Why Fo4 fucked Fallout lore

Why is cereal watching him? Do you have a source?

I'm not playing through the game again to take pictures of it but essentially Father says he did it to give you hope that he was still a 10 year old boy, and thus make your revenge against Kellogg all the more potent.

You can also tell it's set during modern times rather than 10 years after Shaun's kidnapping because in the memory, Diamond City Radio is playing, and Travis is still the announcer. Travis is only 20 or so, he definitely wouldn't have been around 40 years prior to work as a radio DJ. He wouldn't have even been a sperm yet.

That's pretty much the only explanation given. Shaun wanted to give you hope, I guess, that he was still a child, and thus make you hunt for him more fervently and kill Kellogg instead of giving up.
Meanwhile Fuck Up #4: The Institute had an ENTIRE VAULT full of untainted specimens, and they had teleportation technology back then, yet they only took the baby? Why not take the entire vault population? The Institute is certainly big enough to handle it, and that way they could learn a ton about the past, keep records, maybe fix some of their untrue history and whatnot. It's not like it would take them a long time, they had teleportation technology back then. They'd also have plenty of back-up options to clone Synths with in case something happened to Shaun. But nope, they only take a fucking baby and leave EVERYONE ELSE to die. Except you. For no reason. It's never even explained how they managed to leave your pod on but turn everyone else's off.

This really annoys me. Especially since I'm sure quite a few of those people would be more than willing to work with the institute, better than living out in the wasteland.
Shaun wanted to give you hope, I guess, that he was still a child, and thus make you hunt for him more fervently and kill Kellogg instead of giving up.
But K Flakes is dead when you are in the dream scene and how would Poppa Shaun know you would enter his memories?
Let's also not forget their retconn of the fact Ghouls aren't immortal zombies just because of radiation.

Because not only do Ghouls apparently not have to eat or drink water ever, they also don't need to breathe! Source: The quest Kid in a Fridge and the multiple ghouls trapped in the subway tunnels with literally no food or water to thrive off of and thus survive down there, and not to mention the multiple underwater ghouls in the Dunwich Borers near the end of it.

But wait, Ghouls do need food and water. If you take the water chip from the ghouls of Necropolis in Fallout 1, the game goes to great strains to make sure you understand the ghouls die from dehydration because you took their only source of water. Hell, the game retcons itself because we can clearly see ghouls eating and drinking on the tarberry farm they own! And keep in mind, this tarberry farm is important in the game because it's the only place you can get them in abundance, so they obviously expect you to go there at some point.

Let's also not forget how they gave almost every important robot in the game, not just synths, pure AI, from Codsworth to the captain of the USS Constitution.
So Fallout establishes ghouls are like humans and they need to eat, sleep, drink, etc...but Fallout 4 retcons it buy having a kid living in a fridge for 200 years without anything along with the other ghouls like the ones in the house basement in a settlement..but it retcons itself with the ghouls eating and drinking on a farm?
So they're retconing a retcon?
So Fallout establishes ghouls are like humans and they need to eat, sleep, drink, etc...but Fallout 4 retcons it buy having a kid living in a fridge for 200 years without anything along with the other ghouls like the ones in the house basement in a settlement..but it retcons itself with the ghouls eating and drinking on a farm?
So they're retconing a retcon?

Basically yes. That's how bad Bethesda has gotten. They can't even stay consistent within their own damn game.
Have fun trying to fuck Curie
Will it count if I rebuilt Curie into ASSaultron? Here, a workaround.

F-Up #666: Kellog referres to 'the old man' two times - in the Vault 111 and sitting with synth kid in Diamond City. Do he always call his employers 'Old Men are the future'?
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So Fallout establishes ghouls are like humans and they need to eat, sleep, drink, etc...but Fallout 4 retcons it buy having a kid living in a fridge for 200 years without anything along with the other ghouls like the ones in the house basement in a settlement..but it retcons itself with the ghouls eating and drinking on a farm?
So they're retconing a retcon?
What makes it even worse ... is that the Kid-in-a-fridge quest is the quest with the most options for the player.
What makes it even worse ... is that the Kid-in-a-fridge quest is the quest with the most options for the player.

Diamond City Blues is much better. It's a very good quest actually, even by old Fallout standards. Though it's the only quest with some quality.

About the ghoul depate:

Problem is people even turn into a ghoul without radiation. In the robobrain factory there are few ghouls in prison cells. There is no radiation there, hell(!) that place is as radiation proof as a Vault yet there are ghoul prisoners there(and of course no food and no water).

Bethesda treats them like the walking dead zombies without any explanation.

Will it count if I rebuilt Curie into ASSaultron? Here, a workaround.

F-Up #666: Kellog referres to 'the old man' two times - in the Vault 111 and sitting with synth kid in Diamond City. Do he always call his employers 'Old Men are the future'?

Yeah and thing is if Kellogg said old man(Shaun) killed the population of the vault 111 but only released the sole survivor that would make a lot more sense.