Will a new game set in West Coast/Mojave ever be made?


First time out of the vault
The original Fallout games really hooked me into the universe and New Vegas was a wonderful addition (I don't really care about Fallout 3 or the East Coast settings, i.e., Fallout 4).

If they (hopefully it will be Obisdian rather than Bethesda) do, will we ever get a definitive/canon ending for Battle of Hoover Dam 2? Also what concepts do you guys think they would go for, e.g., like New Vegas set in the same area but slightly different location with only references? Or full on back to the original sites in Fallout 1 and 2? (that would be awesome, imo) I hope after Fallout 4 they can return back to the West Coast/Mojave and continue the history...
New Region with mentions and effects of the previous games mentioned. Never really been a fan of sequels that just rethread the same ground.
No idea. I wish it has, but It's Bethesda and there are some rumors about them not being in very good terms anymore, we won't know until it happens.
I hope we'll get another west coast Fallout, but they'd probably be better off moving outside of someplace we've seen already, and confirm canonical outcomes of New Vegas just through textual references (like New Vegas did for Fo2.)

Considering all the various maritime assets that have been developed for Fallout 4 the logical place to put the next Western Fallout would probably be the Pacific Northwest, centered around Seattle/Vancouver. Though setting a game in Arizona/New Mexico/Texas could also be interesting, since presumably the Legion has failed to annex the Mojave so the *ahem* fallout from that could be interesting. I personally want to see that society the Khans and Followers form in Wyoming in one of the New Vegas endings, but Wyoming is a pretty unlikely setting for anything.

I sincerely hope another Fallout out west gets made, and I have to imagine Bethesda understands that there's value in the brand.
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I hear you Walpknut, but does a new game like this realistically have a chance of being made?

Most of us here would say no. We have no clue on what terms Bethesda and Obsidian are, but many of us assume that they most probably won't work together again on another Fallout game.
Most of us here would say no. We have no clue on what terms Bethesda and Obsidian are, but many of us assume that they most probably won't work together again on another Fallout game.

If one is thinking the falling 1 point short on Metacritic that denied Obsidian a bonus negatively impacted their relationship, they're most likely wrong. Obsidian followed the procedures as stipulated in their contract, and respectfully carried through without the bonus, even if missing the requirement by 1 point is kind of awkward to talk about for them.

Last year Feargus stated that he'd be happy for Obsidian to begin work on a new Fallout if given the opportunity by Bethesda. I know Obsidian almost died, and it was only the Pillars of Eternity kickstarter that saved them because they got 0 royalties from Fallout New Vegas from falling 1 Metacritic point short. But a deal's a deal, and they followed it without ill will. Provided that Fallout 4 will be a huge financial success, which it inevitably will be, I could see Bethesda asking someone else to produce a new Fallout, even though it's just speculation at this point. Whom is there better to ask than Obsidian, who has had experience with producing a highly acclaimed Fallout game? Handing it to a new developer would be more like uncharted territory, whereas handing it to Obsidian would be a safe move and cement their title as a Fallout developer.
I wasn't even thinking about the Metacritic stuff. It is just a feeling. See sometimes people agree to disagree. Obsidian is doing things very different to Bethesda. Who knows what both of them say behind closed doors you know. If the heads at Bethesda actually feel that they don't want to work with them again because they are so different from what they do or if the people in Obsidian felt it was to much stress. Who knows how limited Obsidians contract was, how much approval they had to get from Beth, how happy Beth was with the product in the end and so on - I mean if people are telling them, hey Beth! Make the story more like Obsidian! Maybe that rubs them the wrong way, what do I know? You would be surprised how much even professionals can get worked up about such stuff. Sometimes rightfully, sometimes unreasonably.

I am not saying it is impossible, hell I would love to see it happen. A second Fallout game by Obsidian would be awesome. I just personaly don't believe that it is very likely, for different reasons. And it seems that a lot in NMA share the same opinion, that least that is the feeling I have, I could be completely wrong of course. But I heard some good arguments why it is unlikely to see another Fallout by Obsidian.
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A contract to develop Fallout 4.5 would come with a huge pile of money, and Obsidian wouldn't need to compromise their principles or any artistic integrity to make another Fallout game (no matter how messed up Fallout 4's systems are, you can attach an RPG to it somehow), so I don't see why they would turn down the deal if it were offered.

I think "huge pile of money that could potentially secure the long-term health of the studio" would outweigh any hard feelings from 5 years ago.

