Stag said:Toilet Healing.
Fat Man.
G.O.A.T. character creation.
Mr. Liam Neeson's role.
Weapons being degraded over time.
How the environment has been translated.
.. VATS...
Like a lot of posters here, I've played Fallout 1 & 2, Morrowind, Oblivion, KotOR 1&2, and other crpg. So, based on my experience with those...
TOILET HEALING: Sounds disgusting -- I would hate to have to resort to it. But, "disgust" is an emotional reaction -- just what crpg are supposed to evoke. So, "toilet healing" is a good thing.
DIALOG: Seems like it will be very good and somewhat advanced over the dialogs in some other crpg. Certainly an improvement over Oblivion.
FAT MAN: OK with me. I assume (from reading about it) that it will not be common to find launchers or ammunition. May be a fine "last ditch" weapon in a Boss encounter.
ROCK-IT: OK, but nothing special.
G.O.A.T: OK. However, I read that one can also just mess with the lists of attributes and skills in a more traditional way -- that is probably what happens just before leaving the Vault 101 (based on how Oblivion worked). I'll probably make my final character then.
LIAM NEESON: OK -- any good actor will do. I like the idea that your father will come to resemble you in some way.
WEAPON DEGRADATION: Real weapons that are already working OK (at least normal rifles, etcetera) don't degrade so fast -- unless you hold the trigger down on a machine gun untill the barrel overheats they normally last thousands of rounds. However, I do like the idea of repairing old/broken weapons by combining parts from others -- there should be a lot of those hundreds of years after the war.
ENVIRONMENT: Wow! I really like the location (Washington D.C.) as way more interesting than open-wasteland. The concept art looks fabulous -- and says "Fallout" to me.
VATS: Big improvement over FPS and the original Fallout, I think.
OVERALL: Fallout 3 is my most anticipated new game. I'll be building a new computer to play it in all its glory -- and, anyhow, I'll be looking for an excuse to upgrade by then