Look, Ma! Two Heads!

You wot m8?First off how can you play fallout 1 and not be more interested in seeing what in Theory would be considered a completely functional vault. A fulfilled vault experiment. (Was 101 supposted to be the control? According to fallout 3 lore?)
Second I think it's more an infatuation by the "new" fans of fallout. At the end of the day Bethesda wants to do what's profitable just like any other company. People like vaults, and so ya give em more vaults. People want a more call of duty polished FPS experience, and so they focus on the shooting and cinematics and Bs like that instead of making the game uniquely interactive and original like the first one ( still haven't played the second one but I'm getting there).
I hadn't head about the supposed zombie change. That's disconcerting. Again aimed as hitting mass appeal. For all the awful people that think walking dead is a good show. If you watched that show at any point your the reason bethesda is ducking up ghouls. Hope your happy. Why don't you watch a George Ramero movie and shoot yourself....
Cut it with vile. We're passionate to the point of zealotry. Not toxic. Except The Order.