It is Donald Trump's Brother, check the Zenimax Media About page, the last name in the Board of Directors section:I don't think that is true. I haven't seen anything that links Trump to ZeniMax nor does it say he has a brother. The name could be a coincidence. Its not like Trump is an uncommon last name. Anyway, back on topic about Bethesda shitting in the face of their bread and butter and the entitlement of console kiddies.
While Trump is not an uncommon last name, there is only one Robert S. Trump that is president of Trump Management, Inc. (which is Donald Trump's brother).Board of Directors
Robert A. Altman
Chairman & CEO
Ernest Del
Jerry Bruckheimer
Jerry Bruckheimer Films
Michael Dominguez
Managing Director, Providence Equity Partners Inc.
Leslie Moonves
President & CEO, CBS Corporation
Cal Ripken, Jr.
President & CEO, Ripken Baseball, Inc.
Harry E. Sloan
Chairman and CEO, Global Eagle Holdings, LLC
Robert S. Trump
President, Trump Management, Inc.
About the traffic, it is definitely clear that Bethesda is totally ignoring PC players. This "announcement" was made so console players feel special (Look at us! We beat PC players, we are the best!).
Another thing is that this "announcement" is made containing the truth distorted by omission, which means they said it in a way that makes people who read it think that PC mods are not popular and console players are the majority of mod downloaders, because even though it only means downloads/access from/to it doesn't account for the other big mod sites that PC players have been using since Fallout 3 (or even before that).
So again Bethesda is ignoring the fact that there are others doing what Bethesda wants to do for longer and way better than they are, and just brag about how great what they do is, even if it is mediocre at best.

It is also to show that most PC players know quite well that sucks for mods and get theirs from the other sites, specially because even before the Creation Kit was released, the Nexus already had thousands of mods being downloaded thousands of times

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