Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

Well, a german let's play that lasted 2 seconds has confirmed:

No Ron Perlman narration.... amazing.... They want to put these generic sounding fucker even in the intro....

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

The hacking away at this IP never stops in this game.
So.... if Radiation decreases Max HP with every point of Rads.... What's theuse of the Ghoulish perk? You get Health from Radiation but it doesn't say that it removes the negative effects of it... So you gain health.... just as your Mx HP is getting lower and lower.... That sounds stupid. But if it does remove the negative effects of Radiation then What is the Rad Resistant Perk even good for?
Because they didn't bother to make sure that perks worked together and instead just mashed up a bunch of boosts with no regard to how they interplayed with each other.
Well, they do have that perk on the Luck ladder that gives you a random chance of earning extra XP, with increasing odds if you have low intelligence.

You know, the intelligence stat that boosts your overall XP gain regardless of random chance.



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What about Solar Powered? It gives you +2 on endurance during the day.... And you need to have Max Endurance to get it....