On the other hand, if you're Bethesda, who else would you offer Fallout 4.5 to? If you're Bethesda Softworks (the publisher, that is the people holding the purse strings), you're pretty happy with how New Vegas turned out: it sold a bunch of copies, people liked it, it added value to the IP, and you didn't have to pay out bonuses.
You forget that companies are run by people too, not just money. Look, I am not so much disagreeing with you or anyone here. I would so gladly see a Fallout by Obsidian. I just believe that it is a pipe dream. Not to mention that Bethesda or well their parent copmany Zenimax has a very very bad track record of dealing with other companies. Hasn't of course to be the case with Obsidian. But I somehow feel that at least on the basis of game making both companies have very different approaches. Nothing shows this more clear than comparing Fallout 3 with New Vegas.

But hey! Who knows what might happen. Fallout 4 has not been released yet, and IF there will be a new Fallout game by Obsidian it sure will not happen before F4 is one or even two years old.
I think a lot of times fans confuse what they think about a company for what the company the fans are most closely aligned with feel about that company. This leads to a lot of perceiving bad feelings where there are none. Like on the extreme end we have the console wars, where the fans of MS hate everything Sony and vice versa, but people working for MS and Sony feel nothing of the sort (I personally know someone who works in the Xbox division who thinks Uncharted is the bee's knees, and who likes Smash Bros. way more than Killer Instinct.)

In reality there's a lot of esprit de corps in the video game industry, since this job is hard, doesn't pay as well as what 90% of the people in it could be doing with their skills in a different business, involves some truly astonishing hours, and then you have to put up with bizzarely entitled fans who hate you personally because of something minor in the game. So there's a mutual respect, particualrly among AAA where crunch is the norm, because all the devs realize how hard it is to even ship a game, let alone a game that was a big hit critically or otherwise.

So I would offer that the people at Obsidian think a lot more highly about the people at Bethesda than we do. I mean, a lot of people here dislike Bioware a lot, but based on their public interactions with each other the folks at Obsidian think highly of them and their games.
They "like them" in the sense that they are impressed by how much money they make. One developer makes RPG's the other one makes hiking simulators. You can see restraint in every interview with the original Fallout teams when referring to Bethesda. It would be hard to see something you create turned into watered down big bucks.

The console wars are purely fan based (But Sega stoked the flames back in the day, so that is debatable) with the console makers capitalizing off of that to spin whatever product they are trying to shovel out. Of course game developers are people so they are friends with those in competing companies, but the actual companies are in competition. - they will cut the others throat if they have to.

I hope Obsidian keeps their hands off Fallout now. They might as well take their talent and utilize it elsewhere.
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Well... there was an article in IGN where a representative of Obsidian talked about a new fallout game they would make. But it was just speculation so I have doubts it will happen. The thing that stops a good Fallout game being made is Bethesda's zealotry in lawsuits. Also they have a bad track record working with other companies, they would not work with a small indie company that know what it wants in a Fallout game (Isometric, good story and writing, etc) because there may not be enough money in return.

The last hope for Fallout, real Fallout, lies with the modders who make Mutant Rising and other such total conversion mods.
Feargus is still interested in working with Bethesda and games using the Gamebryo engine, but without Avellone on board, i am afraid it wouldn't be the same.
(although i don't think it will utterly suck)
Who kows though, Avellone could be eventually convinced to work on a new Fallout by Obsidian, if only as free lancer.
None of the guys involved with the old Fallout games should touch this shit again. We need new IP's that haven't been whored out like some tramp on the streets. If anything they should have worked on Wasteland 2 to make it not suck as much...wait that kinda happened.
None of the guys involved with the old Fallout games should touch this shit again. We need new IP's that haven't been whored out like some tramp on the streets. If anything they should have worked on Wasteland 2 to make it not suck as much...wait that kinda happened.

Ah do you support the death of Fallout? I don't for all of Beth's destruction I still have hope. In modders and that in the near future... or far... that Bethesda will discard the Fallout IP and some worthy soul will pick it up... I doubt it though.
None of the guys involved with the old Fallout games should touch this shit again. We need new IP's that haven't been whored out like some tramp on the streets. If anything they should have worked on Wasteland 2 to make it not suck as much...wait that kinda happened.

Ah do you support the death of Fallout? I don't for all of Beth's destruction I still have hope. In modders and that in the near future... or far... that Bethesda will discard the Fallout IP and some worthy soul will pick it up... I doubt it though.

By the time someone else gets the rights it will have been tarnished, rebooted, retconned, or raped. Take your pick.