Your opinion on the Brotherhood of Steel


First time out of the vault
I'm obviously talking about the East Coast division that is no longer classified as true Brotherhood of Steel. Do you think their actions are noble or do you feel as if they should have stuck to their original plans?

Also, now that the wasteland is under their control (enclave defeated, Vault 87 is the known origin place of the Super Mutants and no doubt is under Brotherhood control), do you think the Brotherhood will aid in the reconstruct effort, or go back to tech scavenging?
Their civilized for sub-humans I'll give them that. Their members remain loyal and fanatic to their cause which is highly honorable. If the Enclave did not exist, I would definitely consider siding with the Brotherhood of Steel (despite their history), but since the Enclave have and do exist..well you already know the answer.

They are definitely better in my opinion than the New California Republic, but the NCR aren't failures either.

Always Faithful and Loyal,
Glory to the Enclave.
Lyons doesn't know how to lead. He is passionate about the goals he sets for himself and these blind him to ultimately more important issues. He always "hunts his white whale", first the Super Mutants then the Enclave, because fighting is all he understands. He showed no real understanding of politics or the importance of social infrastructures or government.

Seriously, nobody lives in the downtown DC area. It would have been easy to just contain the Super Mutants there and then move onto policing the outer wastes. There is almost no BoS presence there, as they instead choose to mess around hiding in their Pentagon hole, so real issues like slavery, raiders and the Super Mutants in Vault 87 are left unattended until you do all the work for them. As they have no knowledge of government or technology outside of weapons I can hardly see how they could help people make food for themselves, or other REAL ways of helping the Wasteland (and nice job Bethesda purifying the river water at the MOUTH of the river, because that will help) The only real help they would be good for are as caravan guards

The "Outcasts" had it right. They should have stuck to their original goal of collecting the huge wealth of tech in the DC area then returned to the West Coast. They don't know how to lead a people so they doom themselves in trying, especially as they don't have the numbers to police the entire Capital Wasteland. Back in the West Lyons could have told more people of the DC people's plight, and then REAL groups like the Followers of the Apocalypse could have gone to help. Seriously, how does breaking yourself away from the BoS's main group help at all? As Lyons was high up in the Brotherhood (unlike Veronica in New Vegas) he could have gained more members to join his more charitable cause, maybe even help change the Brotherhood modernise beyond their outdated values. But by becoming a renegade he loses all credibility.

Their actions are not noble. They are incompetent and ill-thought out. Even their giant robot got blown up. They have doomed themselves, and with them the hopeful people of the DC area who hoped for saviours from huge number of problems plaguing them, and instead they got a bunch of idiots wanting to play Arthur's Noble Knights in Shining Armour.

(Sorry, went a bit mental there. It was interesting thinking on this, though I won't vouch for all my points made being perfect, but the gist is there)
Earth said:
Lyons doesn't know how to lead. He is passionate about the goals he sets for himself and these blind him to ultimately more important issues. He always "hunts his white whale", first the Super Mutants then the Enclave, because fighting is all he understands. He showed no real understanding of politics or the importance of social infrastructures or government.

Seriously, nobody lives in the downtown DC area. It would have been easy to just contain the Super Mutants there and then move onto policing the outer wastes. There is almost no BoS presence there, as they instead choose to mess around hiding in their Pentagon hole, so real issues like slavery, raiders and the Super Mutants in Vault 87 are left unattended until you do all the work for them. As they have no knowledge of government or technology outside of weapons I can hardly see how they could help people make food for themselves, or other REAL ways of helping the Wasteland (and nice job Bethesda purifying the river water at the MOUTH of the river, because that will help) The only real help they would be good for are as caravan guards

The "Outcasts" had it right. They should have stuck to their original goal of collecting the huge wealth of tech in the DC area then returned to the West Coast. They don't know how to lead a people so they doom themselves in trying, especially as they don't have the numbers to police the entire Capital Wasteland. Back in the West Lyons could have told more people of the DC people's plight, and then REAL groups like the Followers of the Apocalypse could have gone to help. Seriously, how does breaking yourself away from the BoS's main group help at all? As Lyons was high up in the Brotherhood (unlike Veronica in New Vegas) he could have gained more members to join his more charitable cause, maybe even help change the Brotherhood modernise beyond their outdated values. But by becoming a renegade he loses all credibility.

Their actions are not noble. They are incompetent and ill-thought out. Even their giant robot got blown up. They have doomed themselves, and with them the hopeful people of the DC area who hoped for saviours from huge number of problems plaguing them, and instead they got a bunch of idiots wanting to play Arthur's Noble Knights in Shining Armour.

(Sorry, went a bit mental there. It was interesting thinking on this, though I won't vouch for all my points made being perfect, but the gist is there)

Don't worry about going all mental, I like varied opinions as yours has a lot of credibility to it.

True be told I'm just gathering ideas for a fanfiction and portraying the Brotherhood as helpless in the long term is interesting. All they know is how to fight and operate slightly more advanced technology, they know nothing of agriculture and government. This could make the Lone Wanderer even more valuable than prior (which is pretty damn valuable given he single handily fixed everything) because of his vault background. Something to dwell on in the future me thinks.
Yandaton said:
True be told I'm just gathering ideas for a fanfiction and portraying the Brotherhood as helpless in the long term is interesting. All they know is how to fight and operate slightly more advanced technology, they know nothing of agriculture and government. This could make the Lone Wanderer even more valuable than prior (which is pretty damn valuable given he single handily fixed everything) because of his vault background. Something to dwell on in the future me thinks.

