It Wandered In From the Wastes

So? Than you get a small range increase, or damage from hitting more criticals. Is that real depth? Or is that just fake depth? Like in Skyrim. Cripling your enemy is hardly important in Fallout 3, at some point you will do so much damage and overpower everything that cripling shoots become uninteresting. Fallout 4 seems to be a very fast paced game. So unless the fight with every enemy is like 15-20 min. I doubt it will be really important in the long run. It's just what I think, but I feel there is a lot of fake depth in the system, because there is no real complex mechanic behind it as far as I can tell. Like different types of damage, immunities, cooldowns, special effects either trough stat boosts or negative effects on skills/stats.
Bethesda abandonded that kind of idea a long time ago and burried it with Morrowind. Which was the last game that actually had a lot of depth in the game mechanics. And no, I am not just talking about "why can't I hit this enemy in front of me!" because it had stats working in the background. I am talking of magical effects, of which some could be even permanent if the player didn't fix those in time! Which mad fighting certain enemies, even with higher leveled characters a challange. Or in turn, allowed the player to be very succesful if he knew the right spells.
But even if the Perks in Fallout 4 have some depth to it, it doesn't really change that pretty much all of the things you get in the game are combat related, either directly or indirectly.
Well I can't argue with that, I am just trying to say its more in depth then the leaked "Full List of Perks", because in actuality the Perk Chart is far from being fully revealed, unless more ranks got leaked and I missed it.
However yes, I understand, it is becoming more like Far Cry. It is basically Far Cry 4 in terms of character progression and customization.
No Morrowind is Bethesda's last true RPG, their is no question to be had with that.
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