I haven't played Dark Souls but the idea of you complaining about something which will make it more enjoyable for other gamers is why I'm glad you're not anywhere near game design. Some of us are causal gamers who love story primarily and gameplay which is fun over some kind of weird idea it needs to be THIS hard.
Thing is, one thing is to make games accesible to new people.
A completely different one is to step on your fanbase and appeal to "everyone", sacrificing what made your franchise unique, good or not, for moneys
I love story primarily too, that's why SOMA is my favorite horror game, and maybe a walking simulator set in the Dark Souls universe could be indeed interesting (one of the games even had an item that allowed traveling to memories).
I'm pretty sure I can be called a casual (I dare you though

) but I don't want things to be watered down for me. If I don't like it (being as is, mind you) I leave and look for other game. If I want more "realism" from Star Wars I go to Star Trek. If I want a more dynamic version of The Binding of Isaac, I go to Nuclear Throne. If I can't find anything similar, the case with Fallout, well... i cry a while in the corner.
I'm neither the first and last to say this, but Dark Souls isn't just difficulty. "Dark Souls is the hardest game ever" is a statement often used by... wait for it... its Marketing department, Gaming press, YouTubers and people that have heard it by vox populi.
It HAS an easy mode. It's called Online. The games get waay easier when summoning other people and friends, as enemy AI aggro is one of the hardest things to manage. Add that the amount of information avaleible on the internet about them is huge now. In every game there are options to mitigate hardship; in all of them there are NPCs summons if you are offline or don't want invasions. there are Messages and Bloodstains created by other players; the first is created purposefully and is used to troll just 10% of teh time. The latter are the last 5 seconds of a player life, warning you of traps, amushes, enemies, invaders, ledges, etc. You can also see other player's "ghosts" doing things, often revealing non-trapped chests or hidden passages.
You can leave your own Sign for people to summon you, and then you'll be able to explore a level or a boss with 0 danger and making a favor to your fellow man.
And there is a breaking point in every game if it's your first; if you managed to get there, usually around 5 hours in, you are IN. it's not that the game gets particularly easier, but you are in the zone. You feel comfy with your gear and seen the basics of mechanics. You want to upgrade that Claymore. You are going to kill that limp Demon in the basemant that shoots lightning.
Other things you can do, if you meet the requirements, is to get friends to either join your game, come at your house and play it through together or just keep some correspondency with others. They don't even need to be veterans. It keeps that old times feel of community discovery, like Pokemon or Zelda at their time.
It make sfor a pretty special experience for the player (i've done it three times already, an intensive, a surveying one and my brother's) and a nice experience for you two (three is a no-no unless it's a houseplant).
Point is, difficulty is a key element in the setting. You are no God nor Demigod, Hero, Chosen, Special, Skilled, The One. Hundreds have been "The Chosen X" before you, in this instance of the world and long past ones. A brittle Undead fighting alone against impossible odds, who shouldn't have made it past the Tutorial (most Tutorial Bosses are a test of worthyness, literally). You are facing Demons, Gods, Heroes, the remnants of civilization, the Ancient Ones, Lovecraftian Horrors, the Deep, Dark, Abyss, Chaos, Fog, Parmesan Cheese. You are the only one who ventured thus far in your timeline, as you see other heroes' corpses with their souls lying around until the very end.
The NPC's you meet on your journey don't share your goal, but they have grim fates as well. Be betrayed by your companions. Watch your friends' and your own sanity leaving. Cutthroats, assasins and thieves fighting each other. An optimist's mind get broken. Good intentions becoming terrible disasters. The merciful getting the worst of who they tried to help. The terrible means for the sake of research. Selfishness and pride of a god, condemning Man to a fleeting form.
These are some that i can think of right now, and i haven't played Bloodborne
This lost all point somewhere after the first paragraph, but serve yourself to make your own conclusions.