Your GOTY 2018

Polygon agrees.
Well, they also think it kinda sucks, but hey, whaddayaknow.
Putting Fallout 76 on the same list as Dragon Quest 11 for the best games of the year list (it's disrespect towards the latter is what i'm saying because it's a much better game). I didn't had any respect for that site but it's now in the negatives.

Also, do they know what best of the year means? They basically trashed the game, but then put it in the best of the year list.
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No game managed to hurt Bethesda more than Fallout 76. Makes it my personal game of the year.
That's... a new approach I didn't consider until now. And it just works !

This year, I played a lot of Hearts of Iron IV (with the mod "Old World Blues", which turns it into a Fallout Strategy Game), Kingdom Come and Frostpunk.
I actually can see how Fallout 76 possibly could work:
As a full desolate and especially non multiplayer game without any Vault Overseer Story whatsoever, only exploring the """wasteland""". So basically waiting for modding support and private servers to even pique more than a "meh" of interest...

As for the Games I enjoyed 2018:
ATOM RPG, Stellaris and a lot of classical Doom Mods (especially Ashes 2063). Also to mention are Fallout: New California and Stardew Valley and the typical older ones games that gets played every year.

All the interesting big ones are still on my wishlist. Damn, too many games, not enough bottlecaps ^^"
recently wrote an article about the release of Atom rpg, Aeon of Sands, Mutant Year Zero and Kenshi, all in december 2018. Sadly, my current hardware can't run them, but they all seem like serious contender, especially Atom rpg and Kenshi. Didn't had time to check on the release of Insomnia, but it was a game who hyped me a lot during developpment.

Also, i spent quite some time playing rimworld and Street of rogues. Two are one-man-army developped games, that are very fun and extremely innovative. The former officially reached 1.0 this year while the latter is down to polishing for a very soon release.

Also spent a lot of time this year playing all sorts of mods for fallout 2. Does it make fallout 2 2018 GOTY ?
I'm gonna strictly stick to 2018. It'd probably be Into The Breach for me. While it has its caveats and sometimes shrivels in the comparison against FTL:Faster Than Light, it's still an amazingly designed game. It's one of those "perfect" games, that does everything for a reason and has no flab. After that and in no particular order, I enjoyed Ashen, The Red Strings Club, Dead Cells, Prey Mooncrash, Vagante 1.0, Elite Dangerous and Warframe among many others.

@mobucks Played Wintermute Redux, or you're mostly talking about Sandbox mode? Thankfully the last update helped fix a big amount of the hurdles I felt the game had as of the release of story mode, and de-consolized the UI at least a bit. I do love TLD a lot but fuck me updates come at a snail's pace and I say that being a fan of Starbound.
I'm about half way through Redux. Playing on the hardest difficulty and halfway through the second episode I have 50 rifle rounds. Seems way too high but I'm still enjoying it.
ArmA: Cold War Assault or Conflict: Desert Storm, couple of games I used to play that I bought again.
Probably Fallout 1. I played through the entire game my first time last year and loved every second of it. Right now I'm slowly making progress through Fallout 2 so I'll see how much I like it in comparison to the other games.
Probably Fallout 1. I played through the entire game my first time last year and loved every second of it. Right now I'm slowly making progress through Fallout 2 so I'll see how much I like it in comparison to the other games.
F1 is my favorite Fallout. It was just a damn good game; and for whatever reason, none of the others except New Vegas even came close to grabbing me in the same way.
played FFXV this year. one of the better games i played this year. just a boy and his cute friends on a quest for the crown.

gotta say i really love how FFXV's combat system has dropped any pretense of pretending to be an rpg (JRPGs aren't RPGs fight me)

also the music in this game makes me wet.

I actually can see how Fallout 76 possibly could work:
As a full desolate and especially non multiplayer game without any Vault Overseer Story whatsoever, only exploring the """wasteland""".
so basically all the boring bits of filler that an overworld is designed to skip over?
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And based on your comments about a certain blonde mechanic, i'm guessing the music wasn't the only thing that made you wet.
Also FFXV was from 2016.
be that as it may, FFXV still sees updates and DLC even now in 2019.

also royal edition didn't release until march 3 2018.
also again
It doesn't have to be a game that came out this year, just a game that you enjoyed the most during 2018.