment/disaster.

That's probably unfair; the game is at the very least functional (albeit intermittently so). Its biggest crime is trying to switch target demographics without warning, leaving a mostly confused and frustrated fanbase.

There are plenty of other games with long development cycles which ended up being terrible despite the hype; Duke Nukem Forever, Daikatana, the Ruby/Sapphire Pokemon remakes, etc.

Despite it not being out yet, I think I'm going to cast my vote for Mighty No. 9, for obvious reasons.
That's probably unfair; the game is at the very least functional (albeit intermittently so). Its biggest crime is trying to switch target demographics without warning, leaving a mostly confused and frustrated fanbase.

There are plenty of other games with long development cycles which ended up being terrible despite the hype; Duke Nukem Forever, Daikatana, the Ruby/Sapphire Pokemon remakes, etc.

Despite it not being out yet, I think I'm going to cast my vote for Mighty No. 9, for obvious reasons.
Fallout is one of the most highly rated RPG franchises in history. So I'd say it's a fair assessment to call Fallout 4 the biggest disappointment/disaster in the gaming history. I never expected Duke Nukem to be anything but an FPS and I never expected it to be good. All the other "disasters" are from franchises that simply can't compete with how good Fallout was.

Colonial Marines is "at least functional." Dragon Age 2 is "at least functional." They're still disasters. But Fallout is a franchise that NO ONE wants to see associated with terrible games, and yet Bethesda insisted on making it dumbed down crap with Fallout 4. It's the laziest game they've ever made. It really looks like they didn't care and didn't put any effort into it at all.

And after seeing all the paid mod DLC I'm fairly certain they just do not give a sh*t about the Fallout franchise.

I've tried to defend Fallout 4, to be optimistic and to enjoy the game. But after going back and playing New Vegas I can safely say in my opinion Fallout 4 is a disaster and a direct insult to anyone who likes RPGs. It's no coincidence that Fallout 4's biggest fans are people who hate RPGs.

Imagine if XCOM 2 had been a linear corridor FPS, or if Civilization 6 is an FPS.
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Yeah, Fallout 4 just insulted me to the core.
And if it at least had decent DLC, I would say "You know what, the game was a misstep, it slip up, a fuck up. But at least the game's good"

But the DLC and all, the whole Fallout 4 package, it's just a trainwreck.
Without DLC, it's a 4/10, a perfect example of a 4/10.
But with DLC, it's a 3.

Fallout 4 is the only game I can think of where the DLC made the game worse.
Fallout 4 is the only game I can think of where the DLC made the game worse.
I thought you like Far Harbor. The rest of the DLC basically amounted to 5 dollars for ingame doll houses, but it's not as though adding nothing of worth devalues a game, it just doesn't change it.
I thought you like Far Harbor. The rest of the DLC basically amounted to 5 dollars for ingame doll houses, but it's not as though adding nothing of worth devalues a game, it just doesn't change it.

I like Far Harbor as a standalone experience, as an expansion.
I should have made it clear, Far Harbor alone is good, but the others (Wasteland Workshop, Vault Workshop, both betray the Character Bethesda wanted you to be and set out for you in the game).

Yes, Far Harbor is a better experience, but it's like the only way to get a million pound is to crush your hand.
You've gained something, but you had to go through pain to get it that in the end you ask yourself, was it worth it?
I thought you like Far Harbor. The rest of the DLC basically amounted to 5 dollars for ingame doll houses, but it's not as though adding nothing of worth devalues a game, it just doesn't change it.
It does devalue the game because $15 of the season pass is paid mods, plus Automatron which is basically a paid mod with the Fallout 3 quest "Superhuman Gambit." So about half of the Season pass is paid mods. The Steam reviews for the Season pass speak for themselves. It is pretty much universally considered a rip off.

The free DLC for the Witcher 3 amounted to more value than a lot of this paid DLC from Bethesda.

So when you're paying $100 for crap like that, it lessens the value of what you get for your money. It also shows that they don't know what they're doing and don't care about the franchise outside of it being a console cash cow.

The whole game has damaged both Bethesda's and Fallout's reputation and I don't think any Fallout RPG fan can be happy with this product.
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Yeah, fair enough; Fallout 4 felt like a personal insult lovingly signed by Toddy boy himself, but I can pretend that I just don't get it by rationalizing it as another demographic's game.

On a separate note, I thought X-COM 2 was kind of a disappointment; it didn't really do anything differently. The stuff they did add could have very well have been a DLC; a very good DLC, but a DLC nonetheless.