Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

Reddit does have some topics which are worth discussing, but the commentators that post there are just... ugh. It's something you wouldn't want to touch with a 10-inch pole.
The Fallout subreddit, much like the Fallout General on /vg/, went to the absolute dogs the moment Fallout 4 was announced in mid 2015.
Anyone remember when Kilus made a number two in the toilet and said he just made the sequel to fallout 3?
Who the fuck doesn't shower for two weeks?
Also, hot take, circumcision when they are babies should be called infant genital mutilation and when a child then child genital mutilation. :V
There is a depressed guy in one discord servers I'm in that says he hasn't showered for a month. Not sure if true. Gonna have ta snip that shit if ya cant wash it once in awhile.