i am currently searching for jobs and doing other things hopefully it will get released soon
companion armor can't be taken and i did this intentionally so they are not walking around naked. they always have a basic look to them and they will wear new armor or clothing only if they want to.
for weapons companions now use normal weapons and they use ammo just like you do. people specific unique weapons are pretty pointless to begin with since it makes no sense to have 10 versions of same weapon that is not an unique. for ex all 10mm pistols that are not unique are default 10mm pistol. sonora cruz is regular 10mm, butch regular 10mm etc. this makes it so anything weapon related works for all actors the same way. colonel autumn's 10mm pistol is unique, however.
all ppl specific unique weapons are are not playable and cannot be used by the player become default weapons . all ppl specific unique weapons that are playable and player can equip stay unique. all other unique weapons with unique name playable or not stay the same.
this makes everything much more simple and makes it so all bodies can be looted for their weapons.
i was thinking of making this script if you don't have power armor training all power armors get flagged as not playable so you can't loot dead bodies of their power armor until you learn power armor training. makes sense , right?
It completely makes sense not to be able to loot PA without PA training

Thank you!
On workbenches, if you try to make one of the *default* craft weapons and don't have everything to make it, nothing is displayed and it just goes back to the craft menu.
If you attempt to make a non-default weapon, such as a mine, then the message "You don't have all the necessary components." properly displays.
I gave my companions business suits but they just switch to using their default armor which is a little disappointing.
So I went into FO3edit and changed Followers Outfits to regular outfits so they can dress more sharply even if the armor value is lower than the "default" leather armor.
BTW I finally decided after playing 1~2 hours a day since the Economy Overhaul that the expensive weapon price changes are just too much -- to
my advantage.
I was making every scavenger and merchant in wasteland go
broke trying to buy all the guns I got off or raiders and Talon Co Mercs. I was going from Paradise Falls to Canterbury Commons to Rivet City to Megaton to Tenpenny Tower to Little Lamplight as well as meeting about 8 other wandering wasteland scavengers in a huge circuit around the wasteland. It was nuts because there were times I was
giving guns and armor away after buying everything they were carrying and they were still coming up short.
I could probably buy Tenpenny Tower at this point.
So I went into FO3edit and changed the weapons back to their default prices and then made some large church donations to offset the negative Karma I was getting from enslaving all the raiders living in the Fairfax Ruins.
Also, I changed the price of all raider armors to less than 10 caps each, except for the Badlands 'Armor' which just looks like an old set of hiking clothes I have. That's 10 caps.
Sadist Armor is 3 caps.
I've also reduced the DR of Raider Armors by half of their default since they are basically running around practically naked.
I wish I knew how to mod so I could add a "+1 unarmed & +1 melee skill" to the Painspike Armor. Those spikes look like they might cause a scratch if you get too close.
I'm glad repairs still cost a lot. It is turning out to be a good way to burn through caps and has given the Repair Skill importance. Or Barter skill, if you don't want to increase Repair.
Which Weapon Attribute in FO3edit correlates to projectile speed? Is it "rate of fire?"
I think all the thrown junk weapons need to be a little faster, especially the Throwing Spear.
BTW I added the throwing rocks and throwing baseballs to the Rock-it! Launcher ammo list because it seems to make sense that if I can fire "regular" baseballs it'd be likely to be able to shoot the throwing rocks and baseballs as well
Hope your job hunt is going well