Slaughter Manslaught
Vault Senior Citizen

Fallout 3 fails as both as Action and as RPG.
I completed the game those days, and holy shit, combat gets ultra-boring in the end. Raven Rock and the battle in the endgame can't even compare to Navarro and the Oil Rig. Those clows aren't the Enclave I knew.
Raven Rock is a small base with dozen Enclave soldiers that came in duos. That's it. And no one of them poses a threat. The final battle in Take It Back is a battle where Liberty Primes does all the work for you. That's it. There's no EPIC BATTLE. I thought a army of Enclave soldiers would attack us, but damn, it was just a bunch of hapless Enclavers being smashed and flashy stuff being displayed. No resistance. No epic battle. The ending is pure anti-climax.
For a Action RPG, this is weaker than Fallout 2, where taking on the Oil Rig or Navarro are both epic battles, even with a high-level sniper character and a squad of NPCs in Power Armor and the best guns money can buy. Taking on Navarro and the Oil Rig was pretty damn hard, and if two soldiers decided to concentrate fire on a single person, that person was going to die. Including YOU. If you wanted to go combat on both, you had better be a epic-badass. Or they would give you a legendary asskicking. THIS is how they rolled in The Enclave I knew!
I completed the game those days, and holy shit, combat gets ultra-boring in the end. Raven Rock and the battle in the endgame can't even compare to Navarro and the Oil Rig. Those clows aren't the Enclave I knew.
Raven Rock is a small base with dozen Enclave soldiers that came in duos. That's it. And no one of them poses a threat. The final battle in Take It Back is a battle where Liberty Primes does all the work for you. That's it. There's no EPIC BATTLE. I thought a army of Enclave soldiers would attack us, but damn, it was just a bunch of hapless Enclavers being smashed and flashy stuff being displayed. No resistance. No epic battle. The ending is pure anti-climax.
For a Action RPG, this is weaker than Fallout 2, where taking on the Oil Rig or Navarro are both epic battles, even with a high-level sniper character and a squad of NPCs in Power Armor and the best guns money can buy. Taking on Navarro and the Oil Rig was pretty damn hard, and if two soldiers decided to concentrate fire on a single person, that person was going to die. Including YOU. If you wanted to go combat on both, you had better be a epic-badass. Or they would give you a legendary asskicking. THIS is how they rolled in The Enclave I knew!