Will there be any returning characters in Fallout 4?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I've been wondering this for awhile. Do you guys think that they're going to bring any characters back from the older games (FO1/2) like they did in Fallout 3 with Harold? We all know how badly they fucked up with him so I personally hope that they don't. Although I do think it's pretty much a guarantee that we'll get one or two from FO3 that I won't recognize because I don't remember more than 5 characters from that game.
Dr. Li will probably be back, as will at least one ranking Brotherhood of Steel member.

As for returning from the west coast?


They didn't even bother to have any non-Fallout 3 or 4 characters in Fallout Shelter.

Beth is spiteful like that.
Well, That scientist that came to Rivet city ("the replicated man" quest) is pretty much a given.
Maybe someone from CW BoS chapter? They could take the outcast BoS, make them go to Boston and there you go, perfect villains for you to defeat.

But I hope we won't see anyone from Fo1/2. Such an appearance would make perfect sense in FNV or any other possible future Obsidian title, but there is absolutely no reason to make another person undertake the senseless trek across the whole US...
If Moira Brown or some other stupid character returns that I can't right now remember then I will blow their fucking faces off as soon as I get the chance.
I think we will see Dr Li, Dr Zimmer and his side kick android bodyguard, Desmond from Point Lookout (he said something about going North to settle an old score), and possibly Harkness.

Harkness could be written in a couple different ways. One would be that restoring his memory and turning him over to Zimmer is canon for that quest, or it could be that restoring his memory makes him decide to join with the Railroad and help free other androids. If the latter scenario is the one that plays out, we might also see the woman from the Railroad that comes when the Replicated Man quest is initiated.

If Zimmer returns I will once again aid him in tracking down androids with the hopes that I might be able to get the Wired Reflexes or similar implant.
i think Three Dog will be around.
Wasn't the voice actor of TD the first, wo spilled the first information about Fallout 4? Some recording sessions and stuff?
The thing the Actor of Three Dog was recording was a bit for a youtube channel called Shoddy Cast. It wasn't anything telated to Fallout 4.
I really hope they don't even mention any characters from the classics. FNV could do it, because it was close to the Core region and you can trust Obsidian to do it well, and so you've got Marcus in his role as a mayor, a daughter of our beloved sawn-off-wielding badass with a weak heart and a guy from Klamath. But they know how to do it well. While Bethesda takes Harold, forces a trek across the states on him and turns him into a freakin tree. This is a shout out with the subtlety of a punch to the face. With a power glove on. And using a VATS special melee attack.
Hopefully not. I was glad to see Marcus again in New Vegas, even if his dialogue pool was a bit short, and the daughter of John Cassidy being a companion was damn cool, but both of them were in Fallout 2.

Unless some kind of mass migration from the Capital Wasteland took place after F3, I can't see any characters from that game being in this one.
Yeah, my money's also on Madison Li, also maybe Zimmer and Armitage or even Harkness.