why fallout 2 sucks (spoilers) (no I don't like fo3-4)

Dude seriously, play a tabletop RPG. It will make sense of a lot of the problems you seem to be having.

Or even better, play another game.

I know it sounds rather hypocritical seeing as I spent a year complaining about fallout 4.
But that was mostly because it dragged a good series with amazing ideas I to the mud and pissed on it.

Fallout 2 just dampens it a bit. There are fallout fans who don't like fallout 2. Heck, they took a lot of the problems people had with F2 and improved upon them in New Vegas.

Again, just try a different game, combat is shut across the board for most crpgs. I advise you to play Planescape just to see how little combat matters in these games.

For what it's worth, I think fallout 2 has decent combat.
Because game.

"How am I supposed to win chess, if I have to keep guessing what my opponent will do!?"
every game has requirements to win and requirements are often targets that need to be taken out. actually there are quests in this game that require you to kill, maybe not necessary for finishing the game (?) (not sure, can't remember, so tired at this point), but certainly required for completing many quests. I'm out for now, later.

there were actually quite a few troll posts in here, none of which were mine, can you spot them? if I get someone riled up, it's a means to an end - I want someone's best argument, I don't just post something to piss someone off. there are points that I want discussed. compare with many posts in here that were clearly made solely for a rise or kicks, they're easy to spot b/c there are no points being made, no argument.
every game has requirements to win and requirements are often targets that need to be taken out. actually there are quests in this game that require you to kill, maybe not necessary for finishing the game (?) (not sure, can't remember, so tired at this point), but certainly required for completing many quests. I'm out for now, later.

what the hell are you even talking about... be sure to come back later and explain (?)
To be fair, Fallout 1&2 has pretty good combat. Also Temple of elemental evil has neat combat
fallout 1&2 has serviceable combat. it does what its supposed to and has many variables that affect the outcome of each action but as OP said it is ultimately waiting and clicking. I don't dislike the combat but I definitely wouldn't say I played fallout 1&2 for the combat.
fallout 1&2 has serviceable combat. it does what its supposed to and has many variables that affect the outcome of each action but as OP said it is ultimately waiting and clicking. I don't dislike the combat but I definitely wouldn't say I played fallout 1&2 for the combat.

I find it enjoyable. But after a while, it gets boring in F2.
Temple of Elemental Evil is a good one yes.
More recently, Dungeon Rats released not too long ago.
I believe a long while back there was a wannamingo mine full of them, but the text box on the bottom left refers to them as "aliens" or "tough aliens."
yeah but they're called that in reference to ridley scott's alien. and they're only called that because as an uneducated tribal you have no idea what it is at that point in the game. npcs refer to them as wannamingos.
Also, not a CRPG, but Civ V has pretty fun combat. Even through combat is minimal in civ games.
Also, not a CRPG, but Civ V has pretty fun combat. Even through combat is minimal in civ games.
Do a Slow Timer run against 8 NPC Civs and come back to me. Also Domination Victory
there were actually quite a few troll posts in here, none of which were mine, can you spot them? if I get someone riled up, it's a means to an end - I want someone's best argument, I don't just post something to piss someone off.
Yeah, how about you try not calling people "delusional clowns" in your first post if you want people's best arguments and not just pissing them off.

/edit: Seriously though, am I an asshole here? I was under the impression that it'd be common sense that if you join a forum and your first post is a long, rambling, and orthographically incoherent shitpost that boils down to "One of your most favourite games is shit and you're idiots for liking it" you don't really get to expect people to be all "Oh yeah, let me dissect your rambling point by point and have a nice argument!". Because shitpost begets shitpost.
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0 to infinite damage doesn't make sense, it just feels random and ridiculous.
Random? Yes. Why ridiculous though? Some bullet would slightly scratch your balls without doing any serious damage if you are lucky enough, another one fired from the same weapon would hit your elbow and rip your arm off.

applying status effects to enemies that die simultaneously regardless doesn't make sense.
Why not? A hit strong enough to render the dude unconscious may leave any character with low endurance separated from his senses and dying from massive trauma in seconds, whilst another dude with high enough endurance would recover badly injured after a couple of minutes.

