Все умрут, а я волномут
Vault boy glass in collector's edition

I read an "interesting" placing of Vault boys........ ><Vault boy glass in collector's edition
That's intentional.I read an "interesting" placing of Vault boys........ ><
They have no problem pissing off fans. Fallout 3 wasnt made for fallout fans. And fallout 4 wasnt made for fans of new vegas or even fallout 3.I meant that; even if they did that, too many people would be upset and it wouldn't change people's perception of the series.
No, they keep the superficial things like Dogmeat, bottlecaps, muh BoS being everywhere, Nuka-Cola (lol Nuka sounds like nuke), muh 1950's vibe, muh Liberty Prime (Better dead than Red), Vault boy is inappropriately cheery, muhThey have no problem pissing off fans. Fallout 3 wasnt made for fallout fans. And fallout 4 wasnt made for fans of new vegas or even fallout 3.
Aaaaaahhhhh! I see what you did thar!!!!!Vault boy glass in collector's edition
At least Ubisofe does.
At least Ubisofe does.
At least Ubisofe does.
I am referring to their decision to delay the roll our of the next Assassin Creed game.
Let start with some basic stuff:
-Turn based combat
-New Engine
Already making shy steps with companions and that chick from Goodneighbor.I think Bethesda should break some barriers and take notes from loverslab.
Actually, no jokes, that would be an improvement. The present half-assed SPECIAL is not even necessary, I have raided Gunners' HQ as a LVL1 with pure FPS skills and resource management. What was that improvement from Fallout 3, again?Either that or skip the pretense of it being an RPG and get rid of the damagesponges and focus on being a decent shooter at least.
The game is an improvement on 3 in almost every way. Characters, companions, animation, combat... Etc etc. Its new vegas that its undeniably a lesser to.What was that improvement from Fallout 3, again
Well, that's cute, I appreciate it, really do, but the point was different. There's nothing stopping you from travelling to south eastern end of the map and be victorious since equipment still scales with character's level. Bullet sponges are still present and that just boring. (and doesn't mean shit for those who prefer explosives and melee)The game is an improvement on 3 in almost every way. Characters, companions, animation, combat... Etc etc. Its new vegas that its undeniably a lesser to.