It Wandered In From the Wastes

Crni Vuk
I have and provided a very brief overview in the prior paragraph.
A lot of posts containing isometric/cavalier oblique as preferred view, and also preferring TBC vs realtime+vats. Per the writing/dialogue I think most agree it is half-assed at best and retarded at worst. Lacking in world consequence pertaining to your actions has another big post count.
I lump all of that into style vs substance, cool vs meaningful, Beth Immursion vs story driven locations/quests/NPC's.
Seriously, if you have ever some time go and dig trough all those "why F3 sucks" topics or "Why do you hate Fallout 3!".
I have and provided a very brief overview in the prior paragraph.
There are many reasons why many on this board don't like it, mainly because it is a drastic departure in game play, aesthetic etc etc etc. Whether those are good or bad for the IP is personal preference issue, others are more universal, such as the bad dialogue writing, lack of world consequence and negligible main quest options.
A lot of posts containing isometric/cavalier oblique as preferred view, and also preferring TBC vs realtime+vats. Per the writing/dialogue I think most agree it is half-assed at best and retarded at worst. Lacking in world consequence pertaining to your actions has another big post count.
I lump all of that into style vs substance, cool vs meaningful, Beth Immursion vs story driven locations/quests/NPC's.
Never said that.And you will very fast realize that pretty much no one wanted a carbon copy of either F1 or F2.
I agree, why are you trying to convince me of something I already know?People just asked for a game in the same spirit like the previous games which really is nothing wrong to expect.