Boost Your Ego - What do you think of other NMAers thread

Truth is there are no people who've reached adulthood without either one big or a few minor personality traits that are negative in some way. I've also found the "best" people have exaggerated personalities that make them intensely good in some ways and terrible in others, but they appear great, because they've learned to avoid situations that require what they can't do well.
I think we are mostly sane, but I say that in a serious and non-jokey manner, which... in the end is boring. Like... there are some seriously wacko people out there, like... one neighbor I had who knocked on my door intensely one day, after a long habit of banging on my door for whatever cause (I had, in turn, never knocked on his)
he only wanted to tell me that he did not appreciate me knocking on his door so much <---he was not joking. I swear. He had mentioned before, sounds he would hear, at night, that he was sure came from me tapping on his window.

I digress

But you are all perfectly sane. You are weird yes, a bunch of you are probably undiagnosed autists as well. I can say that right? It's like when gays can say "fag", I can accuse people of autism.
I'm going off-topic here, but why the hell is this forrum called No Mutants Allowed? Why the hate towards the mutant?

Xenophobic assholes.

No Sanity Allowed would be a better name.
I'm going off-topic here, but why the hell is this forrum called No Mutants Allowed? Why the hate towards the mutant?

Xenophobic assholes.

No Sanity Allowed would be a better name.

Because this forum is for the pure-blood homo sapiens ubermensch, you filthy mutant-loving piece of untermensch shit.
Wir mussen die Supermutanten ausrotten!

I guess you gotta ask Miroslav that. He found this place after all, but I never actually met the guy. AFAIK he hasn't logged in for ages now. At least I've never seen him for the past 5 or so years I've been a member, nor do I recall seeing him while I was a lurker.
But I think it's kinda obvious why, I mean, Supermutants being the antagonists of original Fallout.

What personally always interested me was what does the cryptic "We were here before the fall..." mean. What is the "fall"? Cancellation of Van Buren? Selling of Fallout IP? I know it doesn't relate to FO3 since the quote is older than that.
Fall of...the Master?
What personally always interested me was what does the cryptic "We were here before the fall..." mean. What is the "fall"? Cancellation of Van Buren? Selling of Fallout IP? I know it doesn't relate to FO3 since the quote is older than that.
Fall of...the Master?

While I doubt it's actually the reason, there are the purists who consider FO2 a fall. I met one, he treated me like we treat FO3 fans years later. It was weird :D
And I had to sit there and defend FO2, like it was some utter prostitution, I found myself defending the Temple of Trials tutorial "b-but... it was fun... ants? D:" the knights of the whatever, holy handgrenade, "f-fun? D:"
While I doubt it's actually the reason, there are the purists who consider FO2 a fall. I met one, he treated me like we treat FO3 fans years later. It was weird :D
And I had to sit there and defend FO2, like it was some utter prostitution, I found myself defending the Temple of Trials tutorial "b-but... it was fun... ants? D:" the knights of the whatever, holy handgrenade, "f-fun? D:"

Yeah, I know about those folks, though they are rare. I can imagine one's frustration when FO2 was released. A buggy, underdeveloped, severely cut game with such a godawful intro sequence, I would probably hate it too.
The change in tone and themes is cherry on top.
AFAIK, lots of old fans initially hated on FO2 or at least considered it a lackluster sequel, it was only later after patching/modding that it got full love. Don't quote me on that though.

Still, I doubt the "fall" relates to Fallout 2.
I've discussed mostly with folks like Zegh, Walpknut and some others, cool folks. Very little aggro here as opposed to some other boards I visit. A lot of folks with good taste and who read good books, listen to interesting music, etc.
Hey you told me to boost my Ego.

In any case:
Toront Rayne is a cool guy, even when we don't fully agree he is good for a discussion/talk.
Alec, I find his attitude like an evolved form of mine, so I look up to the guy. I also like his art.
Akratus is kind of awakward, specially when the discussion is about femenism but he is otherwise cool.
Atomkilla has that cool 90's Vault Dweller avatar so that makes him cool too.
Dr Fallout could use a chill pill now and then.
Zegh is cool and he has a similar mindset to me on some very specific topics.
Crni Vuk is cool if a little emotional at times.

Those are the ones I talk to the most.