Fallout Tactics mod Xkcon's ultimate rip off (0.895)

To scout out the store walk around the outside, you can try the locked doors (but don’t pick them), then go in and talk to the staff. You will get a message from Neal letting you know that you have completed the mission.
To scout out the store walk around the outside, you can try the locked doors (but don’t pick them), then go in and talk to the staff. You will get a message from Neal letting you know that you have completed the mission.

Thank, but that was the first logical thing i did...even tried several combinations...in hiding, out of hiding,, stand on every corner and turn around , talked with owners, etc...did it for hours...

I'll try again...must have missed "trigger" spot...

Good thing is that i started again because accidentally became a Zionist and that makes good nazi Landlord hostile....and now i will try Neils side if it's not too evil...just to plunder Dani's stash :)

Thanks again !
Neil's quests are too evil for me...second one is pure murder...

After destroying pornography for Arian Brotherhood there is no safe house marked on the map....what is the name of that place, maybe i already have it discovered, like Grinville, Satelite station, Sleeper station...?
Is this mod still alive? :(

Its pretty good so it would be a shame if no further work on it will be ever done.

I began playing the mod recently. It's a fascinating experience, I really like it, it pulled me in hard! Big thanks to the author!
I need a little help about quest. I had a question about ''deathclaw nest'', the NPC telling me that it's located somewhere near ''the main gate'' I searched the whole Ridgeside map, and tried to random encounter anything around it, on global, but without any succes. Can you please give any clues concerning where to find that ''nest''?

P.S. I hope that the developpement didn't stopped on vers.0.895 and we will see the final 1.0. Well, at least there is a hope! This mod gives a game a whole new look, it's a big expansion pack! Would be a pity if the developpement has stopped at some point. Also, would be great to see the improvements from another mods integrated into yours. From Redux and Equilibrium. There are:environement stuff, items, and S.P.E.C.I.A.L buffs. Would be BEST to see it all at once in one mod! I think, it must be not so difficult to implement the stuff which is already done, just need to integrate it properly,in order to function together.


