Morrowind Should not be remade and this video illustrates why in a much better way then I can.
Like that video says about Skywind is exactly what I say about a remastered Morrowind and why it is in my first list.
Just fix bugs, give it the engine it deserves (make it run better on newer hardware by removing some limits it had to have back in the day, make the engine be less clunky in some areas, give it better creature skeletons, make controls and some animations less clunky, allow higher distant objects/creatures/land visibility without external patches, improved FPS on some newer OS/Hardware for example), better lighting, make it so the rain does not fall through roofs like they weren't there (still happens today in newer Bethesda games

) get better modding tools for it (the creator kit is totally outdated and could be made much better these days) give it higher resolution textures (not meaning totally different ones, the same but higher resolution), allow it to play at high resolution monitors without external patches, etc. Do not change combat, do not change music, do not change maps, do not change magic or spells, do not change quests, do not change items, do not change the voices, do not change the dialogues, do not change the architecture style of buildings, do not change the classes, do not change the skills, do not change the gameplay, etc.
In sum make it use the advanced technology and software we have access these days and fix some bugs that still exist, only.
I am sure even with a remastered version like this I would always go back and play the older one when I feel nostalgic about the "magic" of the original, even the bugs and clunkiness have their own charm.
Morrowind is my favorite Bethesda game, I only dared playing Fallout 3 because of Morrowind and I still have it installed on my computer and play it to this day (it was one of the maybe 3 games I brought with me when I moved to the other side of the world and I also went and got it on, it is really one of my favorite games for PC), and I am also against making a remaster of it where it loses it's essence like that video says.
That is why I made two lists, the first for remastered games that should keep the same "essence" and the second list for games that could use a more "aggressive" remastered version.
It's like when some people say "I would love a Fallout New Vegas using Fallout 4 engine" and I go "Hell no! I rather have a remastered Fallout New Vegas where it just uses an updated engine (updated engine =/= Fallout 4 engine), fixes bugs, gets rid of the 32bit architecture, higher textures, some animations and creature skeleton fixes, better LOD, better AI, maybe open the separate areas like The Strip and Boulder City, etc but keeps everything else the same. Keep the gameplay, soul and essence of the game the same".