Wasteland 2 released!


But best title ever!
More than two decades after the release of the original Wasteland, its sequel, Wasteland 2, developed by the team at inXile, has been released. It can be bought on Steam and on GOG (Classic and Deluxe editions get separate store pages), for $39.99/€39,99/£29.99 and $59.99/€54,99/£44.99 respectively.

Here's the launch trailer:

<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/jn0B8fVfWFI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></center>

And a few words from Brian Fargo, from the Kickstarter update celebrating the game's launch:

I’m very proud that we have delivered on our promise of the deep and nuanced CRPG that you had all been hoping for. I’m also quite proud of the team at inXile for their hard work and passion to deliver something special. It was the highlight of my career when you stepped up to support the development of this game. Having your trust meant everything and there was no way we were going to let you down.

I am really looking forward to seeing all of your comments and the unique experiences you’ll have. So much of the detail is not obvious at first as you will carve a natural path through the world, there are so many numerous ways to handle situations. If you ever think you are stuck, there are probably 2-4 more ways to handle it. In fact, we’ve re-visited the concept of where and how a game can end so some of you will find vastly different endings that don’t all take place at the same point in the story.

The power of a great RPG to me is that the memory of the time I spent playing stays with me long after I finished the game. I hope this has the same lasting effect like the classics have done prior.​

A few reviews have also already gone live: Eurogamer (8/10), Rock, Paper, Shotgun (scoreless, but their opinion of the game is mostly positive despite some quibbles with the art design, interface and skill design), Digital Spy (4/5), PC Gamer (83/100), Pixel Dynamo (8.9/10).
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I'm loving the game despite my initial fears, gameplay wise. Really rewarding feeling of exploration and satisfying character development. Combat's fun too, where I expected it to be a terrible drag. Story wise, so far it's very plain and not too inciting, but I barely begun playing, so who knows. The writing ranges from okay to the worst moments of Fallout 3, it's certainly not what keeps me going. Overall, I'm hooked and just hope I don't go blind from reading that mindbogglingly small-ass font before I finish the game.
I'm enjoying it a whole lot, but I do feel a little bit burned by the character system. I pretty much wasted most of the character points I spent on one of my characters because melee weapons are worthless crap, and readily available companions were better at the skills I gave her. I think it's early enough that I can rehabilitate her, and for the most part I do like the character system.
I'm enjoying it a whole lot, but I do feel a little bit burned by the character system. I pretty much wasted most of the character points I spent on one of my characters because melee weapons are worthless crap, and readily available companions were better at the skills I gave her. I think it's early enough that I can rehabilitate her, and for the most part I do like the character system.

Melee weapons aren't useless. Blunt Weapons ignore armor I believe.
That's what I gave her, and three skill points in (I'm only at Ag Center) she's got ~50% chance to hit anything. On top of that, because it takes 5 ap, more than most firearms, she's only getting one attack per round most of the time. That means that even if she hits, she's probably doing less damage than a handgunner in any given round. I dumped a couple of points into SMGs, and she instantly became more effective in combat.

Perhaps with more game knowledge and better character planning I could make it work, but I've lost patience with the concept already.
Played for about 15 minutes and can dig it... kind of surprised my computer doesn't play it well though. Gonna have to shelve it for a couple months while I wait for an upgrade.
We need proton ax
It's in there ;)

But I don't have.
it's useless untill I find it.:wink:

anyway, I really upset with prison.
why the hell stupid raiders have super powered turret and mine?
turrets have 4500 maxcon and kill me instance.. well.. that's not problem because I managed it.
but mines that deals 1500 damage, tons of them and can not disarm or detonated are problem.

so, no hope for happy valley villager?
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I am fucking aching to play this but damn, 22 gigs?? That will take a while to download.
Clicking on it and still thinking it might *not* be a joke says a lot, actually.