I would like to report my playthrough. So I made a big progress in the whole mod, BoS gave me the last mission, to kill the calculator. Meanwhile, there are several bugs to report. The quest, when you defend terrorist's place, I killed all the enemy troops, I counted 3 waves of attackers. All of them are dead, but there is no message about ''Objective comlete". Also, the terrorist leader talks about some radio ( when I brought my best squad members to him ), that he gives me, to keep in contact, during battle, but I didn't received anything, I searched every possible little pixel on the screen, no trace of radio... So the quest is bugged, impossible to finish. Another one is in Fortress city, when I did the last hit with ''The Crew'', and the leader of ''The Crew'' was killed by cops, I cannot save anymore on the map. Because every save game becomes corrupted. So the only possible way is to leave the city, and than save game, otherwise the game is crashing and save file becomes broken. In the hospital floor 3, there is a room, right next to safe's room, when I lockpick the door, and open it, the game crash! During the Fortress city bank job, the PD is empty, and after I killed all guards, I tried to lockpick their armory ( or whatever is it ) on the first floor - same thing as in hospital, game crash! The PipBoy random encounter, is chasing me, it happens several times, despite if I already encoutered him before, and I was so bothered by him, that I killed the bastard, and now, when it happens to random encouter it again, the game crash! Sadly, I can't load my save, because I already progressed too far in my BoS missions after the ''murder''. The guy who sells ''armaggedon estate'', doesn't have the most expensive one, about which he talks, he has only the cheapest house and the middle, but not the BoS style vault... I thought it was due to my game progress, but I already progressed till the end of BoS campaign, and still no wanted estate on sale... The Fields' BoS officer, after my successfull raider attack defence, says that he will have more job for me, next time I am in town. But I already came to him, after several different missions and it's stuck on the dialog about congrats for the raider mission succes... No any further quests or messages... I also revealed and searched the whole world map and locations ( except Vault 0 ) and didnt found the starter motor, for the girl, who wants to repair the Humvee. In Fortress, when I cleaned the porn studio for Max, he doesnt shows me the location of their camp, which he mentioned when gave me the quest. Quartz city is totally bugged too, I doesn't have a debrief, there is only a message of succes and return to base. And it's not obvious how to start the whole chain of events there... first time I simply barge in the 'bad guys' place and killed em, free the mayor's wife and disarmed the bomb, and secured the BoS paladin prisoner, but I had a message with debrief, that I failed. Despite I killed every hostile NPC on map and opened the cell and talk to imprisoned BoS Paladin, he said he was okay and will do his way to bunker on his own. When I searched for hostile on the map, accidently I found Nick, and killed, because he attacked me... After that, I couldnt finish the caravaner's quest, I brought them the debt card and stuff, but the quest message hangs there forever, I see no possible way to finish it, except to restart the game, which is not an option...The Jackson's city Mafia boss, has endless message about ''wow you managed to kill my rivals...'' etc. and he says he will have more work for me, but same as all other NPCs, no new quest. Same thing in Clap Town, the father of saved daughter, talks about new quests, but doesnt give any. Next bug, I robbed 2 banks, exploded the Zian estate, killed the pron studio, finished 'The Crew'' questline, and still cops aren't came after me... I killed many guards during last bank job, there are so many witness of the crimes, but still, when I talk to local Sheriffs, they both talk about how strict and tough they are, but no consequencies for my recent activity. The infested on all maps, all dies from a single Pancor shot, with simple red ammo... 1 char is able to clean the whole map, I dont know if it is supposed or it's a weakness. I had 1 guy with Kamikaze trait, fast shot, 2 BRD and BROF and he got 2 AP for Single with Pancor and he simply annihilate any infected parties. The only problem are infected deathclaws, but for those I use 2 pancor guys,wtih green ammo, which also annihilates them very EZ and fast. In the clone lab, the are 2 operating generators by default, they are destroyable, and the Terminals displaying message that there is no Power... I didnt get, how there could be no Power, when 2 of 2 generators are functioning, and I also ''Activated'' two of possible consoles, but nothing happened, no effect. In the whole mod, there are tons of ammo and money, which have NO use AT ALL, I have got several millions of BoS script, I have a char with 300% Barter skill and "Master Trader" perk, so I have bought everything possible on the world map, ( hoped to buy the best estate for my squad, but it's not available, like I said before ) and I dont know what else I am able to do with all that cash. And I didnt even sold the Pyramid treasures, being stuck in the labyrinth for a while, I guess I will be even richer after that. I have 40k 7,62mm ammo, 7k .50 caliber, and 5-10k of any other ammo, 5k of Gauss ammo, only rare ammo, and most usefull is .12 caliber, which I have only 1,5k of each, except Red ones, which I have 5k, but they are useless, compare to Green, Yellow and Purple ones. SO the question, what is the use for all that stuff? To mention that I play in RT mode, without TB, and I dont really count how much shots are doing my squaddies.

THE VERDICT: This is a very interesting and global mod, BUT, there are too many unfinished questlines, and bugs, and unfinished ideas and places. Lack of really strong enemy, lack of way to use the cash available in the game and the bugs are really annoying, making it impossible to get to the end of the things. But I am very grateful for the author and I wish one day, to play the 1.0 version of this mod, with fixed bugs and finished questlines! Would be awesome! And I also encountered a lot of issues with pathfinding in the game, the characters mostly cannot even open doors without having them stand in front of it, otherwise they all message ''cannot reach'', and they cant go behind corner, when you click a little bit more than 15-20 hex away from them. I don't know if its due to my PC config or Windows or game engine, but it really sux! We got TOP PC RN, TOP hardware, and I don't see why the pathfinding is so fucked up. The characters are often "run in place'' behind each other, and you have to really select each one of them and click the pixels right next and show them the way... Very annoying and stupid, it spoils the whole impression of the gameplay. But for SUMMARY I would give it 7/10 evaluation. I am a Fallout oldschool veteran and played all possible mods which I found for Fallout 1,2 and BoS. For the evaluation: -1 for bugs, -1 for unfinished stuff, -1 for engine/pathfinding issues = 7/10!