- at any point in the game, you can randomly run into gangs of radscorpions/wilders/cannibals/golden geckos that do negligible damage... or run into massive amounts of master's army/enclave/fire breathing geckos that will kill a party member in one round before you get a chance to heal them.
Yep, shit was designed before level-scaled console ports full of invulnerable heroes flooded the market. Big deal.

at the military base for example, first you have to fight 12 wolves which entails WAITING for each of them to attack 3 times each (for 0 damage if they don't miss) b4 you can finally kill one of them (assuming your brain hasn't fried from watching and hearing "RAW-RAWF" 36 fucking times by then). then you must wait for the remaining 11 to attack 3 times each b4 killing the 2nd one, and so on.... UGH.
Your character cannot be surrounded and simultaneously attacked by more than 6 wolves since the hex-based grid won't allow this, i.e. you have to wait until only 6 enemies attack 3 times each before you can kill one of them. The same goes for your companions ofc.

break for singing, sing it with me: 12 mobs of wolves on the screen, 12 mobs of wolves! first you wait, then you kill one, 11 mobs of wolves on the screen! 11 mobs of wolves on the screen, 11 mobs of wolves! first you wait, then you kill one, 10 mobs of wolves on the screen! 10 mobs of wolves on the screen, 10 mobs of wolves! first you wait, then you kill one................................................
Not true, catchy song nonetheless. ;)

-the weapons are either not necessary or they won't do significant damage b/c the enemies are either lvl 1 or 999999, only aliens and sometimes deathclaws are seemingly anywhere in between. what a shame that 90%+ of the effort that went into making this game was in variety of weapons when only a handful are viable against the only enemies that matter.
There was nifty feature in some of the early GURPS Fallout prototypes - all your action points could've been used for aiming in one turn, which resulted in a massive damage and totally dead critter in the next turn. Nothing was the same after losing the GURPS license.. I'd suggest some ammo modification for F2, makes any gun more dangerous.

Thanks for your input, you're quite a funny fella! :)
you reminded me of even more that sucks about this game. pixel hunting when enemy bodies are on top of each other to click on one of the bodies is annoying and would be easily solved by removing looted corpses either automatically or through a command.
Fallout 2 has the arrows... When there are bodies on top of eachother there are two arrows (left and right) that appear on the loot window that we can click to go to the next body that is under the one we clicked. We can loot everyone that just died over eachother very easily like that.
Fallout 1 didn't have the arrow buttons so it was a chore to try and get all the loot.

I noticed you made a lot of assumptions, like how you thought Narg was the obvious choice for a player for the first time, how you don't like to change default settings and then complain about combat being slow, how you complain about attack and damage, how you complain about no level scaled enemies, how you complain about combat being only healing or attacking and many more things (like the looting bodies over each other I mentioned above) but most of these things are because you assumed or refused to change things... Basically its complaining that an Android tablet does not download things from Apple Store.
Fallout 2 is a typical P&P inspired cRPG (it follows the P&P formula since the first RPG was created in the 70's and continued through the 80's and 90's and so on but adapted to computer and had to deal with technology limitations). It follows the P&P systems quite well and if someone is expecting something else (even though anyplace you can buy the game from has a description of the game and what it is) then it is the players fault for not reading what the game is.

Games back in the days had something "mythical" called Manuals, the manual would tell you and explain most things about the game and it's mechanics. It is not like today, back then you needed to read the manual to learn things before you played the game. The manual explains everything about leveling, XP, combat, characters, skills, how to make a character oriented to your playstyle, companions, etc.
Many of your complaints, assumptions and confusion are addressed in the manual and if you had read that you would have had much less problems playing the game. You also seem unexperienced with P&P inspired cRPG although you mention Baldur's Gate games (even in Baldur's Gate games you can only heal and attack enemies in combat so I don't understand your criticism about it in Fallout 2, it was also like that in Fallout 1 too and in pretty much any cRPG from 2 decades ago. You can cast spells but those are usually also just for damage the enemies or healing your party members).
What confuses me is that the game system and ruleset used by Fallout 2 is exactly the same as Fallout 1 and you seem to criticize Fallout 2 for it but not Fallout 1.
I had actually forgotten about manuals...>_>
Now you made me feel old :(. I even uploaded here on NMA the manuals for Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics for anyone who wants to play the games to take a look before they do.:nod:
I mean I remember manuals. I used to collect them. especially ones from older games. but I haven't thought about them in forever. I miss when games used to come with a nice thick manual with bits of lore and whatnot...