If you do write about the Brotherhood of Steel collapsing could you send a script to Bethesda. I'm worried their next game will show the Brotherhood of Steel as an all-powerful beneficent Empire (completely impossible as they don't have ANY agriculture, industry, workforce, reliable source of food, trade, political goals or understanding (wow this could go on) I like he sound of that, especially the idea of the Lone Wanderer becoming more of a leader (I would suggest not of the BoS, as as I pointed out, they're kinda screwed XD ) Good luck, and remember, don't upset the NMA'ers (good tip: don't say anything good about FO3 :wink: )
Earth said:
especially the idea of the Lone Wanderer becoming more of a leader (I would suggest not of the BoS, as as I pointed out, they're kinda screwed XD )

Or maybe that could be a reason he becomes their leader. If the LW can gather people with the correct knowledge they can be complemented with the BoS, and avoid becoming screwed.
Oppen said:
Earth said:
especially the idea of the Lone Wanderer becoming more of a leader (I would suggest not of the BoS, as as I pointed out, they're kinda screwed XD )

Or maybe that could be a reason he becomes their leader. If the LW can gather people with the correct knowledge they can be complemented with the BoS, and avoid becoming screwed.

What really annoys me is that I can't think of any groups with agricultural technology outside of Oasis and the GECK. Otherwise I would have said that they unite with a group who did have experience of it, but there are NO farms in FO3. Infrastructure-wise, the game's broken. I would suggest just saying that places like Megaton and Big Town had farms all along. (A really awesome image just appeared to me of farms on the Rivet City aircraft-carrier) . Not sure how that could work AT ALL but it's still worth considering.

If there's one good ting about FO3, is that there's plenty of room for artistic license where Bethesda just left it empty.
Stuck to the original plan no matter how crazy it was. Nab the awesome tech from the pentagon and bring it back to the west coast to assist in the NCR-BoS war.
If Caesar's Legion apeared in fo3, they would be far better reasonable faction compare with Bos and Enclave.
At least, they can make wasteland safe which Bos and Enclave(actually they can but....) can't.
For slavery, with minimum law of Legion make it better thna raider's idiotic market.
For food and water? both Bos and Enclave didn't so for food and water, they are same. but for Legion, they know lots of methods to survive and with safe road lots of caravan can came into wasteland and provide lots of necessaries.
woo1108 said:
If Caesar's Legion apeared in fo3, they would be far better reasonable faction compare with Bos and Enclave.
At least, they can make wasteland safe which Bos and Enclave(actually they can but....) can't.
For slavery, with minimum law of Legion make it better thna raider's idiotic market.
For food and water? both Bos and Enclave didn't so for food and water, they are same. but for Legion, they know lots of methods to survive and with safe road lots of caravan can came into wasteland and provide lots of necessaries.

I actually think that this would have been pretty damn cool - Legion in their ridiculous garb in an urban setting as opposed to a mountainous desert like in NV. There could be Legion troops instead of all those nameless raiders and Legion watchtowers and outposts on the highway overpasses. Nifty stuff.

In such a setting you wouldn't need any super mutants, just have the BoS interrupted scavenging the Pentagon, where they have to make a stand against the Legion just as the Wanderer happens to stroll by looking for their Daddy. Not sure yet who or what could replace the Enclave presence...
EnclaveForever said:
Their civilized for sub-humans I'll give them that. Their members remain loyal and fanatic to their cause which is highly honorable. If the Enclave did not exist, I would definitely consider siding with the Brotherhood of Steel (despite their history), but since the Enclave have and do exist..well you already know the answer.

They are definitely better in my opinion than the New California Republic, but the NCR aren't failures either.

Always Faithful and Loyal,
Glory to the Enclave.
This is really cute, kinda. But at the end of the day ... which reason would the Enclave have to spare you? Just curious.
Crni Vuk said:
would the Enclave have to spare you? Just curious.

Whether or not a fictional faction in a roleplaying game would spare my own life that exists in a completely different universe is entirely irrelevant. I am sure most of us here would perish in the result of a nuclear war, but that at this point in time is highly unlikely to happen. If Fallout had been released (if the technology had been around during that time) in the Cold War era, that would be highly controversial. I support the total genocide of wasteland muties, but those things just don't exist in our own actual reality. I have stated numerous times that I have only supported the Enclave in the context of a fictional universe created for entertainment purposes (and for profit of course). I do not wish to state what my ideological views over this world are because these forums are for discussions relating to a video game series set in a fictional alternate reality.

The Enclave can't spare something that does not exist in their own world, therefor asking what reason for me being spared cannot be answered. IF for some reason I suddenly ended up existing in a fictional reality, I would likely be completely different than I am now and may not have the same beliefs, views and especially life experiences.

Since this is more of a personal question than a question relating to Fallout entirely, I will provide no further comments regarding my own life and existence.
I would not see that as totally irrelevant, if you consider that its like saying the medieval ages have been awesome because of knights and shit! But the reality is that most would had probably a misserable life back then, inadequate medical treatment and to deal with constant fighting. Not even most knights enjoyed a great life since their wealth depended on the wealth of their peasants.

Just saying. *shrugs*
RP wise

I think enclave life would still suck balls. Considering its a pseudo corporate republic, all the guys with the power end up being corporate douchebags the likes of Robocop.

You would have to work with two faced double dealing power whores who would sell you out if it meant climbing the ladder.

Those at the top would constantly be angry and pissed off because they never have enough influence and power (the reason these guys amass wealth is because wealth IS their obsession), not to mention theres always work to do.

The guys on the bottom pretty much end up being slaves themselves having to lick the boot of whoever happens to be higher ranking then themselves.

Actually what I want to say is "BOS is useless for wasteland compare with Legion." I know it would be redicuous to add Legion to Capital wasteland.
Legion is underestimated because of NCR and House(or yesman) but compare with Bos(either 3 ver or 1,2 and NV ver), they are still good faction.