Fallout 4 images leak

1. They don't look like 2009 because New Vegas came out in 2010 and looks way worse.

2. Look atthe new PS4 screenshots. They are nog compressed to JPG and then compressed by Imgur like the first pics and they look good.

It's a troll, But regardless, I find the graphics akin to that of blur textures in some cases. It feels like that sort of blurry damp fog you get when you're painting a portrait or something.

In any case, If they honestly gave more than two fucks about their own Intellectual Rights, they would have came up with something better in the four years of development time that it had. Bioware had roughly the sometime for Dragon Age inquisition and we had substantially better results. If you already fail at writing the least you could do is hire decent artist and programmers.... I think Divry university has better talent and sophistication than what i've seen on the fallout team so far.

DA:I better results? I don't know what DA you have been playing but the one I played certainly didn't look better than Fallout 4.
DA:I better results? I don't know what DA you have been playing but the one I played certainly didn't look better than Fallout 4.

Are you sure about that? That game was a boring singleplayer mmo with forced dialogue and flashy mmo armors/weapons but at least its visuals were ten times better. Im sure once the pc version of f4 comes out we can compare the two games better but Im still sure DAI will be better at visuals.

Also is it me or does F4 looks a bit too clean? Previous two games had a lot of clutter and not so useful items around to make the games look more alive, maybe they removed some of those for better performance on consoles.
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These new PS4 screenshots look 10 times better.

So the Spanish guy posted compressed pics with weird lightning..

Or maybe it's like FO3 and Skyrim where things in the middle distance look decent-to-good but up close and in the distance they look like in the previous screens. Noticed how in these screens you can't see really far?
If anyone knows spanish, here's a spanish forum where one guy got to play Fallout 4 and he's answering questions about the game: http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_fallout-4-10-de-noviembre_1953109_s2250

This is interesting:
Dificultades: Muy fácil, fácil, normal, difícil, muy difícil y supervivencia. Cambia que hacen más daño y resisten más y, a su vez, hay más probabilidad de que haya enemigos legendarios. Estos son enemigos que tienen una estrella al lado del nombre y son mucho más duros que el resto de su tipo y tienen probabilidad de soltar items legendarios (igualmente, tienen una estrellita al lado del nombre) que tienen propiedades "únicas" como, por ejemplo, un rifle láser con un 15% de probabilidad de crítico y que se rellenen los PA al hacer un crítico.
Difficulty levels: Very easy, easy, normal, difficult, very difficult and survival. What changes is the amount of damage that they can do and resist, at the same time, there's a higher change for legendary enemies to appear. These anemies have a star next to their names and are much tougher than the rest of their kind and they have a chance to drop legendary items (also with a star next to their names) that have "unique" properties, ex: a laser rifle with a 15% hcance to deal a critical hit and to fill the AP bar to deal a critical.
If anyone knows spanish, here's a spanish forum where one guy got to play Fallout 4 and he's answering questions about the game: http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_fallout-4-10-de-noviembre_1953109_s2250

This is interesting:
Dificultades: Muy fácil, fácil, normal, difícil, muy difícil y supervivencia. Cambia que hacen más daño y resisten más y, a su vez, hay más probabilidad de que haya enemigos legendarios. Estos son enemigos que tienen una estrella al lado del nombre y son mucho más duros que el resto de su tipo y tienen probabilidad de soltar items legendarios (igualmente, tienen una estrellita al lado del nombre) que tienen propiedades "únicas" como, por ejemplo, un rifle láser con un 15% de probabilidad de crítico y que se rellenen los PA al hacer un crítico.
Difficulty levels: Very easy, easy, normal, difficult, very difficult and survival. What changes is the amount of damage that they can do and resist, at the same time, there's a higher change for legendary enemies to appear. These anemies have a star next to their names and are much tougher than the rest of their kind and they have a chance to drop legendary items (also with a star next to their names) that have "unique" properties, ex: a laser rifle with a 15% hcance to deal a critical hit and to fill the AP bar to deal a critical.

