Zenimax applies for trademarks, likely for F:NV DLC

well, its just what worstusernameever said, at the wreckage, there's graffiti, saying "lonesome road", "courrier 6", etc ...

here in france we call graffiti "tags", so maybe i mislead you with this word, sorry :)

also thanks for the welcoming ^^
Lexx said:
if they aren't brahmin armors.

But Lexx I want Brahmin armors! I need Brahmin armors! That would be so cool... an armored brahmin, with the Courier on his back, charging through the ranks of Ceasar's legion. It lets out a furious "moo" as it shoulders the legionaries aside.
All this DLC is unnecessary. There's enough quests in the core game to level up 50 times probably.
All this DLC is unnecessary. There's enough quests in the core game to level up 50 times probably.

DLC arent just there to exceed the levelcap. There is, uh, story and such, you know?
well, in fact they HAVE to buy the DLC to get 100% gamerscore (360) or platinum trophy (PS3), because DLC achievements are now added with updates ...
if you're a completionnist, i guess you can call this a trap.
Then people should stop to care about this silly shit.
Lexx said:
Then people should stop to care about this silly shit.
This is true. Shit, I'd much rather have one fully developed, old-skool expansion pack instead of being milked dollar by dollar for DLC. But how else can you be raped for more than the price of the game itself if the extra content isn't metered out at 5 to 10 bucks a pop?
They're not raping me. I have yet to buy Fallout 3. When I do it will be the "Game of the Year" edition with all the DLC's included. It's only $30 now. I won't be getting their DLC's for FNV until they are done with them, and they are all for the PC. I hate this Xbox only crap with "Dead Money." I can wait. There are plenty of mods on the Nexus to add content for the time being.
Well, there are plenty of bullshit-mods. Plus, most of them don't really add good content to the game. There are only very few good quest mods and that's not only because the game isn't out yet a few years... Fallout 3 has just very few (good) quest mods as well and is out much longer.
Richwizard said:
They're not raping me. I have yet to buy Fallout 3. When I do it will be the "Game of the Year" edition with all the DLC's included.
That's one thing I will never understand, the game is horrible, yet even informed people are willing to buy it (knowing that it is pure sh*t/ rape) when it is on discount.
That's like being against corporal punishment but gladly pay to undergo torture when the price is right.
PainlessDocM said:
Richwizard said:
They're not raping me. I have yet to buy Fallout 3. When I do it will be the "Game of the Year" edition with all the DLC's included.
That's one thing I will never understand, the game is horrible, yet even informed people are willing to buy it (knowing that it is pure sh*t/ rape) when it is on discount.
That's like being against corporal punishment but gladly pay to undergo torture when the price is right.
You know, not everyone has the same tastes as you. If "console-tards" are so prevalent, is the fact that there are differing opinions that hard to believe? And really, for all of its "alleged" shortcomings, Fallout 3 GOTY for 30 dollars is a bitchin deal. I am ashamed to say that I spent 110 dollars on that game, but I did. An 80 buck reduction is nice.
PainlessDocM said:
Richwizard said:
They're not raping me. I have yet to buy Fallout 3. When I do it will be the "Game of the Year" edition with all the DLC's included.
That's one thing I will never understand, the game is horrible, yet even informed people are willing to buy it (knowing that it is pure sh*t/ rape) when it is on discount.
That's like being against corporal punishment but gladly pay to undergo torture when the price is right.

Yeah, paying $30 bucks for >200 of entertainment is just like getting tortured...

If FO3/NV are torture, then please put me in Guantanamo :ok:
I hope there will be new vaults in these dlc's and I want it released on the PC!
Oh, just a speculation, Big Empty = silicone Valley? headquarters of big pre war companies etc.
The Big Empty is a military base, most likely some kind of medical research station though in an older draft it was a training camp were still working training robots could be found.

And I rather don't see anymore Vaults, they barely served a purpose in Fallout New Vegas with the exception of Vault 22.
They are more and more Pre War rusted dungeons, hardly one of those rare shelters some people have heard and imagined about.
Exactly, there are already far too many Vaults to explore.. C'mon, leave it already, it becomes boring, even if they are good designed...
We need a DLC that changes all Vaults in FNV to (military? Scientific?) bunkers and adds one single big fat ass Vault to the area instead.
That wouldn't change much Lexx, rather I wish they feel more restrained in future Fallout games to put in random Vaults.

Rather just put in one or two that are somewhat main quest connected and are not dungeons.
It would change a lot for me. At least "real Vaults" wouldn't be around every corner anymore.
Lexx said:
It would change a lot for me. At least "real Vaults" wouldn't be around every corner anymore.

They really should be more rare again, really giving players the feeling of an accomplishment when they actually manage to find one or getting access to it.

Obsidian did a better job at the Vaults than Bethesda, but two Vaults filled with Raiders, the pointless Vault on the Strip, Vault 11 that outside comedy purposes barely served any purpose, Vault 22 (which I did like) was somewhat a stripped down replacement of the Nursery which I still want to see in Fallout.

No more Vaults until they serve a purpose in the campaign/storyline.

Edit: Forgot about Vault 34, the source of origin of the Boomers.
I am not sure its presence would have been required but I think it could have been used better than a radioactive dungeon full of Ghouls.