Boost Your Ego - What do you think of other NMAers thread

Remember guys, a winky-smiley goes a long way to help signalling jokes or sarcasm (as well as bro-love)
No mentions for Earth? Guess that's what I get for avoiding the General Discussion Forum like the plague.

First honourable mention has to go to @Tagaziel. I would not have discovered NMA all those years ago (joined in 2013, lurked since 2011) if it hadn't been for his wonderful criticisms of Fallout 3 on the Fallout wiki and other sites.

I don't really care for asskissing, so I'll throw a few names out to people who've managed to win my pretentious, dry-humoured attention.
@Crni Vuk

There's a few others but I'm struggling to remember their names, or how to spell them.
You guys are the only forum people I can tolerate for more than two successive hours.
Tagz and Ausir brought me here from the pre split Vault wikia. So it was because of interactions with them that got me to lurk and eventually post.

You people with your "intelligent" opinions and "independent" thought. This is why I hate free speech. If I ran a country, people like NMAers will be the first to get executed, because your free will and functional minds offend me.

Anyways! @Korin for wit, dedication, and being the least I-will-murder-you out of you lot. @Crni Vuk for wit, sarcasm and cynicism - also for probably being the reason why I stayed on NMA after my cringeworthy first post. All the rest for being pricks that I wish I could throttle to death for having different opinions, probably because said opinions give me entertainment. :nod: :-D
Eh, who cares, half of the time I forget what I post, so I don't even know what in your post, or why it was cringeworthy *shrugs*
Welcome to NMA! Cynism is actually our daily drug here. Did no one tell you that?
Anyway. I love you all! :D
Zegh is a person of almost incalulable wisdom and charisma. A beacon of light in a dark world. A giant in a world of pygmies. A man of pure vision, in the land of the blind.

Or maybe slightly more realistically, he's a friend, and nice guy, who recommended this site to me:dance:
Zegh is a person of almost incalulable wisdom and charisma. A beacon of light in a dark world. A giant in a world of pygmies. A man of pure vision, in the land of the blind.

Or maybe slightly more realistically, he's a friend, and nice guy, who recommended this site to me:dance:

Oh hi! :D
Crni Vuk is cool too, so is Atomkilla, Hassknecht, Toront, etc. The oldtimers, the 'lifers' to use a military term. :D Or 'the active ones', since they post so much insightful stuff here. No seriously you guys are cool. Even Sander is cool although he gave me a short ban.
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@Dr Fallout You all right in my book man. You contribute a lot to discussions and if I want a good opinion on any topic I'd come to you
@Walpknut You're a good critic when it comes to laying it on Bethesda and I think when I first came here your posts kinda opened my eyes to them. So thanks.
@Hassknecht You're kinda like Dr Fallout in some regards. But politics wise I think you have slammed down the most and for a good political opinion I'd come to you. Dankah, du bist toll freund
I miss the old timers as well. BN, Ozrat, Rosh, Welsh, Sander, others whos name I cannot remember.

Edited because some posters previsuly mentioned are still posting.

This site will always be my refuge in the darkness. When the whole world around me had no idea Fallout was getting pimped out, and called me crazy, NMA understood me.
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Wow this thread looks like it became a thread oTO :lmao:.
Well I am too tired and don't have enough time to say stuff about particular members but I pretty much like to read and comment on posts from pretty everyone that already posted here.

Also since when do NMAers need to boost their ego? they are the best and should know it by now :postviper:.