WTF?! When did this become Borderlands?! :wtf: Oh... Right because that game was popular and we need to keep adding and ripping off more needless crap in order to pander and please everyone. Expect for those that care about lore and story.
Difficulty levels: Very easy, easy, normal, difficult, very difficult and survival. What changes is the amount of damage that they can do and resist, at the same time, there's a higher change for legendary enemies to appear. These anemies have a star next to their names and are much tougher than the rest of their kind and they have a chance to drop legendary items (also with a star next to their names) that have "unique" properties, ex: a laser rifle with a 15% hcance to deal a critical hit and to fill the AP bar to deal a critical.
Well, i didn't like this, random drops? Whaa:|
Man, Fallout 4 is shaping up to be a real treat.

Compare these two images:


Now, the first one looks pretty decent to me. It's not the best grafix evah but it ain't butt-ugly either.
Then we get to the 2nd one...

Funnily enough the first one look really bad to me instead. The weird "plastic" look of some elements, the flat lighting and lack of AO makes the scene weird and unnatural looking. The second one, while technically nothing to write home about, looks much more natural.

Difficulty levels: Very easy, easy, normal, difficult, very difficult and survival. What changes is the amount of damage that they can do and resist, at the same time, there's a higher change for legendary enemies to appear. These anemies have a star next to their names and are much tougher than the rest of their kind and they have a chance to drop legendary items (also with a star next to their names) that have "unique" properties, ex: a laser rifle with a 15% hcance to deal a critical hit and to fill the AP bar to deal a critical.

Ahahah, oh wow! I made peace with the fact that Fallout will never be an RPG again, but this leeching of features from what's successful, just wow. Where's my Dubstep Gun and Plasmids?
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Legendary Enemies drop unique weapons? How is it hard difficulty if the game gives you a chance to get good weapons early in the game, assuming they'll appear early.

ex: a laser rifle with a 15% hcance to deal a critical hit and to fill the AP bar to deal a critical.

I don't get this part. Does this mean weapons also have a chance to deal critical damage when the critical bar isn't filled up?
Might as well add vehicles, multiplayer, and micro-transactions. Calling it now for Fallout 5.
Game doesn't look amazing from what I saw, I think the only major improvement I see here is the skybox is now not just a filter. hoooooraay?
Even the bad screenshots most definetly still look completely different than Fallout 3.

All that's missing is a green tint yo.


  • Fallout4_20151031143514.png
    4.3 MB · Views: 845
Here's more:
Ojeando por encima Reddit, he visto mucha conjetura sobre el modo Supervivencia. Y es que, como a mí, el nombre lleva mucho a engaño. Por desgracia NO tiene nada que ver con el modo Hardcore de New Vegas y lo de comer y beber sigue sin ser nada "obligatorio". Eso sí, en todos los modos se ha eliminado lo de esperar donde se quiera para que pase el tiempo y curarnos. Ahora solo se puede esperar sentado en muebles y NO cura. Solo lo hace el dormir, ir a un médico o tomar estimulantes/comida, claro.
Browsing Reddit, I've seen a lot of speculation about Survivial difficulty. That name to me is quite misleading, unfortunately it has NOTHING to do with New Vegas Hardcore mode, so eating and drinking are still not "mandatory". But that said, they've removed the healing factor of waiting. Now you can only wait sitting on furniture (chairs problably) and it DOESN'T heal you. So you can only heal yourself by sleeping, going a doctor or taking stimpaks/food of course.
Now you can only wait sitting on furniture (chairs problably) and it DOESN'T heal you. So you can only heal yourself by sleeping, going a doctor or taking stimpaks/food of course.

Oh my. What a big improvement that is from Fallout 3's "Very Hard" difficulty.
It's pretty easy to write off all criticisim as "hate" when you are a fanboy. Much easier than actually fitting inside your head that what you like might have flaws...


For those of you not versed in spanish, it says press a button to continue, so hey, we have cutscenes now. Yay?

Also, people saying it runs "Smooth" because of the graphics... It's Locked at 30FPS, that isn't "smooth" specially on "next Gen" systems....

That's obviously the menu screen.
I Just don't understand why people think this looks worse than other games on PS4.

Well, here are some other open-world games running on PS4. Compare these to those screenshots we have. I think the difference is pretty clear but you can judge for yourself I suppose.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain (1080p/60fps)

Horizon: Zero Dawn (1080p/30fps)

Final Fantasy XV (1080p/variable 30fps as of Episode Duscae demo)

The Witcher 3 (1080p/30fps)