First time out of the vault

3. That is when Bethesda took over, in one way or another.
New Vegas, honestly. The environment didn't feel fun to explore, the general gameplay was just as much of a slog as Fallout 3, it lacked that post-apocalyptic feel that every game except it and 76 managed to have, and it somehow managed to make robot cowboys running casinos boring. How the hell do you waste a character like Victor?!
Also, the only good questline in the entire thing was the Two Couriers arc. Which was DLC.
204 Oblivion playthroughs and counting
On 205th now
New Vegas, honestly. The environment didn't feel fun to explore, the general gameplay was just as much of a slog as Fallout 3, it lacked that post-apocalyptic feel that every game except it and 76 managed to have, and it somehow managed to make robot cowboys running casinos boring. How the hell do you waste a character like Victor?!
Also, the only good questline in the entire thing was the Two Couriers arc. Which was DLC.
And the quality of writing, c&c and quest design and role playability (I.e the important bits) don't do it for you?
Because New Vegas being post-apocalyptic wouldn't make any sense because it's been well over 200 years. Fallout 3 and 4's setting makes no sense because it looks like the bombs fell like 20 years ago. And yet it's been 200 years and it makes humanity look like a bunch of lazy assholes that stood around doing anything. Fallout 1 somehow looks better and that's 84 years after the bombs lacked that post-apocalyptic feel that every game except it and 76 managed to have
Except they do? They assimilate the defeated enemy into their ranks and force them to live by their rules because they believe only force will make the wasteland stop being such a war torn place. And the Legion has built settlements or else they wouldn't be trying to conquer New Vegas.The Caesar and his Legions are such bad villains. They claim to believe they're the key to saving the Mojave, then turn around and raze and destroy it without constructing settlements.
That's the entire point. It's for New Vegas to be the capital of the wasteland and anyone that wants to live a good life has to come to New Vegas. What did you expect? He literally tells you he wants New Vegas to be the center of the world.House's endings just result in New Vegas staying the same, but without the Hoover damn conflict. I guess he resettles Freeside and the Dam, but that's it.
You can't experience the outcome of your decisions because it's meant to be ambigous on what happens besides what happens in the ending slides. It's also meant to be an actual ending and not pretend like the nonsense in Fallout 3 and 4 where nothing you do for the ending matters.And then we can't even get to experience the outcomes of our actions. Our choices only effect what Ron says in that sexy voice during the ending slide.
Yeah, all the games have stupid ties to karma besides Fallout 4. It's one thing I don't like. It's still a far better ending than Fallout 3's. I've never advocated for Karma, I think it's too simple and doesn't work out the way you'd want it to. Fallout 4 may not have had it but if it did, it would just be practically forcing you to be good karma all game.Additionally, every Dam-faction ending is predetermined by KARMA and faction. This wouldn't be an issue if Karma in Fallout wasn't a slider of good vs evil. One would think the series known for exploring post-apocalyptic American philosophy would explore law vs chaos first.
In what Fallout game have we been able to really see much of the changes that we saw in the endgame slides? Better it just end there like Fallout 1. It's a good choice. Having areas drastically change in ways that actually make sense would require a ton of work and/or cutting down a lot of variables in decisions you could have made. For a game made in half the time of Fallout 3, I think that the ending was a good decision to have it just end. They warn you of the point of no return. They do it straight forwardly which is admitting a little awkward but whatever, at least you were warned.And then we can't even get to experience the outcomes of our actions. Our choices only effect what Ron says in that sexy voice during the ending slide.
The evil ending for the anarchist ending leads to chaos. Who would have predicted that?Evil Wild Cards lead to Vegas being plunged in chaos. Screw you if you played a mobster type character with all the minor factions at your back, it devolved into chaos despite your supporters.
I also recall the karma system in New Vegas is bugged in a few areas. Like, it's way too easy to get good karma and really hard to get evil karma.Yeah it really did. I kinda wish they had just removed it. It only plays a factor in a very few cases. I don't even remember it being a factor in the ending to be honest.
Good Karma said:Supporting the ideals of independence, the Courier was recognized as the man/woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. He/she ensured Mr. House's tyranny was broken and neither Caesar's Legion nor NCR would ever gain control over New Vegas.
Neutral Karma said:Preferring neither the best of the NCR nor the worst of the Legion, the Courier was the man/woman responsible for a truly independent New Vegas. He/she had removed Mr. House from power over the Strip and broken the influence of the NCR and Caesar's Legion in the Mojave Wastelands.
Bad Karma said:Supporting all the chaos that comes with independence, the Courier was the man/woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. He/she ensured the fall of Mr. House and the end of the Legion's and NCR's influence over New Vegas.
What does this mean? Are you still implying that the chaos that is mentioned is strictly anarchism or something? The idea is that New Vegas is independent and self ruling rather than having the NCR or the Legion gaining control of them. House is gone now too, which means you are shifting who controls the city. There will always be a bit of chaos with that. It may not be anarchism and riots and gangs running in the streets but there will be upset, there will be confusion and moments where clarity is not fully there.I believe that the chaos coming with that would be a disadvantage. The corrupt NCR officials you could bribe would be useless, competition would thrive, and your operation would be in constant danger.