Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

Will Fallout 3 be remembered in 10 years' time?

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This is just a crazy old farts opinion, but I rather enjoyed Fallout 3 vanilla. I am not a FPS fan, but I got into VATS, I know I know...in all its abominable glory. =) Sue me! I still hold the first two as higher ranking games on the all time list in my head.

You know what suprised the hell out of me though. I am playing through again, this time as a good guy (did the whole villain thing first). I loaded the five Add-Ons, and modded with MMM, FOOK, Fellout, EVE, Ultimate Perk Pack, beefed up versions of the Citadel, Arefu, and Shady...tossed in a radio and a lighting pack, finishing off with a .

H o l y C o w! Apples and Oranges as far as I am concerned. With the changes Broken Steel added, a much more appealing ending, and all the extra content from Add-Ons to Mods....

...its a good quest tie in mod pack away from being just about the best game I have played of its type.

If anyone can point me to one I will be forever grateful.
Hi! I'm new to these boards. Actually registered just to weigh in here. Heh. :) I apologize beforehand for the length of this, too. Sorry for the rambling newbie.

I sincerely hope that Fallout3 is NOT remembered by gamers in a decade. I was young when my dad played the original fallout and I watched over his shoulder. It was the first RPG I ever played, and I remember it fondly, especially the lovable rogue Dogmeat. Being younger than the age required to get on this forums, I didn't get most of the references in the game at the time that I played it, but I now can when I look back, or experience it again.

Fallout was a chronicle of the pontential horrors of humanity. I recently decided to play Fallout3 again, as "evil", and blew up Megaton. On traveling back, I was horrified to find Moira Brown as a very chipper ghoul. An ex-boyfriend of mine that I told said, "Yeah, but the mushroom cloud and nuclear explosion was totally awesome and worth it."

Now, if you can look at Fallout 1+2 and go, "Wow! This apocalypse thing, it sure is cool and awesome looking! We should have more nuclear wars because nuclear explosions are so cool!", I don't think you get the point of the game. That players of Fallout3 -- specifically, those who did not play 1+2 beforehand -- typically are, in this lady's experience, people who think the idea of a horrifying event is awesome, and that more nukes should be dropped ...Well, these players are kind of sick.

Furthermore, one of the arguments I've seen for F3 being a "great game", is that it has won so many GOTY awards from so many different journalistic outlets. A quick observation of RPGs released, however, doesn't exactly show great quality or abundance. RPGs are a dying breed, and some of the good ones you don't even hear about. Of course much hyped, much touted Fallout 3 would win a bunch of GOTY awards. There was no better alternative in the RPG department.

I wonder how many of these people who tell me that Fallout 3 is an instant classic remember, or even know about, a much better GOTY (in this lady's opinion, of course) from several years back, "No One Lives Forever".
I think it will be remembered by some for the "Whoa did you see that?" Moments. Like someone said above VATS was cool. The first time you saw it...

Awards mean what really? It means right now people like it. Quick who won the oscar for best picture from 1960 to 1980? Pretty sure when you look it up you will see films you have no clue about.

FO3 is interersting in that it brought guns to the Oblivion style of game play. It gave people what they wanted, and did so by using a very popular game world. Yet I still play FO and FO2, my friends do the same. My nephew does not play FO3 anymore. Why is that? "Well I played all the DLC, and saw all the endings." That right there says it all to me. You beat FO3 and you say "Oh, that was cool." I have yet to see an magazine present the "FO3 six months later playthrough." They speak of the new DLC, but not the amazing, super, ground breaking game, they fawned over a short while ago.

Honestly if Beth just came out with "The Bomb: Capital Wasteland" and had elements you can point to and say "Oh look thats Fallout inspired" the game would be cool, and slowly go away. We would have people on this site recalling the game and wondering if it will create a fire under Interplay to make a new game, and for the most part we will smile at the FSP/RPG with the so-so game play.
guys we definetly WILL hear about Fallout 3 again. When Fallout 4 or Oblivoin 2 ... I mean the next Elderscrolls will see the light. Gaming magazines will mention why Bethesdas next game is "perfect" and where the errors of the last game are even though those errors have strange enough NOT been present when they saw the game for the first time ... ah well selective memory. A great thing!
Of course it will be remembered, it's the game that brought the Fallout series to the mainstream Console Kids. It will be forgotten of course, but not for a while. It's a great game, not a great Fallout game, but a great game nonetheless.
Tagaziel said:
That this mediocre FPS/RPG hybrid will be lost to the sands of time, while the original cRPG remains in memory of gamers world-wide.
But that's because it's a piece of gaming antiquity, not because it's an overall great game (I'm thinking about trashing combat again, but I won't). People love Fallout 1/2 for the same reason car lovers treasure vintage cars from the 20's. It's culture, with a rich history behind it, that basically laid the foundation to the modern car industry. Doesn't mean they're particularly super-fun to ride (clunky controls, noisy, fuel-inefficient and what-not).

