Why is no one talking about the Watchmen trailer?

I am looking forward to it, but I fucking hate that everything awesome is being fucked in the ass.

2008 - Year of fail

new trailer - kind of - same music and new shots - still slo mo but its looking good

also there is a rumour that Snyder is screen testing the movie for different endings - form what i read no major changes mostly regarding the [spoiler:469d95338e]squid tentacle aliens Veidt uses - he is trying to see how audiences would react to an alternate threat than in the novel [/spoiler:469d95338e]
If that's all they changed, how horrible would it be? I mean, assuming the change is actually more plausible.

I know there's purists out there who are all like:

[spoiler:47bcb9a6ce]No squid, no sale![/spoiler:47bcb9a6ce]

but of all the battles he's already won with studio execs this one would likely be the toughest.
I can't see Snyder changing the ending, considering he's striving to be as accurate as possible. [spoiler:fb215f8b7d]The ending that was tested in the Portland screening was not the squid ending, but it was still a pretty plausible and decent change.

I won't cry myself to death if the theatrical cut does not end with the giant squid fucking shit up, as long as it does end on a plausible note and keeps the theme of the book intact. I will be bummed if the squid ending is not included on the DVD, considering that is how I would prefer to see an Watchmen film end.[/spoiler:fb215f8b7d]

The good news is that the best line in the book: [spoiler:fb215f8b7d]"I did it thirty minutes ago."[/spoiler:fb215f8b7d] is definitely spoken.
Malky said:
The good news is that the best line in the book: [spoiler:b79b5b6ac3]"I did it thirty minutes ago."[/spoiler:b79b5b6ac3] is definitely spoken.
I love that line. The whole shock when that was spoken made the book a hundred times better.
You know I'm not so concerned with whether or not this movie will be good, but whether or not it should even be made. It's a curious thing with people, they tend to want more of something they like. Whether it be a sequel or a film adaptation, they just can't seem to be satisfied with just one thing.

Watchmen is the first comic book I ever read, with the exception of Maus, but Watchmen was certainly more of a comic book in a traditionally sense. And between these two I learned how powerful a medium it could be.

Because the medium is already visually it would seem to be able to translate perfectly into film, but it really doesn't. Let me plagiarize Alan Moore and say that the essence of the comic book medium is pages and panels. You can move back and forth however you want and their just a certain feeling to it you can't quite get from film.

Personally, I don't have high hopes for this film. I really haven't seen a good comic book movie adaptation, and I'm talking about a good movie, not just a faithful recreation. To me that's an extra area of criticism. It's like when people talk about Attack of the Clones and they say "well you have to admit it had good special effects". That's secondary. First it has to work as a movie. To me neither Sin City or V for Vendetta did that very well. Also V for Vendetta kind of mangled the book, leaving out drugs, a lot of the sexuality, and replaced the message of Moore with the message of the bullshit Wachowski brothers. But I genuinely hope that the movie is a success if only to get people reading the book.
I think Sin City was fantastic, so there we have a difference of opinion.

However, I can't really say I don't share the same feeling of dread regarding this flick. I liked Dawn of The Dead. I liked 300, apart from the parts that were added...like the one where Jimmy McNulty rapes Leonidas' wife...
And that's the problem. I don't think Zack Snyder is a particularly smart person.

Watchmen is a very smart comic.

Zack Snyder, not a very smart man.

Hmmm. We've come to a bit of an impasse.

How does a not very intelligent man make a very intelligent movie? Well, he could stick real fucking close to the source material, and as we saw in 300...he does that, and then he doesn't...When he does it, it looks pretty, at least...and when he doesn't...well..."Freedom isn't free! (it costs a buck o' five)"

I saw the trailer months ago, and had no idea what it was about. So I read the the whole GN, and I was very impressed. Granted, I am not a long time fan like many others who love Watchmen, but I am looking forward to the movie.
You should read the book so you can have really low expectations for the movie.

I just, I don't see the reason to do this. To me, Watchmen is a great comic, but it's more than that. It means something...Why can't he make more adaptations of comics that are meaningless? Sure, I like 300, but I don't care about it in the long run.
I finished re-reading Watchmen just before I saw the trailer and one thing that really impressed me was that EVERY scene in the trailer was cut exactly from panels from the comic:

The ship coming up out of the water
Dr. M stomping through the forests of Vietnam
Rorschach lighting up that aerosol can and spraying fire at the cops

It seemed to send the message that the movie WOULD be true to the comic, and Bodybag's earlier words about a 4.5 hour director's cut are encouraging.

I am hopeful, but I also recognize how Moore's other works have been desecrated. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was UNWATCHABLE. And From Hell took so many liberties they should not have even kept the same name for that movie.

Regarding the possibility of merchandise... ya'll really don't want to buy an Ozymandias action figure?? :-D

(don't know how I missed this thread before!)
I quite enjoyed League of Extraordinary gentlemen, it had the nice steampunk feeling. And Connery is brilliant.
Ozymandias said:
That's fine for anyone with the handle "dragula" :P .
Terrific, I can finally be an individual!

No, but seriously, what was bad about it? It had the same feeling as the comic and with a great cast. The plot however was lacking, but still a enjoyable movie.
If he changes the ending, it'll ruin the experience for me. Why tinker with Moore's story? There's no reason to.
How about we just scan the comic book panel-by-panel and market it as the definitive Watchmen experience?

The exact form in which [spoiler:69bdea24e8]Veidt achieves[/spoiler:69bdea24e8] his goals never mattered to me that much, unlike the overall theme.

And yeah, "30 minutes ago" line is in the movie apparently.