The DICKtator
Redneck Rampage anyone?
Blood is possibly best shooter that I know of; certainly my favorite of all.hell yeah, I would LOVE (!) a new Blood game. All those sweet child hood memories of kicking zombie heads around and electrifying shark-mutants. Though I think Blood 2 had the better music.
I would also not mind a proper Duke Nukem Game, as long it doesnt take another 15 years to make.
Redneck Rampage anyone?
Redneck Rampage anyone?
I want the actual base building Dawn of War back. I don't like non-base building RTS (except for S.W.I.N.E. maybe), thus I've never played and probably will never play DoW 2.
(The original Dawn of War series doesn't even have all the patches for it on Steam, I remember there being a million balance patches and none of them are included in the Steam version. It's sad how neglected it is, especially because I remember there being a really active multiplayer community that kept it alive througout the years.)
I'm not really sure (1.2 or something, but I wouldn't bet on it), all I know that my brother and I have checked many times and stuff that were fixed a long time ago - like Grey Knights being nerfed so as to not have Space Marines be op - are all missing.