If nothing else, Fallout 3 will be remembered as the game that brought the Fallout universe back to the modern gaming world, for better or worse.

I wouldn't mind if people forgot the dull story or one-dimensional characters, on the other hand. Well, besides most of the ghoul characters and robots, like Charon, Desmond, Sergeant RL-3 and Liberty Prime (last one just for the awesomewtfbacon-effect). All of these were pretty awesome.
Tagaziel said:
Simple question, tough answer.

Fallout is famous. It's remembered. It's hailed as a great RPG.

Now, will the third game be remembered? It's my one, personal thought, that keeps me from succumbing to cynism, that it will be forgotten, unlike Fallout 1.

That this mediocre FPS/RPG hybrid will be lost to the sands of time, while the original cRPG remains in memory of gamers world-wide.
LOL I didn't even know about Fallout 1 until 3 came along.
Fallout 3 is more widely known than any other in the entire series, and will continue to be whether you like it or not. I'm not saying that makes it better, it just is.

I love Fallout 3. Fallout 2 is my favorite, and I still play it occasionally, but I really don't understand all the hatred I've read towards Fallout 3. Yes it is different. Don't like it? Don't play it. Don't waste your time railing on it either. To each their own, but don't forget these wise words:

"...repeat to yourself its just a [game], I should really just relax..."
"...repeat to yourself its just a [game], I should really just relax..."

Say that to an angry mod after their team (football, soccer, whatever) lost a game. bet you wont be coming out of there alive.

Same thing here 8-)
Now that I think of it, it won't even take 10 years to be forgotten. Once Fallout: New Vegas comes out and clearly surpasses everything Bethesda did on Fallout 3, everyone will be playing that (and remembering that) and not Fallout 3.
Someone just found my post to offensive. Things there is even worse than i thought.
As i said there is a much more people who will support F3 because it is a very much mod-friendly. It expands fallout setting in different directions. Personally i dislike many minor aspects of F3 art, but overall it's great. Just look, no other fallout game is close enough in detail. I like F1 and F2 but compared to F3 there is very little to see.
It's a different game in same setting. But still damn good.
will it be remembered ? No, F3 is a game based on Fallout series which feels more like Quake III than fallout...
all those enemies running around so that it's harder to hit them... and it takes about 10 shots to bring someone down... lol that's a FAIL

notice that the person who created this pool didn't even include such an option as 'fallout 3 sucks'

damn you're a girl ? cool... anyway I totally agree with you

Fallout 3 is more widely known than any other in the entire series, and will continue to be whether you like it or not. I'm not saying that makes it better, it just is
Back then when I was your age there were lots of arcade games for intellectually challenged adolescents too... and at first everyone was like 'ohh damn X is soo great'
but you know what? they were all quickly forgotten
Personally I enjoyed all the Fallout games I played (1/2/3 and tactics). I got bored of F03 granted, but only after over 40 hours of gameplay in which I explored almost the entire map, completed the MQ and got to level 20, and started replaying 2 different accounts (trying out different skills).

I will probably replay it sometime, and I will enjoy it. I hope to mod the shit out of it like I did for Oblivion. This is crucial- I believe, if nothing else, that the mods will keep the game alive for a few more years at least. Long-term... probably not.
I think it will be remembered, TBH I don't get why people hate F3 so much, it was a good game, if anything I thought it was the same standards of Tactics, i'll play 1 and 2 when I order them and see if i'm wrong, but for now i'm staying adamant.
Long time lurker....first post.

I completed around 95% of vanilla in three weeks, and I wouldn't call it cack. (As a gamer of 15 years, from Amigas to XBoxes, I know cack when I see it.). It just felt like it didn't know what 'it' was to be. A big RPG like Morrowind? A shooter like STALKER? Or even a survival game like Resident Evil? Jack of all trade, master of none.

Please, lets stop talking to the younger gamers out there like they are all idiots addicted to eyecandy. Yes, most are. But they are not the kind who actually bother reading things like this. Have you all forgot being them a decade or so ago? Or are you the same old farts who were tearing strips off me back in '98 becuase I said a game 'looked nice'?

There is no need to worry about this 'generation gap' in gaming. That is a creation due to lazy jurnos. If you are 25 or older, think back to all the TV you watched when you were 10-14. How much of it would you call 'good' today? Kids like large amounts of crap. Period. Don't blame them, because they simply don't have the experiance to know better.

So game jurnos wet themselves over F3? It's their job to wet themselves so often they really should make a catheter implant manditory before they are employed. Nearly all reviewing is like this, I find that this essay written back in the '40s still holds true today.


Remember, professional reviewers are given high workloads and short times to do it in. Game reviewers are sometimes shipped games still in beta form, and to play an RPG enough to actully comment about it's replayability can take upto 50+ hours, which they don't have time to do, 'specially if they are writing a 'just released' article.

I did find this site - http://www.gamerankings.com which adds up all of the various reviews for each game. Interestingly, F1 was higher than F3. :)