why fallout 2 sucks (spoilers) (no I don't like fo3-4)

I'd say some of these complaints are valid.
  • Pitting you against a bunch of wolves and rats late-game is time-wasting bullshit, even if it makes sense that there'd be wolves/rats there.
  • Large models obscuring smaller ones and screwing with target selection is annoying as hell. Can't think of any other 2D/TB games of the time that fix this though. Even big games like Diablo 2 had this problem 3 years later. Pretty sure it even happens today in Diablo 3.
  • There are a bunch of shitty fetch quests and boring running back and forth. But there's also a ton of good quests to make up for that.
The rest of the complaints seem more like a combination of not understanding the systems and not liking (c)RPGs. Plus some of it is just plain wrong. Also, it sounds like he's too stupid to figure out how to turn up combat speed.
WOW. the only fo2 fan to ever concede a single point. holy shit. you're a rare thing. very, very rare. I did go to options and turn the combat speed to max, but don't think I saved and don't remember experiencing a difference but it was probably b/c I hadn't had a battle in the time that I tinkered with the default settings. I'm not a fan of tinkering with default settings anyway though and wouldn't save that. same reason I picked Narg. I assume it's as intended. never used mods for morrowwind either.

It really sounds like you just suck at the game. You pick Narg and complain that the game shouldn't have included that character, seriously? Fallout 2 is not exactly a friendly game when it comes to bad builds. Taking Narg as your first character, complaining that small guns are useless (obviously you haven't seen the Gauss rifle...), basically complaining about all your shoddy choices.
It's like this comic:
You wanted to play a certain character very different from what it was supposed to be played.
So you like JRPGs. Fallout 2 isn't a JRPG. But you do appear to have played some western RPGs as well, so I'm really not sure how you can be so pissed off by Fallout 2. I mean, you obviously understand the basics of character creation and classes. It's like playing Morrowind playing as a Redguard Barbarian trying to go all magic. Kinda not a good idea.

it's nothing like picking barbarian and going all magic b/c I simply chose the first option presented to me. I figure that I can't screw up that way, I know for a fact that the devs expect this character to be played whereas if I create my own character, the attributes I choose could lead to either a worthless char or an insanely op char. I wanted what the devs wanted me to experience and this is what they gave me. it's on them, I don't know why ppl can't see that.

I went small guns b/c it's one of narg's TAGGED SKILLS.... if that's a bad idea then the devs shouldn't have tagged it. I just started using the gaus rifle actually, since I saw it for sale in san francisco for 21k caps. I assumed it was good as the most expensive wep I've seen. I also assumed that it was a "big gun" though. I guess that's my mistake, lol, but I'd argue that as well. for the most part of the game though, attacking was pointless. there were even times when I didn't want to use stimpacks so I'd use first aid until it stopped working, rest for a day, repeat. I'd save scum to make sure I didn't fail the healing each time for the xp. it was excruciating and the process shouldn't have rewarded me. when I figured out that it wasn't upping my first aid skill though, I stopped bothering with this.
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WOW. the only fo2 fan to ever concede a single point. holy shit. you're a rare thing. very, very rare. I did go to options and turn the combat speed to max, but don't think I saved and don't remember experiencing a difference but it was probably b/c I hadn't had a battle in the time that I tinkered with the default settings. I'm not a fan of tinkering with default settings anyway though and wouldn't save that. same reason I picked Narg. I assume it's as intended. never used mods for morrowwind either.
Actually, this forum tends to be surprisingly critical of Fallout 2, although most of the criticism goes toward the writing and some design decisions and not the mechanics, as these are more or less the same as Fallout 1's. And the mechanics are quite solid, although zero damage crits are super frustrating. But when you understand where they're coming from it's a little bit better. As for the nonsensical combat messages that follow, well, it's a technical issue. Can't really help it, a computer is not a real GM.
Yeah, I consider F2 the worst of the 3 good fallout games.

I still love it and hold it close to 1 and New Vegas, but it just has more flaws than them.
This guy wants to hear "wow, you're right, we never thought of it that way before!" and nothing else.
The fact that people are actually replying makes me believe I might be in the wrong place.
It's been a while since someone showed up here and trolled about the originals that I've noticed, so might as well humour the troll and have some fun.
We can always ban him for insulting people when he gets boring.
I like how he apparently even had issues with having enough stimpaks because the vendors never stock that many, but I can't even remember ever buying stimpaks, really. Enemies tend to drop more than enough... The only time you run into trouble with healing is during the beginning of the game when all you have is that shitty healing powder.
Also, I like how he likes Fallout 1, even though most of the criticism also applies to Fallout 1.
You might has well play FO4, it might be easier for you.
easier. of course. how? fo2's gameplay consists of clicking and nothing else. maybe typing a number when you're in a menu, but that's not even necessary. you might occasionally hold down the shift key to run if you don't have it set to always run. actions per minute required for completing this game isn't even a thing. not even for completing it faster than anyone's ever done it. how can clicking be hard when time is frozen whenever it matters? you clearly don't even know what it means for something to be hard.