ANYWAY! Many thanks for the HUGE work author has done! Great mod! Great job!
Yeah I have the same problem in my own mod with pathfinding. It REALLY REALLY sucks! It is vanilla I'm afraid. If someone would dare to work hard on this and deliver us a better pathfinding system, when you actually could ask your group to walk at least two blocks without holding their hands, that would be AMAZING. Door problem is also vanilla, what a mess that game can be sometimes...
I downloaded Xkcon's mod from Moddb, but I can't get it to work. I'm using windows 10 pro and I wonder if that is a factor? I looked at the readme, followed the instructions, but all of the "folders" that it said to delete and then replace were actually .bos files (compressed or zipped or whatever). So I got winzip, deleted those .BOS files, unzipped xkcon's files, then added them to CORE. They have unzipped as folders, not .bos files. I modify a character, select tough guy, the game starts but fails to "read the header for mission 00" , which is a .MIS file. see screenshot. Can anyone help? What am I doing wrong or how do I fix it?
I don't think you are using the proper method, regardless of the instructions. I tested my method with XKcon's mod and it worked fine. You could even use it to add most mods to your game while keeping original Tactics in one piece. Do like this, it is much more simple :

1) create a "mods" folder in Fallout Tactics folder
2) create a "xkcons" folder in "mods" folder
3) extract all the mod's files you downloaded to "xkcons" folder
4) create a copy of "Launch Fallout Tactics" shortcut
5) in the shortcut properties, add this after target's path : " -path mods/xkcons"

hai.. i'new in this forum..

is this site still ON?

I already play XKCon's 4 time with the best way i can get, but... i have problem for some mission
try with some tricks and glitch, but doesn't work.. so here i'm, ready with some question..

But first, i'm very great full with this mod, i like it, really appreciate..

So here the list of my problem ;

1. There's a cannibal clan on the right top corner of the map, Chilli Clan (if im not wrong). I think there's a bug where you choose to join them. I buy the ticket on the gate and walk down trough two camber where a fat man order me to put all my item (equipment and inventory) inside a crate. The fat guy told there's a uniform that i must equip, but there's no uniform at all, on the table, in my inventory. And now i got stuck inside the chamber with nothing.

I try the different option to get inside, wich mean infiltrate trough the tunnel, right side of front gate, but it make all the cannibal go hostile.

I found two recruits inside the cannibal base, Sharon and Torn, Torn inside jail, and Sharon pregnant with grandpa baby, how can i persuade Sharon? Because she said, she want to stay and go hostile...

2. Mary death, Mary or Marie, i forgot. Mission where, her mom looking for her daughter who goes missing in porn industry. The problem came where Nix told me to contact a sponsored on the Casino Hotel. The door shut, and only open if i put all my inventory, but... like the first problem, i came with nothing in my inventory and equipment, but nothing happen. The door keep shut, and there's a voice who told me to put all thing's again and again. I try come alone with nothing in my inventory, but same..

3. In Sleeper Base, i already success cloning 3 girl from blood DNA, from Agapicu. And theres one clone tank left (for who?). And there's two tank in the next room where i can't find how to open it. If i remember from the information data on third floor, the owner of Sleeper Base save two of their people inside the tank.

There's 3 storage on second floor, but i only manage to open 2 of them. How to open the last one, because i can see some component on the floor of the storage.

On the first floor, there's a machine that broke when i put some jug inside of it, is that should happen? or there's another way to interact with it?

4. I finish clearing Agapicu tomb, found 12 tomb (i forgot how many) inside the pyramid, and found 2 Atlantean Sword on the most bottom of the pyramid. Is there another secret or i miss something?

The fog that came with the dark lord, can we close it or what?

I read from here, we can replace the man who summon the dark lord at the ritual, how? (i forgot the name of the man from the library)

5. Not far from sleeper base, there's a shrine. What can we do at there? i can interact with some white line between the stone, i got the red moon stone, but don't know how to use it. It some kind a portal, a gate where sleeper people go, right? can we manage to open it?

