Will Fallout the game become Fallout the reality?

thegaresexperience said:
Sabirah said:
Can't we all just get along? :P

On the internet? On NMA noetheless? NO


If we all would get along on NMA it would be quite boring no :P ?

Wintermind said:
Crni Vuk said:
well a war is pretty unlikely anyway as Germany would simply claim their Rheinmetall tank-guns back from the US tanks. warranty is brocken in case of war! :wink:

People actually forget how much of foreign technology actually is inside the US military.

There's a certain amount of mix in guns and stuff. We use belgian machineguns, thinking of switching to another belgian machinegun, Seals apparently use swiss pistols, we use swedish rocket launchers, and that's about all the foreign pew I can think of and generalize off the top of my head.

Not that I was really serious to begin with ...

Though your gunz are made in china anyway. Check the inside of your rifle.
Actually, a lot of them are made in the states to not have to deal with the issues of shipping fuckloads of guns.