Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

Will Fallout 3 be remembered in 10 years' time?

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Surf Solar said:
CaveJohnson said:
Yes it will, because it's awesome.

The results of this poll will be skewed here obviously, so it's kind of pointless to even ask.

Even if you didn't like FO3, be thankful the series is back. It might be dead still if FO3 hadn't been made.

This shit again?

Troika who consisted of quite a few founding fathers of the original games were interested in buying the Fallout franchise back - until they got cockblocked by those dickheads over at Bethesda.

Nothing to be "thankful" here, I'd rather the series stays dead than playing abominations they call Fallout released by this studio.

You are so full of hate dude. I love it. Tell those fucking Bethesda fanboys. :silenced:

Edit: Also, this is not directed towards CaveJohnson, just the general gist of what he posted, which we have all heard a million times before.
I've already forgotten about the game to be honest. It just sits in my drawer gathering dust. The story was terrible, places far too much emphasis on action, sloppy writing, crap DLC. It was a fairly fun game nevertheless but hardly an amazing game. I prefer to think of New Vegas as a worthy successor to the series.
same here, Vegas was much much closer to anything you could call "Fallout 3" then the real Fallout 3.

If just Vegas would have been finished instead of Fallout 3, I mean it had the F3 engine and it had much better player - NPC interaction. The story was much better as well.
I think it is a good game, but still the old ones are the best games of Fallout series. Without Fallout 3 I wouldn't have ever heard about the original Fallout which is my favorite game of the series..... :)
Fallout 3 is cannon.... at least it is in my own Fallout universe. Haters gonna hate :twisted:
It will be remembered I'm sure! It's the first game from Bethesda and is...What can you say? Revolutionary. It's a great game and the start of a new Fallout Era.
NCR Trooper said:
It will be remembered I'm sure! It's the first game from Bethesda and is...What can you say? Revolutionary. It's a great game and the start of a new Fallout Era.

One in my opinion we could have done without.

To me Fallout 3 signals how the Fallout franchise was diminished in order to appeal to a crowd of fickle gamers wouldn't have given it the time of day because it didn't try to be Hollywood like; relying on stupid gimmicks and ridiculous action in order to appeal to the audience.

Fallout may live but its dead at the same time.
Well Fallout BoS was also remembered and that game was crap. Fallout 3 was fun, sure the story isn't so good and the DLCs suck but it was the start of a whole new series of Fallout plus it's the recreation of Fallout (Even though it did not always seem like it). I will remember it as the first Fallout I played and what brought me into the Fallout world. Sure playing Fallout 2 and New Vegas ruined FO3 for me because of story and such but what if Bethesda didn't make a Fallout? Then I wouldn't have known anything about Fallout and there's many other who wouldn't have either. It became GOTY and it was fun, but that's not what I will remember it for, I will remember it for being a start to Fallout New Vegas which I personally think was marvelous.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
but what if Bethesda didn't make a Fallout?

Someone else would have done it. There were other companies interested to the IP, you know? Beth just beated them to the punch.

That may be true, but would they have made a better Fallout or a worse? I think Bethesda made a good Fallout (Fallout 3) and a great Fallout (Fallout New Vegas). If someone else made it, then maybe it would have been worse? I'm happy Bethesda took Fallout, and I'm happy they made Fallout 3 and I love Fallout New Vegas and as a console player I think it's great they finally made a Fallout to console that didn't suck (Yes I'm talking about Fallout BoS which totally sucked). You can count on me remembering it!
Well, Bethesda didn't really make a Fallout game. They made a Bethesda-First-Person-Action-RPG set in a universe vaguely resembling the Fallout universe.
Imagine Troika getting the Fallout license. They had experience with Fallout and RPGs that were more in line with the classic Fallout games.
It's just a technology demonstration, but it's not hard to imagine a Fallout game coming from that.
NCR Trooper said:
That may be true, but would they have made a better Fallout or a worse?

It's true, we don't know and never will. Just pointing out that Beth didn't "save" anything, I read that waaaay too many times. Nothing against you. :P

By the way, Beth didn't do New Vegas, they only produced it. :P
Will Fallout 3 be remembered, lets see:
-G4's 75th game of all time
-Numerous top 10 of decade awards.
-Numerous GOTY
-Massive sales
-extreme popularity
-Top rated game on xbox 360 by users
-17th highest rated game of all time by critics
-Revolutionary fo its time
-One of the few games at the Smithsonian for there game exhibit
-An overall good game.
-John Henry Eden 35th villian of all time
-Experimental MIRV 7th best weapon of all time.
- Number 1 Game on giant bomb by users
Ya, this will be remembered as one of the greatest games of all time.
I've got to ask-- what is it about Fallout 3 that made it "Revolutionary for its time?" As far as setting goes, it didn't do anything that Fallout itself didn't do a decade earlier (aside from oversimplifying what was already there). As far as gameplay goes, Morrowind beat it to the post by 5 years and, again, was more involved. The music was typical epic fantasy stuff, the wasteland itself was visually generic-- There was absolutely nothing innovative about the game. I'm not knocking it, and I've stated here before that I enjoyed it despite its numerous glaring flaws, but I've got to take exception to the idea that Bethsoft was breaking new ground with it.
WelcomeToDC said:
Ya, this will be remembered as one of the greatest games of all time.

And Justin Bieber will be remembered as one of the greatest artists of all time. :roll:
game Released in 2008
I purchased in 2012, plan on playing for a veryyyyy long time.
Yes it will be remembered. Like most things how it is remembered depends on which side of the line you stand on, for the majority of gamers, positively. For the majority of NMA alumni , negatively.
WelcomeToDC said:
No one had ever played an first/third person open world, post apocalyptic rpg game before.Many people were amazed.

Not to be difficult, but S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl came out a year earlier than Fallout 3 and it did all those things (and better, arguably). Also, I'm not sure I'd call F3 first/third person, as the third-person mode was largely useless for anything but admiring your character or taking screenshots.

I hate to sound like a pretentious hipster douche, but F3 was only revolutionary to so many people because of their minimal exposure to its forerunners. I like to think of Fallout 3 a lot like an omelet-- the base was familiar, and the ingredients had been used in a ton of other dishes. It was just a mildly novel way of putting them all together. Tasty though it may have been, it was nothing surprising to anyone that's ever been to IHOP a time or two, and it certainly didn't change the face of breakfast forever.
Yamu said:
WelcomeToDC said:
No one had ever played an first/third person open world, post apocalyptic rpg game before.Many people were amazed.

Not to be difficult, but S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl came out a year earlier than Fallout 3 and it did all those things (and better, arguably). Also, I'm not sure I'd call F3 first/third person, as the third-person mode was largely useless for anything but admiring your character or taking screenshots.

I hate to sound like a pretentious hipster douche, but F3 was only revolutionary to so many people because of their minimal exposure to its forerunners. I like to think of Fallout 3 a lot like an omelet-- the base was familiar, and the ingredients had been used in a ton of other dishes. It was just a mildly novel way of putting them all together. Tasty though it may have been, it was nothing surprising to anyone that's ever been to IHOP a time or two, and it certainly didn't change the face of breakfast forever.

Now I'm hungry.