6. After the dead walk on earth, can we fix it, all place become chaos with them, the bunker, small village, even the past mission place. Is there way to send the dead back to hell?

7. Found prison mission in lake city with Guardian reputation. Problem is, its same like cannibal clan issue, there's a officer said "use this uniform!", but there's no uniform anywhere, and i stuck in the underground prison..

So many question i want to ask, like the used of 3 idol statue form Agapicu, or the Jewel (i had so many now), the story after the married on the church, the Nazi people (they missing after i save their girl from the gang), I found GECK and i f i remember, i should sell it to some one, but who? Some Neil quest item stuck in my inventory, such anti virus, some money bag, should Neil take it from me? (after Neil death scene, in front of the motel, i cant find his body, only blood)

and many more question....

after fourth try, i manage recruit 3 clone girl (is there more?), 3 girl from cat house (i can't get Julia and the dancer on the first floor), 1 police from lake city (after the dead attack all place), Anita and Jessica from some save house (i forgot the city), Piper and her sword, can i get some list for all recruitment? the new (your creation) and old recruitment...

i'think that's it...

please shower me with answer, i thirsty with your riddle of the mod!!! :notworthy:
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Hi, I am new as well and just starting the mod. In the Chili Clan zone you have to empty all your inventory AND equipped weapons. there will be some seconds after when he says your uniform is here
make sure all inventory even equipped things like lock picks are all in that box
you have to make sure you are moving one squad member at a time and women to the left dor and men to the right depending on your squad members
Hi, I am new as well and just starting the mod. In the Chili Clan zone you have to empty all your inventory AND equipped weapons. there will be some seconds after when he says your uniform is here

that is one way to do it but u can also use the cave to the right of the entrance u will haft o prone when u find it and u get in

i know old questions and reply but just in case someone decides to play or replay like im currently doing
Many thanks to the author of the mod for the work done.

I am doing a walkthrough of this mod. There are questions, if anyone knows the answers, I would be very grateful. Game version 0.895

1. Quest in Ridgeway (find the cave of the death claws). Where is the cave?
2. Neil. He should be in a roadside cafe, he is not there, all his shelters are empty.
3. How do I find a landlord in Salt Lake City? I suspect this is the man in the room with Nazi symbols. But the door to the room won't open.
4. Necronomicon. I found the first volume of the book in Greenville. Where are the other two copies? The author said one is in Ridgeway and the other is in the Forbidden Zone.
5. In Jackson City, the Caravan Boss gives the task to kill the debtor. Where can I find it?
6. How do I get a backpack from a vendor in Ridgeway? I turned on the switch at the recruit camp, but the merchants still don't have a backpack.
7. Slipper base - what to do when the Doctor appears in your squad? How do I get to the room with the safe on the lower level? The door won't open.
8. Satellite station (near Greenville) - what needs to be done to activate the terminals and open the doors on the lower level?
9. "strange papers" - what to do with them?

What quests do not work in this version of the mod?

And this is what I checked.
1. Quest with Corrigan and the mayor's wife Felicia (Quartz). If Felicia explodes, no matter what you do - kill everyone and free Corrigan, the quest will still be completed.

PS Sorry for mistakes in the text, I am translating from Russian into English via Google
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Hello Guys, im back after my 56 times playthrough xkcon....

Yes theres so much bug in this mod, but... I solve it with the best effort, from editing character with FT Tools and make more than 50 save backup.

Yes I love this mod, that's why 56 playthrough...

And here what i found so far,,,

Hi, I am new as well and just starting the mod. In the Chili Clan zone you have to empty all your inventory AND equipped weapons. there will be some seconds after when he says your uniform is here

I already put all my equipment, all my inventory, even no companion (i go alone), and still no uniform...

So, here's the bug that i solve..

Its about AC (Armor class) and attribute point...

If, we go there (already inside the camp with that man who asking to put all you inventory), and you still got AC more than +0. The uniform will not appear. So, Perks and other things that increase AC permanently (Dodger perk?), will make the script will not work and we stuck there.

