It Wandered In From the Wastes

Almost everything?
So no substantive response. Ok.
Did they not learn with Skyrim? This game is shaping up to be Skyrim with guns!
What is wrong with the system?
The lack of customization, classes and builds?
What "build" do you want to do?
To not be "Super Mega Jesus Man/Women" who is the God of everything.
So. ..don't be? I'm still not sure I understand your concrete complaint about the system in place. Snark is fine, but not if you're actually trying to have a conversation about the merits/faults of something.
Plus the lack of Perks and traits. I like to build my character a certain way but Beth took out a lot of that freedom. The perk tree is near identical to that of Skyrim's.
Yes it is similar but its not the same either.
In Skyrim you only leveled by Skills, their are no Skills in Fallout 4, just SPECIAL and Perks. You get XP the same way you got XP in Fallout 1, 2, 3, and NV. Its honestly more customizationable and gives you more options.
In Skyrim to get a specific build you had to grind certain skills up for the build. With Fallout 4's system you don't, you get XP the same way in previous Fallout games, but you have access to the Perks you want earlier on, and can invest in those Perks which also grant different properties.
Am I trying to tell you guys that its better then Fallout 1 and 2's system? Again no, we are missing Traits and Skills, Fallout 4 just has SPECIAL and Perks, but it is better then Skyrim's system.
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