So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Wumbology: My question is how far can these nations remain on the blame America route? Castro allowed his nation to be roped into a game of nuclear apocalypse by the soviets? Should he just be blameless for that fiasco? Had fighting started, it would have certainly happened on Cuban soil causing massive destruction. If tactical nukes were involved, even more. If anything, he should have learned from the PRCs example and instituted reforms much earlier, while also repairing ties with the U.S.
Instead, he continued to remain antagonistic with the U.S. all the way until the collapse of the U.S.S.R. Only then, with the Cuban economy in dire straits, he initiated rapprochement with the U.S.
Is China white? Is Saudi Arabia considered white as well? What about Indonesia? Why should it even be about race? Geopolitics have always revolved around power, soft power more and more often.
In regards to our police forces, its the same with any other countries. You will have professionals and you will have assholes. You will have lots of situations that are grey. We have to believe the legal experts and the jury can make sure justice is upheld. Race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have only caused more trouble.
Better question: Why should the U.S. weaken its international position simply to play fair? Would other nations play, fair, if the situation were reversed? Is it the responsibility of the U.S. to fix the problems of every nation? The west ddin't do enough during the Rwandan genocide and we took endless 'america hates the darkies', flak. America didn't intervene with Tibet and we got even more shit for it.
So the U.S. should piss off its allies or possibly get involved with much more wars as a 'global policeman', for absolutely no gain? Thats just foolish thinking.
Look, don't get me wrong, I AM acknowledging that the US has been dirty. I also acknowledge we get a lot of flak for it because our political rhetoric is extremely hypocritical. I acknowledge that the U.S. had its troubles with racism in the past. However, that was a different time. The cold war is OVER. The U.S. of Batistas time is no longer the same. Continued chanting of america is satan helps nothing.
I agree that Russia is only protecting its interests. However, if the mission of protecting those interests fails or leads to even more problems, it is the responsibility of Putin to come up with a non-military solution. We had our Vietnam. Although our politicians foolishly dragged the war on to make our retreat prettier, it was still a retreat. We realised that we were not going to achieve our objectives and left. The soviets did the same with afghanistan.
Europe: I thought the EU was formed specifically to counter growing american economic might? I actually like the idea of Europe establishing a 'euro army', for the sake of providing a counter balance to growing influence of Russia and China and the U.S. However, that would cause a lot of problems as these nations have relied more on military alliances to cut defence spending and direct the surplus towards more social programs.
Instead, he continued to remain antagonistic with the U.S. all the way until the collapse of the U.S.S.R. Only then, with the Cuban economy in dire straits, he initiated rapprochement with the U.S.
Is China white? Is Saudi Arabia considered white as well? What about Indonesia? Why should it even be about race? Geopolitics have always revolved around power, soft power more and more often.
In regards to our police forces, its the same with any other countries. You will have professionals and you will have assholes. You will have lots of situations that are grey. We have to believe the legal experts and the jury can make sure justice is upheld. Race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have only caused more trouble.
Better question: Why should the U.S. weaken its international position simply to play fair? Would other nations play, fair, if the situation were reversed? Is it the responsibility of the U.S. to fix the problems of every nation? The west ddin't do enough during the Rwandan genocide and we took endless 'america hates the darkies', flak. America didn't intervene with Tibet and we got even more shit for it.
So the U.S. should piss off its allies or possibly get involved with much more wars as a 'global policeman', for absolutely no gain? Thats just foolish thinking.
Look, don't get me wrong, I AM acknowledging that the US has been dirty. I also acknowledge we get a lot of flak for it because our political rhetoric is extremely hypocritical. I acknowledge that the U.S. had its troubles with racism in the past. However, that was a different time. The cold war is OVER. The U.S. of Batistas time is no longer the same. Continued chanting of america is satan helps nothing.
I agree that Russia is only protecting its interests. However, if the mission of protecting those interests fails or leads to even more problems, it is the responsibility of Putin to come up with a non-military solution. We had our Vietnam. Although our politicians foolishly dragged the war on to make our retreat prettier, it was still a retreat. We realised that we were not going to achieve our objectives and left. The soviets did the same with afghanistan.
Europe: I thought the EU was formed specifically to counter growing american economic might? I actually like the idea of Europe establishing a 'euro army', for the sake of providing a counter balance to growing influence of Russia and China and the U.S. However, that would cause a lot of problems as these nations have relied more on military alliances to cut defence spending and direct the surplus towards more social programs.
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