Why would you play Fallout 3 today?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
To be honest I really don't know. To me it's just setting and the occasional good thing in Fallout 3. Setting wise being on the East Coast and having been to D.C. It kinda reminds me of home when I play it or think about it. But other than that the game is total bollocks. Wouldn't really play it for any other reason than the fact I was bored. What are your reasons?
For me, probably trying to relive those feelings of the first time playing a 'Fallout' game. Back then, completely ignorant of what a Fallout game is, I only knew from memes and stuff like that (how Deathclaw Sanctuary are scary, Deathclaws will tear you apart, unique-looking T-45 Power Armor). There was that feeling of discovering wonder the very first time I played Fallout 3, completely ignorant of Fallout 1, 2, and even New Vegas. Now, though, having played the originals, New Vegas, and other cRPGs, I just can't be bothered anymore. Except maybe trying the newest version of TTW and all the TTW-converted mods from Fallout 3 mods that's cool-looking to make the Capital Wasteland at least bearable in comparison to the Mojave Wasteland.
I wouldn't. If I wanted to play I Fallout games a good World characters and story I play New Vegas. if for some ungodly reason I want to play a s***** shooter set Fallout world I play Fallout 4. no, Id probably still just play new Vegas.
Some times after eating Taco Bell I feel like I'm playing Fallout 3, but then I look at my surroundings in the Taco Bell bathroom and I am reminded that I just suffered from a fiery hot bout of diarrhea. Does that count as playing Fallout 3?
Because of nostalgia and mods. If Mothership Zeta Crew ever got updated after all these years I couldn't resist going back and checking it out.

Or like because Steve Harvey said if I was going to write a long essay on why the game is shit I'd have to boot it up and film some examples.
Atmosphere, mostly, and to appreciate some of the really good art direction. I think they really nailed the architecture.
But that and some of the more decent quests and factions (like Reilly's Rangers, who are criminally underdeveloped) are not enough to get me past all the terribleness the game has to offer.
To do a nearly 2 hour review.
Where's your Fallout 4 v NV comparison review?

Back to topic.
I wouldn't. Like with the rest of TES bullshit series, I'll go check wiki for notes from the past which game's only catchy thing, exploring the past through notes. The art design was looked in it's entierity in past playthroughs.
New Vegas has more nostalgic value since it's second game that hooked me into Fallout.
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I did not re-install FO3 to this or my previous computer. It's history. Good riddance too.
I replay FO-NV these very days.

FO4, I played it 2-3 times in quick succession when I bought it, but nothing tempts me to go back to it now that I'm pretty confident that I have explored what the game has to offer. I have absolutely no curiousity - whatsoever - regarding the DLCs.
Run you'll get crucified for saying that here
Look at all of the crucifixion going on. No one gives a shit if someone likes a game that most of us here think is vomit trash. Just when it is trying to be passed off as better...or an RPG...or Fallout.
Time for a serious answer.

Q: Why would I play fallout 3 today?
A: that intro video is kickass.

I dont know what id do after that though...
Probably ignore the game and listen to Galaxy News Radio.
Can't figure out a single reason why I'd replay that sorry excuse of a game. I can still remember the hollow experience and all the disappointment from ~8 years ago. Not worth it.

Some games grow a bit of nostalgia along the years that makes revisiting fun on a certain level even if the original experience wasn't really diamond, but Fallout 3 does not.