Full perk list:


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Found a full list of all perks:

Strength Strength is a measure of your raw physical power. It affects how much you can carry, and the damage of all melee attacks.

Iron Fist - Channel your chi to unleash devastating fury! Punching attacks do 20% more damage to your opponent. (5 Ranks)
Big Leagues - Swing for the fences! Do 20% more melee weapon damage. (5 Ranks)
Armorer - Protect yourself from the dangers of the Wasteland with access to base level and Rank 1 armor mods. (4 Ranks)
Blacksmith - Fire up the forge and gain access to base level and Rank 1 melee weapon mods. (3 Ranks)
Heavy Gunner - Thanks to practice and conditioning, heavy guns do 20% more damage. (5 Ranks)
Strong Back - What are you, part pack mule? Gain +25 to carry weight. (4 Ranks)
Stead Aim - Stay on target! Hip-fire accuracy is improved when firing any gun. (2 Ranks)
Basher - Get up close and personal! Gun bashing does 25% more damage. (4 Ranks)
Rooted - You're part tree! While standing still, you gain +25 Damage Resistance and your melee and unarmed attacks deal 25% more damage (3 Ranks)
Pain Train - Choo choo! All aboard! While wearing Power Armor, sprinting into enemies hurts and staggers them. (Robots and oversized enemies are immune to stagger.) (3 Ranks)

Perception: Perception is your environmental awareness and "sixth sense," and affects weapon accuracy in V.A.T.S.

Pickpocket - Your quick hands and sticky fingers make picking pockets 25% easier. (4 Ranks)
Rifleman - Keep your distance long and your kill-count high. Attacks with non-automatic rifles do 20% more damage. (5 Ranks)
Awareness - To defeat your enemies, you know their weaknesses! You can view a targets specific damage resistances in V.A.T.S. (1 Rank)
Locksmith - Your nimble fingers allow you to pick Advanced locks. (4 Ranks)
Demolition Expert - The bigger the boom, the better! Your explosives do 25% more damage, and you can craft explosives at any Chemistry Station. (4 Ranks)
Night Person - You are a creature of the night! Gain +2 to Intelligence and Perception between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (2 Ranks)
Refractor - You must be part mirror! Instantly gain +10 Energy Resistance. (5 Ranks)
Sniper - It's all about focus. You have improved control and can hold your breath longer when aiming with scopes. (3 Ranks)
Penetrator - There's no place to hide! In V.A.T.S. you can target an enemy's body parts that are blocked by cover, with a decrease in accuracy. (2 Ranks)
Concentrated Fire - Stay focused! In V.A.T.S. every attack on the same body part gains +10% accuracy. (3 Ranks)

Endurance: Endurance is a measure of your overall physical fitness. It affects your total Health and the Action Point drain from sprinting.

Toughness - You now have +20 Damage Resistance (5 Ranks)
Lead Belly - Your digestive tract has adjusted to the weirdness of the Wasteland! Take less radiation from eating or drinking. (3 Ranks)
Life Giver - You instantly gain another +20 maximum Health. (3 ranks)
Chem Resistant - All the rush without the hassle! You're 50% less likely to get addicted when consuming chems. (2 Ranks)
Aquaboy - Water is your ally. You no longer take radiation damage from swimming, and can breath underwater (2 Ranks)
Rad Resistant - Exposure to the Wasteland has made you more resilient, instantly granting +10 Radiation Resistance. (3 Ranks)
Adamantium Skeleton - Your skeleton has been infused with indestructible metal, reducing limb damage by 30% (3 Ranks)
Cannibal - Feast on mortal flesh to heal your wounds! Eating human corpses restores Health. (3 Ranks)
Ghoulish - Sure, you're still human - on the outside! Radiation now regenerates your lost Health. (3 Ranks)
Solar Powered - Catch some rays! Gain +2 to Strength and Endurance between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (3 Ranks)

Charisma: Charisma is your ability to charm and convince others. It affects your success to persuade in dialogue and prices when you barter.

Cap Collector - Buying and selling prices at vendors are now much better. (3 Ranks)
Lady Killer - You're charming... and dangerous. Women suffer +5% damage in combat, and are easier to persuade in dialogue. (3 Ranks)
Lone Wanderer - Who needs friends, anyway? When adventuring without a companion, you take 15% less damage and carry weight increases by 50. (3 Ranks)
Attack Dog - Your faithful canine companion can hold an enemy, giving you a greater chance to hit them in V.A.T.S. (3 Ranks)
Animal Friend - Commune with beasts! With your gun, aim at any animal below your level and gain a chance to pacify it. (3 Ranks)
Local Leader - As the ruler everyone turns to, you are able to establish supply lines between your workshop settlements. (2 Ranks)
Party Boy - Nobody has a good time like you! There's no chance you'll get addicted to alcohol. (3 Ranks)
Traditional - Because you lead by example, your companion does more damage in combat, and cannot hurt you. (3 Ranks)
Wasteland Whisperer - Master the post-apocalypse! With your gain, aim at any Wasteland creature below your level and gain a chance to pacify it. (3 Ranks)
Intimidation - Time to show everyone who's boss! With your gun, aim at any human opponent below your level and gain a chance to pacify them. (3 Ranks)

Intelligence: Intelligence is a measure of your overall mental acuity, and affects the numberof Experience Points earned.