So from my 56 playthrough, the best way to get story at Chili Clan, don' let your character get AC at all, don't do drug, voodoo and other chem's or booze. And the most
frustrated, all most story line like this, Prison Island, Boxing Story, can't let you "Put your armor, weapon and inventory in the box", if one of your attribute score beyond 10.


When you create your character that have 10 STR and then you take PERKs that give you STR, like gain STR. The script will bug. Mickey keep telling me to put my inventory at Jackson City Gym, and after I realize the STR problem.

You will find granny at old gas station that can sell you a unique coke that can give you +1 END permanently (Random encounter map). If you drink the coke for the main character that already had 10 END, it will bug the Mod Story. Sad.

At Chili Clan, i can get 2 girls, Sharon and Storm (cant remember the name), but if your status under warrior, or evil enough. Cuz Sharon only want come with you if you had evil status. But, since you evil, at the village (Sharon and Storm house), only Sharon will join you, so choose one. If you good side, storm will join you, but Sharon will go hostile at Chili Clan camp.

that is one way to do it but u can also use the cave to the right of the entrance u will haft o prone when u find it and u get in

i know old questions and reply but just in case someone decides to play or replay like im currently doing

That's not the story i wanted, but yeah, i already try that.

Many thanks to the author of the mod for the work done.

I am doing a walkthrough of this mod. There are questions, if anyone knows the answers, I would be very grateful. Game version 0.895

1. Quest in Ridgeway (find the cave of the death claws). Where is the cave?
2. Neil. He should be in a roadside cafe, he is not there, all his shelters are empty.
3. How do I find a landlord in Salt Lake City? I suspect this is the man in the room with Nazi symbols. But the door to the room won't open.
4. Necronomicon. I found the first volume of the book in Greenville. Where are the other two copies? The author said one is in Ridgeway and the other is in the Forbidden Zone.
5. In Jackson City, the Caravan Boss gives the task to kill the debtor. Where can I find it?
6. How do I get a backpack from a vendor in Ridgeway? I turned on the switch at the recruit camp, but the merchants still don't have a backpack.
7. Slipper base - what to do when the Doctor appears in your squad? How do I get to the room with the safe on the lower level? The door won't open.
8. Satellite station (near Greenville) - what needs to be done to activate the terminals and open the doors on the lower level?
9. "strange papers" - what to do with them?

What quests do not work in this version of the mod?

And this is what I checked.
1. Quest with Corrigan and the mayor's wife Felicia (Quartz). If Felicia explodes, no matter what you do - kill everyone and free Corrigan, the quest will still be completed.

PS Sorry for mistakes in the text, I am translating from Russian into English via Google

Here i help you sir...

1.) You have walk close enough to the rock wall, when you first come to Ridgeway. You will find cave the lead like stair. The will be 3 death claw sleeping and many eggs.

*But i suggest, only if you finish Basic story until go to GAMMA BUNKER.

YES, this the best way that i found to play XKCON. Don't play mod quest (ANY XKCON Quest), before you at Gamma Bunker. There's a reason.
a. You will get more character's from XKCON story quest, and only APC can do that. You'll get APC at first mission at Gamma Bunker.
b. You can go freely to second level at Ridgeway (pass the gateway) after you free Ghoul from Quincy, cuz the Gate Keeper live there.
c. Many "Character" from XKCON, can only recruit (first time recruit) from Gamma Bunker, and mostly THE GIRL's. But some, from ALPHA Bunker.

Okey.. back to question...

2. Neil Quest, from start to the end... (I think there's 10-30% bugs here)

Your fist quest only trigger at RoadHouse Bar, correct ? And if you start with helping the Hotel owner there. Cuz Neil will thank you after you help the hotel owner. And then the first mission, steeling from sleeping raider (i think not raider, i forget). So, if you get to RoadHouse Bar and found Neil before helping the Hotel, YES, you F up sir. The Bug occur, i suggest load back, if you had one, hehe.

