So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

This logic is so laughable and stupid. I have hundred of hours through Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9. But i barely played 7 and 8 and yet, they play very similarly to the ones i played. And yet that doesn't make me able to have an opinion on either of those two games.Also lol at this guy trying to dismiss what I say because 'hurr durr only 10 houers'' when I got 100s of cumulated hours across the whole series which is essentially the same game. People on steam love to do that too.
Same with Pokemon. Let's say i played the first three gens - by your logic that somehow gives me the right to criticize Gen 4 to 7 just because they all play the same, even though i played only 3 out of 7. Playing the same is only one of the things a game has. Story, characters, world, music and several other things can be wildly different between games.
So, no. You don't have the right to criticize Morrowind (and even go as far as call it the worst in the series) by just playing the game for 10 hours, when the game has hundred of hours of content.
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