"statistically impossible due to the fact that 'swift learner' and 'well educated' were taken multiple times b/c of a perfectly reasonable assumption that the game wouldn't be over by level 20 based on experience with every other rpg ever made, plus the fact that narg was chosen based on the perfectly reasonable assumption that the devs should know he would be commonly used since he's the first option presented, plus the fact that small guns were leveled due to the fact that the devs tagged it for narg" doesn't equal difficult. these weren't unreasonable choices or assumptions, the most solid logic just didn't work out simply b/c the game is designed poorly.

I like how he apparently even had issues with having enough stimpaks because the vendors never stock that many, but I can't even remember ever buying stimpaks, really. Enemies tend to drop more than enough... The only time you run into trouble with healing is during the beginning of the game when all you have is that shitty healing powder.
Also, I like how he likes Fallout 1, even though most of the criticism also applies to Fallout 1.
you reminded me of even more that sucks about this game. pixel hunting when enemy bodies are on top of each other to click on one of the bodies is annoying and would be easily solved by removing looted corpses either automatically or through a command.

also, inventory micromanagement is never fun, but between 4 characters when you need 20k+ worth of caps in items that you're willing to sell? my temple is throbbing just thinking about how frustrating this is and how long it takes to simply buy something sometimes.

This guy wants to hear "wow, you're right, we never thought of it that way before!" and nothing else.
uh yeah, actually I was completely taken aback the only time someone in here admitted that a couple things I said held some weight. that was entirely unexpected.
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Ohhh boy, FO2's combat is a bit more than 'click and nothing else'

Also, if it's that easy, why you complaining it's too hard you big old Narg?
he does have some valid complaints with the game, however most of what I disliked about fallout 2 had to do with magic supermutants, psychic molerats, or talking plants... though I do understand that the combat can be a bit of a chore... then again depending on who you have with you and your equipment it can be either purgatory or a breeze.
My biggest issue with Fallout 2 is actually a weird one.
It's that it kind of wears out it's welcome after about 20 or so hours.

Actually, I'd love for these games to have some kind of clock to tell you how long you've been playing.
Ohhh boy, FO2's combat is a bit more than 'click and nothing else'
... its really not. the real beauty of the combat system isn't how its played though. its what you don't see that is amazing to me. just think about all the variables and calculations that go into each and every action and encounter. it makes for a flexible game.
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he does have some valid complaints with the game, however most of what I disliked about fallout 2 had to do with magic supermutants, psychic molerats, or talking plants... though I do understand that the combat can be a bit of a chore... then again depending on who you have with you and your equipment it can be either purgatory or a breeze.

I could accept those if they were Easter Eggs like the Tardis in Fallout 1, not actual canon.

When I played Fallout 2 I'd usually make a more speech-orientated character, so often I'd avoid/run away from combat situations. Once I got Enclave power armour though it was easier to fight.
you reminded me of even more that sucks about this game. pixel hunting when enemy bodies are on top of each other to click on one of the bodies is annoying and would be easily solved by removing looted corpses either automatically or through a command.

also, inventory micromanagement is never fun, but between 4 characters when you need 20k+ worth of caps in items that you're willing to sell? my temple is throbbing just thinking about how frustrating this is and how long it takes to simply buy something sometimes.
Personally I rarely had that many bodies stacked over each other, but yeah, it's annoying. And the inventory screen of Fallout 2 really does suck. Never liked the endless scrolling. Why is so much screen space wasted? Why a single column? A more sorted mechanism would have been so much better.
But then again, I somehow never really had all that trouble with buying and selling stuff, either, but I also rarely used the vendors all that much because I got a lot of the necessities (stimpaks and ammo) from loot...
My biggest issue with Fallout 2 is actually a weird one.
It's that it kind of wears out it's welcome after about 20 or so hours.

Actually, I'd love for these games to have some kind of clock to tell you how long you've been playing.
Does this one have the played time displayed on saves?