Worst voice actors? Everyone in the german version.
Every. Single. One.
Every. Single. One.
That's a great one! I'll get someone on that pronto!!!I would say Frank Weathers. Frank's voice just doesn't match all that well, not to mention that Frank doesn't sound like a man who's family was enslaved by the Legion before his very eyes. He should sound more depressed and guilt stricken.
Any named ones you would recommend? I'd like to ideally focus on named ones. Unnamed NPCs, could technically go to unlimited characters. But named ones (the ones with quests and such) are the ones I'd like to ideally target. I will fix what you mentioned though.Was on a playthrough last night and reached Jacob's town and realised all 4 of Norton's back up mercenaries have the exact same voice. They only have the two lines I think.
Worst voice actors? Everyone in the german version.
Every. Single. One.
They completely cut out the whole thing about the proper pronounciation of Caesar. The voice actors were not bad per se, but the directing was extremely poor. Just pissed me off to no end.Übertreibs ma net
Wasn't THAT bad. Mr. New Vegas was imo nice. And I think I liked either Cass or Veronica (didn't play the german version in a long time) companion wise.
It's just the general problem with game-dubbing (just can speak for our german speaking region) that the german dubbing is almost always inferior and sometimes extremely poor.
Except Adam Jensen's (Deus Ex - Human Revolution) german voice, way better than the original. And the dubbing of Jagged Alliance 2 is superb.
Edit: Sorry for the OT![]()
Ok just got an audition that I felt did an amazing job for eneral Oliver Lee. I'm still looking for the right actor. Since Oliver was mentioned a few times, do you feel this actor would work for General Oliver? If not, let me know things that should change so I can tell this to the actors.
I like this one. There are times where this voice actor sounds like a smarmy git and others where he sounds charismatic. The laughing is a little too sinister for someone like Oliver though. Perhaps that kind of sinister laughter could work on someone like Moore better with how blood-thirsty she is (though I can't recall if she ever laughed in New Vegas before).Got another audition (out of many auditions) for General Lee Oliver that sounds fantastic!
How's this one?
I think that the second one fits Don better since he sounds around his age but like you said, his inflections are not as good as the first one. Is it possible to get the second guy to improve on his inflections? If it is possible, it could fit Don pretty well since Don and his wife still are old enough to have an adult daughter who lives with them. Alternatively, it would be possible to re-voice the entire Hostetler family to make said family younger so that the first voice actor could be used.Ok, got another one I need help on as well. Which guy do I choose here for the role of Don Hostettler?
Personally I feel Don Version One has better acting ability. Each line sounds convincing. But he sounds really young.
Don Version Two has the better voice. But his acting isn't quite at the same level as Version One. Would like to know which of the two would be the best.
Keep in mind that first line, 'I should kill you right here for what you've done" is a line that is said when is daughter is murdered.
Referring to the main topic, I guess Alice Hostetler could be re-voiced. The normal voice actress got her inflections and tone right but she sounded a little old for someone who would lash out the way she did towards her parents in the quest, Someone to Watch Over Me. Perhaps she is supposed to be a young adult who was influenced by the wrong crowd which makes her original voice actor appropriate or she was a teenager approaching adulthood who got influenced by said crowd through her insecurities and resentment.
Damn... I really like this voice actress. Even though I'm okay with the original version, the second half of the take sounds far better than the original version. She sounds more shaken up and emotional than the original about her actions in the quest which is especially fitting if the player chooses to talk her out of robbing her parents and convince her to try to fix her relationships with her parents. It does emphasize the notion that Alice is currently making a big mistake due to all of her pent-up emotions exploding thanks to the influence of her new acquaintances.