What's also interesting is Dinosaur mating. I mean really now, it's like nature was experimeting here. Many dinosaurs would brake their bones during sex, if they didn't watch out. Or so some scientists believe.
What's also interesting is Dinosaur mating. I mean really now, it's like nature was experimeting here. Many dinosaurs would brake their bones during sex, if they didn't watch out. Or so some scientists believe.
Homo floresiensis was creepy as fuck tho.
I can totally understand if we exterminated every last one of those hobbit-wildlings
Well, but all agree that it is fake anyway. Right? I mean here is proof:Since this can never really be proven, this skeleton retains its status as a distinct species, regardless of wether or not the scientific community agrees with the hypothesis.
Basically, T-rex had a sensitive nose.
T-rex is objectively the best dinosaur.
Turok Evolution is probably my favorite dinosaur game, not a fan of turok 1 or 2.
You aaalmost got it! T. rex <---, and preferably in italics T. rex, but I concede it is a bit pretentious to go as far as to always do the italics
Imgine if it would turn out that creationism is right. Zegh would kinda die I guess. No dinosaurs? NO DINOSAURS!