First time out of the vault

Toilet Water: Not just for breakfast anymore:On the one hand, I'm not too fond of food and water healing you. It's a problem with hit points in general more than FO3 (see also: the soy snacks in Deus Ex, food healing your wounds in Thief and Thief 2). but that doesn't mean there aren't workarounds. On the other hand, magic healing toilets! That's funny no matter how you look at it.
Dialogue:Eh. Although not being able to be stuperds is kind of a dumb omission, playing a stupid game in either fallout was never actually all that fun. Mostly it involved giggling at your character burbling like a retard for an hour or two, then killing everything because your dumb ass can't get quests. Arcanum handled dumbness much better, where making an IN 1 ogre with rifuckulous strength was actually a viable tactic, due to the fact that killing shit for XP was a good way to hit the level cap fast. A level 50 dumbfuck mcsmashkill in that game could easily kill everything by looking at it. But I digress. The rest of the dialogue system sounds fine from what little I've heard.
Fatman. Enjoys skating with seagulls. Hides explosives under his clothes: I have kind of a dumb rule for things in games. Namely, no matter how dumb or nonsensical something is, it gets a free pass if (1) it makes the game more fun, (2) it makes things explode real good huh huh, and/or (3) killing something with it makes you feel like a total badass. The fatman fits all 3, therefore it wins. See also: exploding cars, that cerebral bore thing in Turok 2.
Rock-it: Not quite clear what this is. A homemade launcher that shoots boulders? Anyway, it may not blow stuff up real good, but killing a guy by firing a boulder at him is definitely badass, and could be loads of fun. Willing to give it a try.
See goats: I'm hoping the whole rigamarole of living through childhood and taking tests is skippable after your first time, but either way it seems good enough.
VATS: Not too entirely sure about this either. The screenshot in GI looked cool, though. I won't pass judgement until I actually play the game.
Qui-gon: Eh. I'm not big on movie and TV stars doing voice-overs in my games, but Liam seems competent enough to do a good job, so whatever. I'm totally naming my guy Luke, though.
Weapon damage: Weapon and equipment damage in games can either be cool (like in, uh, Oblivion, actually) or really really fucking annoying (Dark Cloud, Arcanum, some others). Here's hoping for the former.
Environment: From screenshots the environment seems to be suitably bombed-out and desolate. Exploring it in Oblivion-style HD is going to be a treat.
All in all, I'm really looking forward to FO3. The only game I could want more would be Dead Rising 2, if they ever announce it (or Megaman Legends 3, but that's not going to happen, damned Capcom).
Dialogue:Eh. Although not being able to be stuperds is kind of a dumb omission, playing a stupid game in either fallout was never actually all that fun. Mostly it involved giggling at your character burbling like a retard for an hour or two, then killing everything because your dumb ass can't get quests. Arcanum handled dumbness much better, where making an IN 1 ogre with rifuckulous strength was actually a viable tactic, due to the fact that killing shit for XP was a good way to hit the level cap fast. A level 50 dumbfuck mcsmashkill in that game could easily kill everything by looking at it. But I digress. The rest of the dialogue system sounds fine from what little I've heard.
Fatman. Enjoys skating with seagulls. Hides explosives under his clothes: I have kind of a dumb rule for things in games. Namely, no matter how dumb or nonsensical something is, it gets a free pass if (1) it makes the game more fun, (2) it makes things explode real good huh huh, and/or (3) killing something with it makes you feel like a total badass. The fatman fits all 3, therefore it wins. See also: exploding cars, that cerebral bore thing in Turok 2.
Rock-it: Not quite clear what this is. A homemade launcher that shoots boulders? Anyway, it may not blow stuff up real good, but killing a guy by firing a boulder at him is definitely badass, and could be loads of fun. Willing to give it a try.
See goats: I'm hoping the whole rigamarole of living through childhood and taking tests is skippable after your first time, but either way it seems good enough.
VATS: Not too entirely sure about this either. The screenshot in GI looked cool, though. I won't pass judgement until I actually play the game.
Qui-gon: Eh. I'm not big on movie and TV stars doing voice-overs in my games, but Liam seems competent enough to do a good job, so whatever. I'm totally naming my guy Luke, though.
Weapon damage: Weapon and equipment damage in games can either be cool (like in, uh, Oblivion, actually) or really really fucking annoying (Dark Cloud, Arcanum, some others). Here's hoping for the former.
Environment: From screenshots the environment seems to be suitably bombed-out and desolate. Exploring it in Oblivion-style HD is going to be a treat.
All in all, I'm really looking forward to FO3. The only game I could want more would be Dead Rising 2, if they ever announce it (or Megaman Legends 3, but that's not going to happen, damned Capcom).