"Recruitment here"
Until than, you meet Nate the bartender and the informant, quest for delliverd package, and suggest bring 2-3 other person. Always keep your eye open, cuz there's Bo, one of the recruitable GIRL. Talk to her once, and if she at the stage, not at second level of the Bar. Go out to the map, but dont move, and go in again to RoadHouse Bar, meet her at second level of the bar, recruit her, if you know what i meant.

*Notes - Most IMPORTANT!!!

DONT GO to FORTRESS City!!! until Neil told you to go there (I think Nate will tell you). Cuz one of the Neil Quest "Robbing the CAT HOUSE", will bug. And made the game (you sir), cant go there forever. There will be ERROR massage from FT and make the game data (save data to) corrupt. 56 Play trough, and my main character got duplicated, and other recruit's.

The most irritating from Neil Quest, some time, the collected item that will stuck with you, but, some time not. When the item that involve the quest gone from you, you can check Neil inventory, with steal skill, if Neil got it, you good to go. But if the item still with you, yes sir, you F up and again, load back. I suggest you save every time you complete the quest and if the quest at good rate, and make backup. Like before some time happen, some time not. It this bug?

The vaccine quest in Fortress City Hospital. The vaccine will not gone from you inventory. But i never found any kind bug that involve with the vaccine until now.

*Other Neil Quest;
There will be crossing Quest between Neil Quest and Dino (owner of the Cat House) quest. And you had to watch out, cuz there's bug here.

So, here the best way to paly around Neil and Dino Quest (remember, DONT GO to Fortress City, before Neil told you to go);

a. If you come to fortress city at first time after Nate told you to find Neil, at Cat House crossroads. If, you found or see "Sport" (Dino right hand), standing on the sideway with an girl, the game bug, and like i said, load back, before that happen. Cuz "Sport" will appear if you trigger Neil Quest to infiltrate CAT HOUSE. As you have to work for Dino trust.

b. This line of the Neil quest sometime bug if you choose between good side or evil side status;
If you join with Neil gang and at this point already at fortress city, a stranger man or girl (i forget), will come to you, and tell Wendigo (Neil evil associet) looking for you. Since he left the gang after kill little girl at Salt Lake City. But, this happen if you had good aligment, shield of hope, defender etc. And this is one of the way to change your status from good to evil.

Why i tell you this part? If this line of story happen to you wendigo invite you. DONT KILL HIM, cus it will bug the last Quest from Neil.

But, if you Evil. Neil will visit Wendigo at hotel, and kill him by himself and bla bla bla.... it happen to if you had Good aligment, at the end, Neil will visit him and bla bla bla..

AND, please follow the instruction that Neil friend told you, EXIT from secret way, if you had been told so. Cuz, yea yea, the FT will freeze, you ERROR Massage, or date corrupt you save game.

end for Neil Quest, no other bug that i found...

3. This one is danger Quest, cuz its option between Alkida and Zion.

I dont choose any of them until i finish Neil Quest cuz there's a bug with recruitable GIRL. If you choose Zion to early, doing any job, or other thing that involved Zion, Some Cat House Girl will go Hostile. The Bug occur when one of the Girl, not Vanda nor Julia (i forget the name, but she's the one that Sport going to pimp), gone, missing, no trace, forever. And the other girl that had Muttie Boyfriend will attack you, but sometime Julia. And if this girl go hostile, Neil quest will bug, you cant finish infiltrate Dino money at CAT house.

So, i suspect this quest from Zion, to kill the Land Lord.

There 2 man on second level of Land Lord Building, one of them looking for special book, and only can acquire from Fortress City (Dont go there if Neil....). Find G Bar not far from Cat House. There man who sell drugs, and book. And give it back to the young man at land lord building.

But.... There's a thing, that i call misunderstood. The young man at Land Lord Building will gone if you join Zion at early game, but he will be there when Zion Master give you to kill the land lord. So, the best way is, talk first with the young boy at Land Lord Building, and dont panic if he gone missing, it must be cuz you join Zion.

My last Zion quest is to kill all person at MAX Store, after that ERROR (You cant enter Fortress city anymore) occur.

