Dromaeosauries bornholmensis
Is a species of raptor which has only been discovered on the island of Bornholm which is where I'am from. It is also the only place where we've found fossilized remains of Dinosaurs inside the Danish territory. Fun fact the Dromaeosauries was consindered to make a appearence in one of the Jurassic Park movies.
I have my own personal problem with Dromaeosauroides, and that is that it should never have been named!
These are paleo-technicalities, but there's an unwritten rule about NOT naming *any more* dinosaurs that are only known from teeth: And Dromaeosauroides is only known from teeth! It is shockingly undiagnostic, beyond "some kind of raptor" - which is exactly why you *don't* go through with naming teeth!
As a fellow Scandinavian, I *fully understand the urge* to name Denmark's first dinosaurs... but

the problem is now, let's say they find very similar teeth in Germany or Sweden - OR - let's say they find a complete skeleton of a raptor IN DENMARK: Would it be Dromaeosauroides you found? Who knows: Teeth are not diagnostic, and cannot be compared. So - you'd would have to name it something else now, even if it might very well have been a complete Dromaeosauroides!
In other words: Dromaeosauroides is a "form taxon", and it will only ever be valid for those two teeth, and no other fossil remains EVEN IF new remains should indeed belong to the same species, even the same individual!
Another pet peeve is: Dromaeosaurus is a Canadian raptor, Dromaeosauroides means "similar to Dromaeosaurus", like, come on! Call it Daniaraptor or something, at the very least!