This ghoul has seen it all

Can I cop feel on Female Feral Ghouls?
"Can I feed ghouls?"
Hear, hear.Can i refuse a quest?
*That robot P.A.M even says "It's not important when you do the quest so i don't take no as an answer, here uptated your journal" when i said no. It's feels like getting raped: "No, please no, i don't wan't that in my pip-boy..."
"Can I join raiders?"
My dream response is "I just helped them 3 times this week! Am I the only minuteman!? Let them sort their own shit out today!"I had the same problem with Preston.
Just mentioning settlements in trouble.
I really, really, really wanted to say:
"Well, sucks to be them. But I've got my settlement here, I'm comfy. I saved you because I got something out of it, but I honestly don't care about some farmers at the other end of the map. No, I said no. NO ! DONT TOUCH MAH PIPBOY!"