V.A.N.S. - Let Vault-Tec guide you! The path to your closest quest target is displayed in V.A.T.S. (1 Ranks)
Medic - Stimpaks now restore 60% of lost Health, and RadAway removes 60% of radiation. (4 Ranks)
Gun Nut - Shoot first, kill first, with access to base level and Rank 1 gun mods. (4 Ranks)
Hacker - Knowledge of cutting-edg e computer encryption allows you to hack Advanced terminals. (4 Ranks)
Scrapper - Waste not, want not! You can salvage uncommon components like screws, aluminum, and copper when scrapping weapons and armor. (2 Ranks)
Science! - Take full advantage of advanced technology with access to base level and Rank 1 high-tech mods. (4 Ranks)
Chemist - Any chems you take last 50% longer. Far out. (4 Ranks)
Robotics Expert - Machines will always serve humans, if you have anything to say about it. Hack a robot, and gain a chance to power it on or off, or initiate a self-destruct. (3 Ranks)
Nuclear Physicist - You've learned to split the atom... and command it. Radiation weapons do 50% more damage and Fusion Cores last an extra 25% longer. (3 Ranks)
Nerd Rage - Genius. Is. ANGRY! When your Health drops below 20%, time slows and you gain +20 Damage Resistance and do 20% more damage while the effect lasts. (3 Ranks)

Agility: Agility is a measure of your overall finesse and reflexes. It affects the number of Action Points in V.A.T.S and your ability to sneak.

Gunslinger - Channel the spirit of the Old West! Non-automatic pistols do 20% more damage. (5 Ranks)
Commando - Your automatic weapons now do 40% more damage, and improved hip fire accuracy. (5 Ranks)
Sneak - Become whisper, become shadow. You are 20% harder to detect while sneaking. (5 Ranks)
Mister Sandman - As an agent of death itself, you can instantly kill a sleeping person. Your silenced weapons do an additional 15% sneak damage. (3 Ranks)
Action Boy - There's no time to waste! Your Action Points regenerate 25% faster. (2 Ranks)
Moving Target - They can't hurt what they can't hit! Get +25 Damage Resistance and +25 Energy Resistance when you're sprinting. (3 Ranks)
Ninja - Trained as a shadow warrior, your ranged sneak attacks do 2.5x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 4x normal damage. (3 Ranks)
Quick Hands - In combat, there's no time to hesitate. You can reload all guns faster. (2 Ranks)
Blitz - Find the gap and make the tackle! V.A.T.S. melee distance is increased significantly. (2 Ranks)
Gun-Fu - You've learned to apply ancient martial arts to gunplay! Do 25% more damage to your second V.A.T.S. taret and beyond. (3 Ranks)

Luck: Luck is a measure of your general good fortune, and affects the recharge rate of Critical Hits.

Fortune Finder - You find even more bottle caps in containers (3 Ranks)
Scrounger - You find even more ammunition in containers. (4 Ranks)
Bloody Mess - You now inflict +10% damage in combat. (4 Ranks)
Mysterious Stranger - Who is he? Why does he help? Who cares! The Mysterious Stranger will appear occasionally in V.A.T.S. to lend a hand, with deadly efficiency.. (3 Ranks)
Idiot Savant - You're not stupid! Just... different. Randomly receive 3x XP from any action, and the lower your intelligence, the greater the chance. (3 Ranks)
Better Criticals - Advanced training for enhanced combat effectiveness! Criticals do 50% more damage. (3 Ranks)
Critical Banker - You're a patient battlefield tactician, and can save a Critical Hit, to be used in V.A.T.S. when you need it most. (3 Ranks)
Grim Reaper's Sprint - Death becomes you! Any kill in V.A.T.S. has a 15% chance to restore all Action Points. (2 Ranks)
Four Leaf Clover - Feeling lucky? You should! Each hit in V.A.T.S. has a chance of filling your Critical meter. (5 Ranks)
Ricochet - What goes around comes around! An enemy's ranged attack will sometimes ricochet back and instantly kill them. The closer you are to death, the higher the chance. (3 Ranks)
Full Rank 1 Perk List might be more accurate. Though a lot of those you can infer what the other ranks SHOULD do.


  • tJGyOEN.jpg
    984.8 KB · Views: 3,292
Yea its a start, orcz has this list up as well, that may be where Kilus found it, either way thanks for sharing it.