*Other story line.
If you choose not join Zion, but help the young boy at Land Lord Building, theres a quest, that you must save the girl from gangbxxx at next building. And when you finnish, The Land lord will give you discount from MAX Store at Fortress City. Max will give you other quest, kill all staff from P Industry Film. So i suggest if you want to be star do it early. Relax, you can choose who you gonna kill. After this quest the game ERROR (You cant enter Fortress city anymore), and i not yet found any other sollution.

4. I found all the Necronomicon, like i write at first posting.
a.Yup, Greenville has one, from some one there who hide on underground. Here i recruits Anita and Jessica, but if you already buy house (just need 1, either mountain or lake house).
b. At Ridgeway, go to second level. Walk to outhouse to the east, until you can see the Wh... You will find secret stair inside the outhouse.
c. I forget the last one, but i do remember, there's one map (i think the big city with full zombie and deathclaw zombie) that hold book of necronomicon

I forget where do i read, there's 2 option to use the necronimicon... (invoke the dark lord).

a. you can give all necronomicon to the man at library (jackson city). OR....
b. you can go the by yourself, but you had to sacrifice someone (your crew)

after that.... THE DEAD WALK ON EART *Saved your ammo and explosion, cuz this is HELL you fight..

5. There' city, going top from Jackson city, not far. When you in, you can't going out, UNTIL you finish a quest there. The quest not so hard to solve but, there's so many item that stuck with you, ATM Card, Vase with flower, Dictionary? and other thing, still don't had an idea what for.

There's a house with 2 door, front and back, and you can find one man inside there, crouching.

Yeah I hear about bug with Mayor wife that explode, even the time not yet end, or even you already kill the man with detonator, or even you can disarm the bomb. But the quest finish and the mayor thanks you.

Some people from the bar had quest, like the ATM Card, that I should send to some one that i dont know the location, or the dictionary. The Man who love to see the dictionary just left to the bar with the hotel owner.

6. I just buy it with BH money. Or maybe i don't get problem with that att all. (I think the XKCON Mod script is alive)

7. Thats one of the bug, i had that to, but just some time, and some time not, strange isn't. That door i can't find any way to open too, but since my PERception high, i can see some part lying on the floor. (Read my first posting up, you can create 3 other recruitable girl from here, if, you already explore the Toomb of agapichu.)

8. Look at Death City far to the west from Greenville. You should find a chip, a little machine for the Satellite. Follow the left side of the city until death end. You will found building that has the chip on their basement. (or the second level of the building).

After you active the satellite, the Tomb will occur...

9. No used, some item doesn't have any explanation. But that paper came from FT game base.


Now im going for the 57 playthrough, cuz i found bug at boxing quest at Fortress city.

After i give contract to man at the front office building, i back to sponsor, and got introduce with corner man. The corner man told me to come to looker room where i must put all inventory (here that bug come again, like all ways). Not just the door will open after i put all inventory... But, i hear some explosion sound, like robot got kill or the bahemot got boom. My all character, main character and other recruits got duplicate and make the game ERROR, cant click any character, and even if i open the character menu (profile), there will be 2 profile for each character that i had. Even the Rercruitman Master at Bunker or other place, owned house, fortress city brotherhood post etc.

*Marry death Quest, the machine and the contract.

finally, i complete the quest. Yes, in the process lots of bug occur, duplicating person, some door don't want open even i came with empty inventory (buying contract at hotel). And when i give contract to person that need it, the person don't respond, but, some time happen, and sometime not... (still i think the mod script is alive).

OKEY that all

Thanks to creator of the XKCON Mod, i left my Fallout 4 for old school game, once again thank you for you....

sorry forget one thing...

if you interest to recruit all the girl from cat house, you have bang them, but only 3 of them (on the second floor), but i only found there's only 2 event that i can use to bang them... or i miss one change?
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Yeah the mod is a little buggy (because of ambition) but it is worth a shot if you like Tactics.
The link is fixed

  • Mod Only (need FT; 550mb vs. 1.5gb)
  • Installer
  • Hi-Res
  • Eng\Rus
  • With Fixes 2 and rus.lang by Alex Rove
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