WIP Wasteland 2 screenshot coming next week

You mean the beginning of the big whine. :>

Very tensed to see screenshots + peoples reactions.
Let's pray it doesn't look like this...

Honestly, I have low expectations regarding the look of the title (besides the art direction, I mean), so anything decent will do with me. Besides, this is going to be an extremely early screenshot..
Yeah, particle & post processing effects are the most important thing about this game/genre. Can't wait to hear about it. /

Ok, it's nice to see some progress, but don't serve us a cookie inxile, this should be the RPG game, not some beth's pos where only thing that's important are hires textures and stuff. Give us some info/diary about how real RPG elements function in this particular game or what are the novelties regarding the rest of the pack. You know - real RPG news.

Aside that little thingy above, I'm curious how colorful actual screenshots will be, having in mind that art published so far is more similar to greenish f3 then to W1 feel, where colors are way more "cheerful".

But, how big is gameworld, is it sand-box, what are the plans about npc's AI, delayed c&c, how quests work, how many companions, UI, how save works... you know, that sfuff...
Wells, Fargo just wrote something on Twitter, but then an inveterate shill had to go and post it on NMA. Viral momentum go!
Very preliminary of course, but I feel I'm already per-disposed into liking it, whatever it may be. I'm just quite glad to see that it's coming along
Surf Solar said:
What a snoozer, news about some upcoming news, you dont say Mr. Fargo!

Oh no, it's pushing down all the other legitimate news on...errr...Fallout 3 DLC Xbox Gold sale?
what the hell ... people complaining about the quality of the visuals with Wasteland 2 a kick starter project O.o
Bewitched said:
Whatever, I've already bought this game, lol.
We're doomed :)

Anyway, I wonder how reliable this screenshot will be. I mean how well it will really reflect the final game.
^"We'll release a WIP screenshot next week for Wasteland 2! No particle & post processing effects but it will show progress."

Maybe the first post has the answer?
Oh look, it's Walpknut.

"WIP" can mean anything. And do you seriously think if you add particles & post-processing effects it will turn the WIP screenshot into a final game version screenshot? It might be the case. It might not. That's why I'm wondering. But you don't have to wonder too, I mean you perfectly know how close to the final game it will be right?
It's not the first time I see you answering straight after someone to imply he is dumb, and I don't like that.
I'm very curious about the screenshot.
Not really for the graphics but for the view/perspective/camera angle.
I hope the camera will be fixed like in JA or fallout because rotative camera give me headeache.
However i don't know if we will be able to know that with a single screenchot.
exactly, the graphic is not something I see as high value. Its more about the design, art direction and such.

You can make a very beautiful game without the latest next generation graphic and 3D engine. Just saying.