Just remember not all the Perk ranks do the same thing within one given Perk. For example,

Gunslinger increases damage 20% Rank 1, but has other properties beyond just increasing the damage of pistols each rank. For example higher ranks of Gunslinger allow you to disarm enemies with a pistol, and cripple limbs. I cannot find the damn Bethesda blog that has the information I am referring to, but its a good read.

The list should be more then enough for us to finally be able to really plan out our character.
Did they not learn with Skyrim? This game is shaping up to be Skyrim with guns!

What is wrong with the system?

The lack of customization, classes and builds?

That is what I am trying to tell you guys, their is a lot more to the Perk Chart then shown.

Their is like two or three Perks within Gunslingers Ranks from previous Fallout games (F3/NV). If all we got was what we see now, I wouldn't touch Fallout 4, id be over, the series would done, the RPG elements canned, completely.
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Did they not learn with Skyrim? This game is shaping up to be Skyrim with guns!

What is wrong with the system?

The lack of customization, classes and builds?

That is what I am trying to tell you guys, their is a lot more to the Perk Chart then shown.

We know. It just doesn't matter because the variations are a joke.

Yea but what variations? Have they all been confirmed yet? Because I only know like 3, some of Gunslingers Ranks, and then Big Leagues which Bethesda showed off.
Did they not learn with Skyrim? This game is shaping up to be Skyrim with guns!

What is wrong with the system?

The lack of customization, classes and builds?

That is what I am trying to tell you guys, their is a lot more to the Perk Chart then shown.

We know. It just doesn't matter because the variations are a joke.

Yea but what variations? Have they all been confirmed yet? Because I only know like a couple.

I'm saying the ranks of the perks don't really matter. We know most of what we need to know to make a decent judgement call on this issue. They stripped much of the roleplaying out of this roleplaying game. Without traits and skills the perk/SPECIAL system is all that is left and the variations are more limited. Think about the level cap.
Almost everything?

So no substantive response. Ok.

Did they not learn with Skyrim? This game is shaping up to be Skyrim with guns!

What is wrong with the system?

The lack of customization, classes and builds?

What "build" do you want to do?

To not be "Super Mega Jesus Man/Women" who is the God of everything.

So. ..don't be? I'm still not sure I understand your concrete complaint about the system in place. Snark is fine, but not if you're actually trying to have a conversation about the merits/faults of something.
Almost everything?

So no substantive response. Ok.

Did they not learn with Skyrim? This game is shaping up to be Skyrim with guns!

What is wrong with the system?

The lack of customization, classes and builds?

What "build" do you want to do?

To not be "Super Mega Jesus Man/Women" who is the God of everything.

So. ..don't be? I'm still not sure I understand your concrete complaint about the system in place. Snark is fine, but not if you're actually trying to have a conversation about the merits/faults of something.

The old "make the game hard yourself" argument?
Almost everything?

So no substantive response. Ok.

Did they not learn with Skyrim? This game is shaping up to be Skyrim with guns!

What is wrong with the system?

The lack of customization, classes and builds?

What "build" do you want to do?

To not be "Super Mega Jesus Man/Women" who is the God of everything.

Yea but see you can't have a build like that until way later, I can imagine that would take a long time. Its not Fable 2 or 3.

Let me explain,

In Fallout 4 if you spread out all your SPECIAL points evenly you will have 4 in every SPECIAL at the start of the game. FAR less points, much lower SPECIAL then you start out with in previous games.

Ok so my first build looks like this,

S - 7
P - 4
E - 3
I - 5
C - 3
A - 4
L - 2

I am immediately putting 1 point into Perception at level 2 to grab Demolition Expert, next level grabbing Scrounger or Toughness, etc. You will find that your level will be high before your build is complete.

Do I like this system over previous Fallout games? Over Fallout 3 and New Vegas I do yes, but I prefer Fallout 1-2's Traits, Skills and Perks personally.
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Almost everything?

So no substantive response. Ok.

Did they not learn with Skyrim? This game is shaping up to be Skyrim with guns!

What is wrong with the system?

The lack of customization, classes and builds?

What "build" do you want to do?

To not be "Super Mega Jesus Man/Women" who is the God of everything.

So. ..don't be? I'm still not sure I understand your concrete complaint about the system in place. Snark is fine, but not if you're actually trying to have a conversation about the merits/faults of something.

Plus the lack of Perks and traits. I like to build my character a certain way but Beth took out a lot of that freedom. The perk tree is near identical to that of Skyrim's.
The old "make the game hard yourself" argument?

Again, not sure what you mean by this. They said they don't want to be "God of Everything". Supposing they know how long it would take to actually do that (and they don't) you are far more likely to reach the end of the game before you get anywhere close to such a build.

Plus the lack of Perks and traits. I like to build my character a certain way but Beth took out a lot of that freedom. The perk tree is near identical to that of Skyrim's.

You STILL haven't specified the kind of build you want. All you said what you DONT want to be, which isn't what was asked.